SCP-2353 x SCP-035 ~ Buddies

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(Requested by MikoMiyo)

I'm so sorry for the late requesttt ;-;

"Why, I didn't know that my choice of clothing offended you, Stacy, " 035 said, looking cross.

"It's not that it doesn't look nice, but - " Stacy scrunched up her face in disgust. " - white clothing after labour day?! You have got to be kidding me with the kind of dress code they have here! "

"It's the only way we won't get caught when someone sees us! " 035 snapped back. "Do you want to get out of here or not?! I don't want your preferences for clothing to be the reason why we don't get to escape! "

"Yes, I do, but - could you just, put a dark-coloured sweater underneath? At least it'll help to camouflage with your.... goo, " Stscy covered her eyes, looking away from the horrible sight. Normally, 035 would win the argument, but Stacy wasn't going to give up that easily when it came to clothing. If you can't wear proper things, then why do you wear them at all?!

035 let out a groan-like sigh, going back into the staff room. He trotted out a few minutes later with a dark gray sweater underneath his white labcoat.

"Happy now? " he grumbled to Stacy. She nodded in satisfaction, smiling. Both of the SCPs were the best of friends, even if they did have disputes from time to time. They always met up during containment breaches mostly to talk and catch up with each other. That day, however, 035 wanted to try to escape for once.

"You look bothered by something. Are you okay? " Stacy asked after she observed that 035 had been silent, which wasn't normal. He was talkative, often asking about Stacy's well-being and discussing things. You know, like those teenagers you see on the streets.

"Yes, " he retorted, waving her off. Stacy was peeved by 035's sudden change of behaviour, but she knew it was just a tactic to have her feel guilty. It was quite annoying with his manipulative antics, but he'd cool off sooner or later.

Sure enough, after a span of about ten minutes, 035 began talking again. "What do you plan to do when we get out of here? "

"Go around, travel the world, or go back to my old job, " Stacy said, not putting much thought into her response. Being a mannequin was what she was meant to do.

"Well - "

035 was cut off by loud footsteps thundering down the hallway in front of them. From there, emerged a Class-D, wearing the usual orange jumpsuit. He was tired out, gasping for air.

"OH GOD, WHAT IS HE WEARING?! " Stacy yelled, covering her eyes with her hands and turning away.

"Stacy - what - ? "


035 was confused; he summoned a black tendril and used it to skewer the Class-D, throwing him away and making the tendril disappear.

"Is he gone yet? " Stacy removed a hand from her eye and peeked from behind 035. When she saw that he was gone, she heaved a sigh of relief, moving her other hand away from her eye.

"What was that all about? "

"That jumpsuit he was wearing! He looked terrible on it! " exclaimed Stacy.

"Have you never seen a Class-D before? " asked 035 incredulously.

"What's a Class-D? "

"It's a - nevermind, let's get moving.. "


559 words
Ahhhh I had no idea how to write Stacy!! I'm so sorry if it wasn't to your liking

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