SCP-1233 x Scientist!Reader ~ I Am Moon Champion!

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(Requested by GalaxyLynxie)
Don't know much about him but I already love him <3

Looking about in the cold weather, you shivered and tucked your hands deep into your pockets, cursing under your breath about the weather forecast lying about the weather. They said it was going to be at least 0 degrees celsius, not minus ten degrees!

Oh, and I forgot to mention that you were on an expedition to SCP-096's supposed natural habitat. There was an Inuit group nearby, too, but they were setting off soon. The lead researcher got into a heated argument with them, although they didn't understand each other's language much, they still kept shouting at each other until he stormed away.

There wasn't much to do here, it was just trekking and mostly searching for possible leads on how SCP-096 could have originated. The Inuit stared at your group as though you guys were mad, using detectors and all kinds of gadgets on snow. They didn't understand what you guys were doing and didn't bother to find out, much to your relief.

As the group was about to move on, a... fireball appeared in the sky and was quickly heading towards the mountains. Upon contact, an explosion of snow and rock erupted and caused a massive snow avalanche. The "fireball" however, was actually an object, a creature in fact, which freed itself from the hole it was stuck inside. From your point of view, he looked like a grey blob that was extremely hard to distinguish against all the snow. Then, it stumbled out and slid down the mountain like a skier, landing oh-so spectacularly near the Inuit, face-planting down into the snow.

The creature, which was wearing a suit similar to that of an astronaut's, got up and introduced himself to the nearest Inuk(you thought so because he bowed down in greeting), which was a child. The child screamed and ran to another Inuk, babbling in another language. The astronaut, which was what you decided to call it, spotted your group and started advancing towards you. You looked at the rest with a look of "help me", but the other members shook their heads and took a step back. Face-palming, it took all your willpower not to run away when the astronaut reached you.

"Greetings, earthling! I am Moon Champion, Champion of the Moon, I protect the Moon Kingdom and destroy all evil that pose a threat to my home. I see that your planet is rich in needed resources and you have a booming population of earthlings, so I propose a deal. If you allow me to take back a few earthlings to help defend the Moon Kingdom from the Moon Monsters, we will provide you with help whenever shall you need it. So, will we come to an agreement? " the astronaut had a male voice, his speech was very fast, so you could only barely understand what he was saying. He stuck out his hand, waiting for you to shake it.

"Well, erm, M-Moon Champion, " you stuttered, internally face-palming. Your group certainly wasn't going to help you any time soon, so you might as well stall time for them to come up with a plan, which you hoped that that was what they were doing. "You see, our, er, population consists of children, adults and the elderly, and we cannot afford to lose them. It is crucial that the children must stay as they are our future, the adults are doing their respective jobs to keep society as it is and the elderly deserve to rest after serving us after all these years. However, there are some adults that might be willing accompany you to the Moon Kingdom to help, but the problem is, society is far away from here and it would take a long time to reach it. We could show you how to get there and encourage citizens to aid your Kingdom in battle, if you'd allow us to. "

It was hard coming up with all those things on the spot but you managed to make it sound as realistic as possible without contradicting yourself in the process. The astronuat withdrew his hand and looked back at the Inuits, who were huddling together, watching him fearfully.

"Ah, of course. But we must hurry, time is of the essence, my home is in danger! " he exclaimed, marching past you to the helicopter that your group had used to get here. You let out a sigh of relief, your breath coming into contact with the cold air and condensing into mist, subsequently fading away until you could no longer see it. The other doctors and researchers whispered to each other and the lead researcher approached the astronaut, after keeping a walkie-talkie that he was talking to in a pocket. Luckily, they had decided to abandon your original reason for being there and instead agreed to "help" the astronaut, when in actual fact they were going to bring it to the Foundation.

As everyone proceeded towards the helicopter, you followed closely behind, watching the astronaut, who was examining somebody's phone, trying to "make the screen light up like just now".

Sighing, you ran ahead of everyone to help him turn it on.


884 words
I planned to finish all the requests this weekend, but unfortunately life decided to be unfair and cursed me with an eye infection, a runny nose, a voice that refuses to make any sound other than hoarse talking and constant choking on phlegm. Sorry to the other requesters, I'll try to work on your oneshots as much as possible.

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