SCP-619(OC) x SCP-035 ~ Test Gone Wrong

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(Requested by Mr--Wendigo)

SCP-619 flipped a page of her chemistry book. So far, it had been the only thing that the foundation had granted access for her to have. Although it might not seem much, it was her only source of entertainment at times and it was quite a thick book, so it would last for a while. Chemistry was one of her strengths and she would always test things that she'd learnt from the book on the dead bodies provided for her. They were always tainted with some sort of sickness and it was a challange to try to find a vaccine for the virus, though it was fun nonetheless.

Her cell was fairly large, though it was mostly due to her anomalous power. Humans that were in a twenty meter radius of her were noted to have a considerable increase in mental strength, but if they were around her for a hour or more, they would suffer from the loss of skin and bone marrow. She was isolated from the rest of the facility, deep underground, and she rarely had any visitors. The observation area was absent in her cell, replaced by cameras and loudspeakers.

"No, no! Get him in! He's going to - " some distant yelling was heard from outside SCP-619's cell. She perked up in excitement; it couldn't be that they were just passing, her cell was placed away from everyone and there were sure to be other routes available. They were going to test her with another SCP, by the sound of the guards struggling with them! It wasn't really a good sign, but SCP-619 was eager to meet another living being for once.

A guy in a white lab coat was thrown into the room, some black goo dripping from the eyeholes of the white comedy theatre mask he wore on his face. The mask had a frown, and SCP-619 wondered if that had anything to do with his emotions.

Placing her book down on the floor with a thump, SCP-619 stood up, facing the SCP. The noise had startled him and caused him to look around wildly, his gaze seeming to land on her, but she couldn't tell, because the eyeholes of the mask had no pupils. Immediately, his frown switched to a grin as he too, stood up, dusting himself off.

"I apologise for my abrupt intrusion and the way I entered, those guards can be... rough. May I ask what your name is? " he asked politely, his voice holding a commanding tone to it, similiar to the voices of those who speak at important events, you know?

"SCP-619, or Elizabeth, " she responded, looking at him carefully.

"SCP-035, as they call me. Might I ask if your presence boosts the strength of one's mentality? "

SCP-619 was surprised at how fast he figured that out. Previous test subjects had been unable to pinpoint to where they had gotten that increase in their mental strength until somebody(the scientists or herself) had told them. She may have underestimated his intelligence by quite a bit.

SCP-035 took her stunned silence as a yes.

" does, but after an hour the amount bone marrow and skin will deteriorate, " SCP-619 explained. She then came to the realisation that that must've been the reason for the testing; to see if her ability would affect SCP-035. It looked like he had figured that out as well.

"Those scumbags... " he grumbled in disgust, turning to SCP-619. "Wouldn't you like to escape this facility? " he gestured to the white walls around him. Once again, SCP-619 was taken aback by his unexpected question.

"I-I do, but - "

" - trapped in this cell with no freedom, used like the Foundation's pawn? I'm sure you don't like that, " he pressed on, walking towards her.

"N-no, " she stuttered, shrinking back in fear as SCP-035 towered over her.

"So why not escape? " he said simply, leaning back.

After a moment's hesitation, she gave in. "....Fine, but how exactly do we do that? "

"Leave that to me, you'll be the one distracting them. "


The guards outside the door were chatting away to pass the time when the door was impaled by a black tendril. They yelped in fright and opened fire at it, but the holes made by the bullets covered themselves up. The tendril pushed through the door harder, breaking it off its hinges and tossing it to the side.

As the guards continued to fire at SCP-035, they felt a sudden burning sensation on their skin. Checking on themselves, they saw nothing abnormal, but the sensation persisted. Soon, their skin was burned off and their raw flesh was exposed, leaving them extremely uncomfortable and painful in their uniforms.

"Let's go, " SCP-619 said to SCP-035, having done her job. Everyone in a fifty meter radius should've been affected the same way the guards and been by her. That should have bought them some time.

SCP-035 nodded, and they set off towards possible freedom... and possible capture.


851 words
Two oneshots in a day!! I apologise if this seemed rushed.

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