SCP-529(Josie) x Cat!Male!Reader ~ Together Furever

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(I found out about Josie a few months back and fell in love with her uwu she's so cute and cuddly and acts like mah actual irl cat :3333)

You placed your paws lightly onto the grass, careful not to disturb any leaves or crunchy vegetation that would give you away. The mouse was right there, nibbling on a nut, it didn't even stop to listen for danger, just kept on biting at it. You were ravenous, winter had been a bad season for you and you had barely been able to survive.

Your long, black tail swaying ominously, you pushed yourself off, pouncing onto your unsuspecting prey. It squeaked loudly, but not before you killed it off with a bite to the cranium. You lifted up your head high, with the plump mouse swinging in your jaws. The mouse was one of the best that you had ever caught, it was juicy and fat, rich in calories. It would last you for the day, or possible even until tomorrow morning.

Setting it down, you began to dig into the mouse. Once you were done, you cleaned your blood-soaked whiskers and licked your jaws clean, savouring the tasty meal. But alas, you had to move on to another area. Winter had made most of your prey hide in their burrows, and it was clear they weren't coming out any time soon.

You ducked past a undergrowth, smacking and swiping leaves out of your face. You reached a open area, with what looked to be a mostly white building with different shades of grey. There was a sign, saying something that you didn't understand. Assuming it to be human territory, you wandered around the building, searching for a possible temporary den that you could make. Your eyes landed on a mouse hole, a very big one. It could, maybe, even fit you inside!

You yowled and jumped when lightning flashed through the sky, followed by rumbling thunder. You hissed at what humans would call this type of weather "raining cats and dogs ".

Deciding to take the risk, you scampered into the hole. Surprisingly, it was bigger than you thought once inside. Turning at random spots, you ended up in a much bigger, white open space. You could scent many things, most of them reeked of the smell of humans.

A paw came your way and you shrank back, snarling at your attacker. It turned out to be a grey tabby she-cat, looking at you with curious yet hostile eyes. She seemed to be missing the lower half of her body, but walked just fine. You sniffed her cautiously, concluding that she was no threat to you.

You purred contently, having found a feline friend after days of solitary. She purred back, washing her paw.

"What's your name? " you asked her, trying to seem polite.

"Josie. Yours? " she replied.

"(Y/N). " you said as you sat down and copied Josie's movements.

"Nice to meet you. It's been a while since I've seen another cat. " she recalled. I looked at her, confused.

"Don't they let you out sometimes? "

"No... But they're good enough to let me roam the facility, " Josie said with a hint of disappointment.

"Oh. Sorry then. "

"No, it's okay. Are you staying? " she asked hopefully.

"Why? "

"It's just that it would be nice if you stuck around for a while, nobody ever understands me and it's kind of frustrating at times.., " she sighed tiredly as her ears dropped slightly.

You thought about it. "I can stay. " you meowed. Josie's eyes brightened and she purred loudly.

"Thank you! "

You and Josie became the best of friends, chatting together and going on walks around the facility. It had been early in the morning when you encountered Josie, so when the researchers found you and her curled up in a ball together on one of the chairs in the breakroom("how did they even get in there?!"), none of them had the heart to shoo you guys away. It was such an adorable sight.

The Foundation agreed to keep you since you were well-behaved and followed orders. Somehow Bright had managed to train both of you to steal snacks from the breakroom and bring them to him("bloody hell, they are good at their job!").

You and Josie lived happily ever after in Site 17, constantly bugging researchers to give both of you pets and scratches behind the ears. (Kondraki was not happy with two pairs of glowing eyes staring at him in the dark and Clef nearly killed you screaming "demon cat" while using a shotgun to fire bullets)

What a happy ending.

774 words

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