SCP-073(Cain) x Deaf!D-Class!Reader ~ Helpful

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The lights flickered and shook, the walls a bright red. A containment breach was taking place and according to the speaker, there was a full-blown Euclid and Keter breach. However, you heard nothing of it and continued to roam the halls of the facility, wondering why there was nobody around. See, you were born deaf and you were one of the new D-Classes, although you didn't commit any crime to get sent to the Foundation. You only stumbled upon a site called the SCP wiki and read a few of the SCP documents before a bunch of men clad in navy blue uniforms appeared at your doorstep. Like any other normal person would, you opened the door and they took you to the Foundation, where you were then.

You weren't aware of the breach and was certainly surprised when you saw a guy that was tall as heck with black hair, blue eyes, tanned skin and robotic arms that didn't seem to be made of metal. At that moment, you decided to turn around and walk in the opposite direction, hoping that he hadn't seen you. Sadly, he did and approached you. He tried(keyword - tried) asking you why you were walking around while you stared blankly at him. "I'm deaf, " you stated bluntly, pointing to your ears and making a cross with your fingers.

"Oh... " he uttered, looking slightly uncomfortable as you looked around innocently. "Why are you walking around? "

"Huh? "

He repeated the same words slowly so you could read his lips to get what he was saying.

"The cell doors opened and everyone rushed out. Is there something happening? "

"There's a containment breach going on. "

"Oh, that explains it, " you nodded in understanding as the speaker announced that the MTF had entered the building.

"Reinforcements, " he explained in an answer to your confused expression. "I think it's better if you come with me, that way they won't hurt you when they catch sight of you, " it took about three times of rephrasing that until you could properly grasp what he was saying. After that, he gently took your hand and led the way.

"Oh! I'm so sorry, I forgot to ask your name, " he mentioned, smiling.

"(Y/N)," you answered, looking down shyly.

"Cain. "

"C-cain..? "

"Yes, that's how you pronounce it. "

For most of the walk, it was silent, with Cain checking corners and looking out for you while you scanned your surroundings. You felt slightly useless and pathetic because Cain was doing so much to keep you out of danger, so you tried to help, but it really didn't make much of a difference. The journey was oddly... peaceful. That made you think that you were going to run into something bad sooner or later. Bad things happen when you least expect them to.

Lo and Behold, something happened. Cain held out a hand, causing you to flinch at the sudden movement. He pressed a finger to his lips to signal for you to be quiet and peeked around the corner. Then he covered your eyes and guided you to the other side of the intersected hallway. Unbeknownst to him, you had took a little peek at what he didn't want you to see. It was a body of a guard that had been shot multiple times in the chest, and it was lying in a pool of an all-too-familiar red liquid.

Nothing else that was as intriguing happened for the rest of the walk.

When you finally reached his cell, Cain opened the door and ushered you inside. You sat on the floor with your back to his bed, arms folded, your posture a bit slouchy. Cain sat on the bed and started a conversation - well, a silent one for you - about your past. Due to your lack of sleep, you began to grow tired and tried your hardest not to fall asleep. And of course, your body didn't listen and you yawned, exposing your sleepiness.

Cain noticed it and chuckled, saying you were free to sleep wherever you liked. You smiled wearily at him and tilted your head forwards, quickly falling asleep.

When the MTF barged into the room, they found you sleeping soundly on the bed while Cain sat on the floor, nearly dozing off. One even cooed an "aww" but got smacked on the back of his head by another NTF while everyone else that heard him shook their heads in disapproval. They still had to take you away, but they finally gave you some cochlear implants so you could at least process some noises, and they put you in a seperate cell from all the other Class-Ds. Cain still visited you from time to time to talk and update you on all the things happening around the facility, so you were never bored when he was around. You also made sure to thank him profusely for his help during the containment breach. He laughed and ruffled your hair, saying it was no problem.


842 words

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i t  i s  f i n i s h e d
I'm so sorry for the procrastination, by the way. Writer's block caught up to me.

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