Dr. Bright x Mute!Researcher!Reader ~ Don't You Remember Me?

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(Requested by Bleach_Mc-cringe)
some swearing included

Childhood best friends. That's what you and Bright used to be, until your parents got into an accident and passed. They weren't really around that much during your childhood, but they cared for you and spoiled you with gifts. Often, you gave them to Bright because you simply didn't want them. Their last wish was for you to be put in an orphanage, so you were seperated from Jack. You were left in the orphanage for a while, waiting for a family to bd kind enough to take you in. The orphanage wasn't bad, but it wasn't that good either. The other children were nice, some had suffered the loss of their parents so they knew your pain and helped you through it.

When you finally got adopted, you were sad to have to leave them, but happy at the same time! Your foster family was great; they treated you as if you were their kin, always putting you first. Your foster parents loved and supported your interests, believing that you could achieve great things if you just tried hard enough. They never underestimated you, as far as you could remember.

Then, that one day... your foster father was taking you out for a trip, asking you about your day. He didn't notice that the road had a sharp turn right ahead, so the car kept driving ahead and flew off the steep cliff.

He suffered from a broken arm, a minor concussion and some bruises... but your case was worse. A small shard of glass from the window got lodged in a part of your throat. You underwent surgery and the glass shard was successfully removed, however, it damaged your vocal cords permanently. It was impossible to speak or make the simplest of sounds. Frustrated, yet determined to get your voice back somehow, you took it upon yourself to register for classes that taught sign language.

Years later, your aged foster parents sat with you at the dining table, looking tense.

"Dear... we know how happy you were when this.. Foundation offered you a job, but we're not quite sure that this is the job that we want for you, " your foster mother said uncertainly, her eyes flickering to her husband, the printed copy of the email of the job offer in her hands. Your foster father nodded, looking at you seriously.

"(I don't get what you mean. They only accept the most academically intelligent people in that specific field, and they even emailed that offer to me!)," you signed frantically, gesturing to the printed version of the job offer in your foster mother's hands.

"Yes, but - (Y/N), the link they sent you, they had a security precaution that needed for you to scan your eye before you could enter! What job would need such a thing, with passwords in this day and age! Don't you see, we're scared for your safety? "

"(Mom), " you signed, your hands shaking slightly. "(I'm a grown adult, you don't have to look out for me anymore. If you're still skeptical, how about I test the job out for a month and if I don't like it, I'll quit.) "

Your foster parents exchanged glances with each other, your foster father sighing in defeat. "Alright, we can't say no to that. J-just keep out of trouble, okay? " he told you, leaving the dining room to go upstairs. "Remember to pack your bags (Y/N), they said you'd leave within the week. When, they didn't specify, but pack just in case. Did you tell them about your no-talk thingy? "

You nodded, forming a  with your hands. You'd made sure that that was one of the first things you included in your reply to the job offer.

"Good. I'm going to bed, see you in the morning... maybe. "

Giving a small good-bye wave to him, you felt a small vibration in your pocket and took out your phone, an email message appearing on the lockscreen.

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