Scenario : Clefdraki x Young!Reader

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(Requested by Letmeread222)

My first scenario! Hope you like it.
Okay, so, how the scenario works is that you suggest a theme for the scenario and it branches out from there. I will write more things, from the original theme you gave me.

Warning : some cursing

How they found you

Clef and Kondraki were talking away on a cold, winter night. They had just went out for coffee and were walking through an alleyway when Clef caught sight of something moving in a cardboard box. He halted the conversation and ran over to the box to investigate. Peering inside, his mis-matched eyes met startled (eye colour) ones.

"Woah, " Clef breathed out.

"What did you find? " Kondraki asked, walking over. "It better be good, it's freezing out here. "

"Dad..? " Kondraki froze when he heard your voice. Clef picked you up and showed you to Kondraki. You tilted your head at him, confused. "Mom? Dad? " you repeated, looking around.

"Holy shit, " Kondraki exclaimed. "It's a kid! "

"I know, Konny, " Clef put you down, observing the cardboard box in the light. "There's no note or anything. Where are your parents, kid? " he asked you.

"I-I don't know, " you said, still looking around and calling for them. "They told me to stay there, but it was cold, so I went in there...," you explained, pointing to the sidewalk and then to the box.

Kondraki turned to Clef, realization and horror on his face. "They abandoned her... "

"We should wait here for a few minutes, just to be sure, " Clef hissed back, still looking at your figure, stumbling around and shouting your parents' names.

Eventually, it was you who gave up. "They're not coming...., " you whined, crestfallen.

"They could be around the area - " began Clef.

"Clef, let's face it, they left her there to die, " Kondraki stated, watching you with pity. "Who would do such a thing? "

By now, you were openly crying silent tears.

"C'mon kid, you're living with us from now on, " Kondraki announced abruptly, to Clef's surprise. He picked you up and carried you to the car, putting you in the back seat.

"How are we gonna take care of her while we're at the Foundation?! "

"Hand her to 999. "


"073, then. "


"No swearing in front of the kid. "

When they bring you to the Foundation

"WHERE DID SHE GO?! " screeched Clef, holding his loaded shotgun. His poor assistant was trying to explain that you had slipped through the door when he wasn't paying attention and he had no idea where you had went. Clef was going to shoot his assistant, who was already at gunpoint, when a distant yell echoed through the hallway.

A tired-looking Kondraki opened the door, with a terrified you in his arms. Apparently the sight of a man about to get shot by another wasn't surprising.

"She managed to climb on top of one of the office chairs and made it ride down the stairs, " Kondraki explained bluntly. "And she injured two Class-Ds out for testing. "

"Are they gonna be okay? " you asked your foster parent.

"Uh... yeah, they'll be fine, " Kondraki responded uncertainly.

"Don't tell her that when she slammed into them she snapped one of their necks and paralyzed the other, " Kondraki whispered to Clef.

"What did they do to the paralyzed one? "

"They gave him to 106, " replied Kondraki, snickering.

When you curse

That day, it was Kondraki's turn to take care of you. Unfortunately, Bright had to visit his office that day. Kondraki told you firmly not to make any disturbances and stay quiet when he was around.

So, you hid under the table while playing with a/an (favourite animal) plushie. When everything was silent for about a minute, you tried to peek over at them to see if the guest was gone -  hitting your head on the underside of the desk.

"OW! FUCK! " you cursed angrily, rubbing your sore spot. You heard another voice say something, then the sound of footsteps.

First, you saw a man with orange-brown hair look under the desk, at which you threw your plushie at. While the guy was "distracted", you ran to Kondraki and hid behind him.

"DAD HELP ME I DON'T WANNA DIE!! " you screeched at your father figure. The other guy - supposedly Bright - was fixing his askew glasses and stood up fully, revealing his silver and red amulet that he wore around his neck, attached to a chain.

"You had a child, Kon? Why didn't you tell me? " asked Bright, slightly indignant.

"Review over what you've done over your time in the Foundation and tell me why I don't want my adopted daughter around you, " retorted Kondraki, kneeling down to your request. You gave him a short hug and a bright(*laughs hysterically*) smile.

"Okay... You do have a point - "

"Let's just finish this thing I have other things to do.

"And (Y/N). "

"Hmn? "

"You're grounded for saying the f-word. "

"Awww. "


833 words. Let's hope I get better at this stuff, I really think that I could do better.

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