SCP-049 x SCP!Kenku!Reader ~ Two Birds On A Wire

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(Requested By Mr--Wendigo)

Your golden, piercing eye stared at the guard intensely, making him shrink in fear. Although you couldn't reach him because of your chains, you could still scare him. That comforted you a little.

The Foundation had received news of a bird-like creature roaming the Amazon forest, which, according to a hiker, was very tall, sentient and hostile. It had took his friend, who had accompanied him on a hike, and dragged him away while the hiker ran for his life. There, the Foundation found you, a young Kenku, standing over the hiker's dead friend. You weren't a typical Kenku, with russet-brown feathers. No, you were an albino with striking golden eyes.

It took a long struggle to get you into containment because of your unwillingness, resulting in three deaths and one severely injured guard. That had caused you to be immediately classified as Keter, which proved true since you were constantly causing small breaches and stealing the keycards of staff.

You'd been there ever since.

Today, they had taken you out of your cell. You didn't know why, but had a few guesses about it. Being bored, you decided to take advantage of the other guards' ignorance and stared down the other ones. They were not expecting that and acted suprised or fearful. Eventually, you left them alone.

Due to you growing up in the facility, you had been "eased" out of your hostileness, but you still enjoyed harming personnel that ticked you off. You decided to co-operate and stayed still while they unlocked your chains, pushing you into the room right after. You made an annoyed clicking sound, mostly because there was nothing to play with in the pristine white room. At least they provided some animal toys that you could rip apart and sleep with in your cell. Though, you were grateful for the colour of the room. For one, it blended in with your feathers, which assured that whatever came in wouldn't see you coming.

You used your sharp talons to claw into the wall of the room, effectively making small holes that you could fit your claws into. Repeating the process numerous times, you reached the roof of the room. Then, you clawed away the paint and outer material, revealing rock. You easily scraped two connecting holes into the stone, taking off one of your golden bracelets from your wrist and fitting it in the hole. Testing its strength out a few times, when you were absolutely sure it would hold, you swung onto your makeshift handle with your front claws. Then, you flipped yourself upside down, catching the golden handle with your hind feet. You chirped, happy at your creation, and wrapped your arms around yourself. (A/n : your arms still have white feathers, like wings, but you can't fly. It only helps to slow down falling or short-term gliding across trees. Only your hands have talons.)

Not even a minute later, the door reopened again. Your eyes travelled to the door, where a black-robed figure walked in, wearing a porcelain mask that looked like a beak. You tilted your head curiously but was wary of the newcomer.

He turned around, observing the area. When he noticed the cracks in the wall, you quickly jumped, landing on the floor silently. You observed him, noting that he was quite tall.

Mimicking a whirring sound, you alerted him of your presence. He turned around quickly, spotting your looming figure and stepped back. For an 8-year-old Kenku, you weren't happy with your current height. It was slightly below average for Kenkus at your age and allowed you to be at a slight disadvantage when it came to intimidating enemies. You were still taller than him by an inch, though.

When he spun around it gave you a chance to perceive his bright blue eyes and gloved hands, which made you suspicious of what he could do.

"Hello, " he greeted, somewhat coldly, not letting his guard down. You still didn't trust him and his intent, which made you mimic a snake's hiss, your intelligent eyes narrowing.

He stiffened at your actions but stayed still. He seemed shocked at first but became unfazed, by the way his eyes widened.

"SCP-049, " said a voice from the speaker. Your eyes remained focused on SCP-049, what you presumed to be his name. "Approach (SCP/N). Kenki, " the researcher speaking raised his voice in a stern way when he said your nickname. "Do not attack. You hear me? "

You raised your head to the observing area, where the researcher was giving you the "I dare you to do it" face. Luckily for him, you were in one of your good moods and listened for once.

When you turned your head to 049, he was still looking at you icily. Instead of glaring back at him, you did something else.

"0...049?" you tried to copy what the researcher said, but put it in 049's voice. It was hard to do but you managed to say it out.

"SCP-049," you mimicked more confidently. You looked to 049 for approval, who looked confused. Then you made a tiger cub's mewl to ease the tension.

049 stepped up to you slowly. You tilted your head at him.

Then, he reached out and pet your head. You chirped in surprise and ducked, causing him to pull back his hand.

"Oh, my bad, " he apologised.

"It's okay, " you mimicked a female researcher's voice that you had heard before. At his surprised expression, you continued, "I can mimic sounds. "

All the vocalations you made were derived from different people's voices that you had stored in your mind over your time in the Amazon forest and the Foundation. You were proud to say that you were an expert at both modifying and mimicking sounds, whether it be speech or an animal's.

"Oh, " he said.

You used your talons to gesture something. He caught wind of it.

"My touch is lethal to humans. Though I don't know if it would work on a humanoid such as yourself, " 049 explained.

You nodded slowly, registering what he said. After a few seconds, you stepped to his side and gripped his arm firmly with your talons.

"What are you - "

Swiftly, you pulled off his glove and snatched his exposed hand, clucking softly when nothing happened.

"See, " you tried your best to make your voice go up and down in a "I told you so" type of tone. It worked for the most part.

049 said nothing. You let go of his arm, still holding his glove.

Looking at the researcher dead in the eye, you prepared a sentence you'd been waiting very long for the right moment to say.

"I think I broke him. "


1141 words

Second part coming soon, this one was really good to write.

Thanks to Wendi for the wonderful, creative suggestion, hope you get better soon with that sickness of yours.

"I sense the pestilence in you - "

"No. Just no. Shoo, 049, they don't need curing. "

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