SCP-096 x Schizophrenic!D-Class!Reader ~ Voices?

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(Requested by EvilFlowersBlooming)

Being a person affected by schizophrenia, life wasn't the best for you.

Especially not after you were "accepted" into the Foundation.

It was all because of the stupid voices. They would tell you what to do, distort your hearing, sight and thinking. They never left you alone. And they just decided that one day, they had to ruin your life.

It started with the simple "listen to me". Then your vision started to shake, and everyone around you were either black figures or had multiple limbs. It scared you, so you picked up a bat in case they tried to hurt you.

They did.

A creature with many eyes stumbled over to you, garbling words that seemed vaguely familiar. Its eyes flickered to you, watching you, which made you shrink back and grip your bat tightly. Speaking more incoherent words, it tried to grab your hand, and on impulse, you swung your bat as hard as you could, hitting the creature right in the head. It stumbled back, shouting words to you and the other creatures. This attracted the attention of the others, so they gathered around, trying to grab at you, too.

You didn't know what to do.

So, for once, you listened to the voices.

That was the worst mistake you'd ever made.

When it was over, your hands were coated in blood, your clothes splattered with the liquid. The police handcuffed you and set you in for questioning, but you were so shaken up that no words came out of your mouth.

They transported you to the Foundation a few days after you had been set on death row, so there you were, lying in your cell, with nothing but the voices to accompany you.

At times, they were helpful, really, but they didn't seem to do so in a "nice" way.

How relieved you were when the door to your cell opened, making the voices pause.

"(D-Class number), follow us. And don't try anything stupid, " the guard instructed. Eagerly, you jumped up from your sorry excuse of a bed and caught up with the guards, who were already moving. The one at the back stood aside to allow you to pass, an action that you thanked him for. A gruff nod was his response, but it did good enough for you.

After what seemed like hours of walking, the guard in the front stopped abruptly, almost causing you to crash into him. Luckily, you stopped yourself just in time and muttered a soft apology.

While the leading guard entered a seperate room from the containment cell you were currently standing in front of, that gave you time to inspect the picture on the wall.

Object Class : Euclid

The picture below showed a creature with white skin stretched taut over its body, its back facing you. It looked malnourished, if not, incredibly skinny. You were still viewing it when the second guard told you to go inside. Hesitantly, you entered the chamber and was told to close your eyes.

Unfortunately, that was when the voices came back.

"Open your eyes, " one of then hissed in your ear.

"Don't you want to see what that creature was? " another asked tauntingly.

"No... go away, " you muttered, cupping your ears to try to block out their annoying speech. Why did they have to come at such a crucial time? Your face was scrunched up in concentration, trying your best not to give in to the voices' suggestions. Trying to focus on something else, you heard a small wimper and barely audible sobbing from somewhere in the room.

You tried to get up but the loud sounds that you were making made you flinch and scramble into a sitting position. If whatever was in the room with you hadn't heard you then, it surely would've heard you now. Sure enough, the sobbing gradually stopped and shuffling sounds were heard from where the sobbing came from. You didn't realise that the voices had stopped until a wave of nausea washed over you, disorienting your hearing and making you sway. The sickening feeling caused your eyes to snap open, and you suddenly felt like you were floating. Not being able to think straight didn't help at all.

On the other hand, the curious SCP sitting in the corner was no longer emitting sounds that displayed sorrow or sadness, but was getting distressed at the sight of the female in front of him. She was on all fours, looking dazed and scared. In a moment of confusion, her eyes travelled to the SCP, widening, before passing out.

The poor SCP didn't know what to do, she viewed his face but he didn't feel an urge to kill her. By now, with others, he would've already torn off the limbs of his victim, but she was still living and breathing?

Doing the most instinctive thing he could think of, the SCP approached the female on the floor, picking up her hand and trying to feel for her pulse. He was unsure if she was still alive, but the weak vibration answered him question.

After a few seconds of debating, he sat down beside her to make sure that nothing else would happen to her.

Let's just say that when the guards opened up the door to take you away, there was a rampage.


894 words
So sorry if this isn't what you wanted!

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