SCP-173 x Blind!Reader ~ A Helping Hand

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(Happy 12th Birthday SCP-173! So sorry that I'm late to the party)

One moment, you were sitting in court, awaiting trial for crimes you were falsely blamed for. The next, you were in a prison van, being transported to back to prison, where you would rot until it was time for your execution.

Screeching tyres, shouting, a loud crash and pure black. When you awoke, everything was out of focus, and you found the room too bright. From the steady beeping and the feeling of something on your hand, you could tell that you were in a hospital. However, you couldn't remember a single thing about how and why you woke up there. Obviously, you were injured, so someone sent you to the hospital, but why were you in there in the first place? And why was everything so blurry?

No matter how long you waited for your eyes to adjust, they never did. You grew worried and anxious, deciding to shout for someone.

"Hello? Is anyone there? " you called, listening closely for a response. Rapid, soft clicking sounds, like footsteps, reverberated through your ears. Twiddling your thumbs, the person appeared slightly later than what you anticipated. The footsteps sounded like they were nearby, but it took a longer time for the owner of those footsteps to show up. You saw some beige, white and black stop by at the door frame. They introduced themselves as a doctor, and judging by how their voice sounded, they were a female. She helped you out of your bed and led you to somewhere, answering some of your questions along the way.

"Where am I? "

She had hesitated in her answer, as if piecing her words together carefully. "You are in a place where people like you are given a second chance. We take inmates that are on death row from prisons and offer them community service in exchange for their full cooperation. The community service lasts thirty days and we release them at the end of that time period. All their previous offences will be pardoned for. You can get back to your life after that, " her fuzzy figure turned around for a moment but went back to facing the front.

"Where was I before I came here? "

"You were involved in a car accident. You were in a prison van when it happened. The driver and all the others died, except for you. You were very lucky to live. "

After that, you didn't feel like asking anymore questions, but you still asked the most important one that had been lingering in your mind.

"Why is everything.... so bleary? "

"My dear, you are blind, " she said softly. "The impact had injured your head, causing your loss of vision - "

Suddenly, she let go of your hand. A loud sound was screaming in your ears, too loud for your liking. Everything came off as different shades of red in your vision. Somebody said something, but you didn't hear it because you were too busy blocking out the sound from your ears. You had pieced together that since you were blind, all your other senses had become more sensitive.

At last, when the sounds stopped, you looked around. Nothing caught your attention, except something beige and light brown. You stood up, dusting yourself off, looking up when you heard distinct scraping sounds of concrete. Oddly enough, the beige figure seemed to be closer than where it was before. You blinked; and it moved closer.

"Woah..., " you exclaimed. Did I mention that you absolutely adored and admired the supernatural? You loved anything that was creepy and mysterious, often earning a weird glance or two from your friends. This beige figure seemed like one of those weeping angels, only moving when they weren't in your line of sight. Only, you remembered that weeping angels were deadly and hostile. Surely this beige thingy would be dangerous too, right? Your mind processed this possibility and warned you but you simply pushed it away, bouncing up to the beige "weeping angel". Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a statue, clearly taller than you, with short and stumpy legs and arms. Its arms were held out, almost like it wanted a hug.

"Awww, " you cooed, wrapping your arms around the statue. It was cold and hard, but the statue didn't move. When you slipped away from the statue and blinked, it started to move away.

"Hey! No! Come baacckk! " you whined, blinking in the process. That allowed the statue to move further away. You ran up to the statue and blinked. It was now turned to face you.

"Why did you leaveee? Do you not like me anymore? " you asked the statue disappointedly, sounding like an anime schoolgirl. The thought of that made you smile.


The statue grasped onto your hand with its arms.


One of its arms moved to your face. You understood its intentions and shut your eyes. The statue tugged on your hand, moving it up and down.

"Is that a yes? "

It pulled your hand up and down. Then it moved it left and right.

"No? "

Your hand was moved up and down again.

"How about 'I don't know?'"

The statue motioned your hand in a full circle.

"Okay, I think I got this. Up and down for 'yes', left and right for 'no', a full circle for 'I don't know'? "


"Great! Are you going to help me? "


"Awww, that's so sweet of you. Well, let's go? "

And so the statue led you through the entire facility, helping and even saving you once from 106. Unfortunately, your journey was put to an end when both of you were captured by the MTF.

You were blind, yes, and stuck in somewhere with crazy, supernatural, anomalous stuff, but at least you were only tested with SCP-173(a doctor had told you that you were originally going to be tested with many SCPs), who was the statue all along. He still took care of you no matter the circumstances, though. Such a nice SCP, unlike some(*cough**cough*106).


1017 words
Happy Birthday Peanut!

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