SCP-6808(OC) x SCP-076-2(Able) ~ Experiment

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(Requested by MapleSyrup02)
Warning: curse word

Item #: SCP-6808

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-6808 is contained within a Standard Secure Humanoid Containment Cell, but due to recent events the cell's interior must be made out of fire-resistant material. Subject is allowed to roam the facility during scheduled time periods under strict supervision of no less than three (3) armed guards. SCP-6808 is allowed to eat in the cafeteria(this may be revoked as punishment) but under no circumstances is allowed to start or participate in a "food fight",̶ n̶o̶t̶ ̶a̶f̶t̶e̶r̶ ̶w̶h̶a̶t̶ ̶o̶c̶c̶u̶r̶r̶e̶d̶ ̶i̶n̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶l̶a̶s̶t̶ ̶o̶n̶e.

Description: SCP-6808 is a humanoid entity which resembles a girl in her mid twenties, 1.64 metres in height with dark brown hair and pale skin. SCP-6808's corneas are a dark gray and its irises are red, with the iris of its left eye in the shape of a cross. Red horns appear to be hovering above its head and retain their position despite movement. So far, tests as to how they stay fixed in place have not come to fruition. A tail with a sharp three-pointed end and the same colour as SCP-6808's horns is located at the end of SCP-6808's spine and, similar to its horns, is not connected with its body.

SCP-6808 has shown to be capable of speech and speaks fluent English. It is typically docile and friendly but acts sadistic and/or can be harmful when provoked. Subject expresses a liking for drama and occasionally causes trouble to see it. When killed in any way, SCP-6808 will deteriorate into a dust-like substance(referred to as SCP-6808-2) that causes a burning sensation when in direct contact with human skin. Subject will then come back to life (methods include but are not limited to: falling from the sky, "popping" into existence, coming through a dimensional rift, appearing from a ball of fire) ranging from thirty (30) seconds to five (5) hours subsequent to death. When resurrected, all of SCP-6808's previously sustained injuries will have healed, leaving behind no trace that it had been hurt.

Previous incidents and testing have shown that SCP-6808's other anomalous abilities are associated with Satanism. Examples are: pentagrams that trap victims, portals that lead to another dimension(referred to as "Hell" by SCP-6808) and morphing into a hellhound-like creature.

Addendum SCP-6808-A: Retrieval

SCP-6808 came to the Foundation's knowledge through a woman's report to law enforcement personnel in ████ describing abnormal occurrences in the neighbourhood. Subject was discovered after the mansion that it was residing in was searched through by Foundation personnel. It was reported that it had been hiding in a hidden room, appearing very distressed. The room had a pentagram drawn on the floor with what was later identified as chalk, with a toppled wooden chair that was missing two legs in the middle of the pentagram. Two mangled bodies were also found with each of their heads speared through splintered wooden stakes.

SCP-6808 admitted to murdering them, claiming that they attempted to hurt it. Further questioning resulted in the subject being confused and unable to piece together an answer. It was escorted to the nearest Foundation facility, Site-██, with little resistance.

Addendum SCP-6808-B: The food fight incident


There was never a food fight concerning SCP-6808. SCP-6808 did not and never did take part in a food fight whatsoever. Anyone who believes otherwise should contact Site Command as soon as possible to be adminstered Class C amnestics. If anyone tries to convince you that there was a food fight regarding SCP-6808, they are false and you should not believe them.

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