SCP-106 x D-Class!Reader ~ Music To My Ears

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Before you were sent to the Foundation for a crime that you didn't commit, you had picked up a talent of musical instruments. You were very skilled at handling most of them, earning awards and trophies from your schools because of it.

You had never expected that a talent like yours was needed at the Foundation.

"All right D-Class, gather around, those who can play musical instruments, please step forward. "

You were beyond confused at that announcement. They need musical talent? Since when?

Regardless, you stepped forward. Although you despised the Foundation, you still had a heart of gold and was willing to help if it would save a life.

The other few that had stepped forward from the crowd were asked which instrument they played. You shuffled your feet nervously as the researcher in front on you jotted down which D-Class needed which instrument, wondering why they were doing this.

When it was your turn, you muttered, "I can play most instruments pretty well. Just toss me one and I'll do it. "

At that response, the researcher's head perked up, looking interested. He quickly wrote down what you said before dismissing everyone back to their cells, telling them that they were excused from experiments that day. You were relieved at the news; you had major luck with many of the SCPs that you had met and survived almost unscathed every time. But that also meant that you were worried: how long until your streak ends and you slip up?

A feeling of uneasiness still lingered in you. Were they going to use you for an experiment with an SCP? Your eyes widened in horror at the theory that could very much be true. You quickly sat up, taking deep breaths before lying back down on your mattress. What bothered you most was that you didn't know what SCP you were meeting, what if it was SCP-682? Or The shy Guy? Whoever it was, you didn't want to know.

-time skip-

The next day came faster than you liked. You had drifted off to sleep at some point when you were drowned in your own worries and predictions.

You brushed away a strand of (h/c) hair, sitting up and waiting patiently for the guards' timely arrival. When your door slid open right on cue, you hopped off your bed and quickly went over to the guards, not wanting to be shouted at. It was something that you'd been doing for the past few days. You'd figured that if you went with the guards without any struggle, there would be a less chance of you getting injured. That was something you didn't want, because getting hurt would mean your chances of survival would get slimmer. You wanted to be in the best shape possible so that you could escape. Besides, getting beaten up would be really bad for you. Most of the other D-Class were grown men and women, while you were barely twenty years old, for god's sake! They could withstand it, but you weren't experienced with injuries and might get killed because of it.

The guards nodded at your good behaviour and led you to a room where a researcher handed you a flute. You were ecstatic; you specialized in the flute, since you had played it for as long as you remembered. Picking it up eagerly, you allowed the guards to bring you to a seperate room.

Once you were inside, the door behind you closed shut. The room was dimly-lit, but you could still navigate through the room. A music stand with sheets of musical notes caught your eye, making you walk towards it. Flipping through the sheets of paper, you realized that most of these songs were romantic and not suitable for your taste. You shook your head at the choices, deciding to play one that wasn't on the sheets.

The sound of an instrument playing drew SCP-106 towards it. It was calming, alluring, he wanted to hear it.

A female D-Class came into view. She was younger than most D-Class, with (h/l) (h/c) hair that shone under the light. She played the instrument - a flute - with professionalism and skill. Her fingers moved in accordance with the song that she was playing, making a flawless performance.

SCP-106 stood in the shadows, enjoying the song, even tapping his feet to the rhythm. When the song ended, he frowned. He wanted to hear more.

The D-Class swivelled around, looking for something. Had she sensed another person in the room?

In the end, she found nothing and continued playing the flute, to SCP-106's contentment.

After a few songs, the speaker said that the time was up. The D-Class grabbed the flute and started for the door, when SCP-106 stepped up.

You noticed him quickly, due to a silhouette moving in the shadows. You turned to face him; fear written all over your face. Was he going to kill you after all?

Instead, he stopped a few feet from you, tilting his head slightly. You were puzzled; didn't he want to kill you?

As if reading your mind, he put up a cross with his arms, signalling that he wasn't going to do what you had expected him to do. Then, a voice rang out.

"Thanks for playing those songs for me. "

You realized that that voice was his. Meekly, you answered, "It was no problem... "

Meanwhile in the observation room, papers were sent flying everywhere as the researchers hurried to write down what they just saw.

He gave you a smile. Not that creepy, unnerving smile that he usually did. A warm, thank-you type of smile. You smiled back, happy that you had made someone's day, and exited through the door.

970 words

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