SCP-106 x MTF Reader ~ Not What You Think

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(Requested by Mr--Wendigo)

Soft footsteps echoed through the hallway. Whom did these footsteps belong to? Well, no other than the famous (Y/N) (L/N), Commander of MTF Epsilon-11 ("Nine-Tailed Fox"), who just so happened to be you.

You sprinted through the facility, trying to make your footsteps as low in sound as possible. But due to your heavy combat boots, that was near impossible. Your entire unit had been killed by SCP-049 and SCP-173, and you were the only survivor. Typical.

But you weren't going to perish like your squad members. You had always been a fighter since young, and you were going to stick with that. No way that the first ever female commander was going to die in a simple containment breach just because her entire squad was dead. As you always said, "I DIE WHEN I SAY I DIE! "

You had defied death many times before, from that time you got shot close to the heart and had to stay in the ICU for a month, or that time when SCP-076-2 nearly cut your head off. You still had a scar from that one. Either way, your lucky streak was what made you famous, along with your amazing ability to land every single bullet in your target, never missing.

A SCP-049-2 instance came your way, arms outstretched, ready to grab you. You did a round house kick and flung it to the wall, continuing your run. SCP-106 was on your tail, constantly popping through his puddles of corrosion, making you swear every time.

A small black puddle of corrosion formed on the wall, followed by SCP-106 grinning creepily at you. "SON OF A MOTHERTRUCKER!! " you yelped as he walked out from the wall, facing you. "HOLY F***ING SHIT I AM NOT DEALING WITH THI - NOPE, NOPE! F*** YOU! " you yelled curse words as he tried to grab your hand.

Doing a back flip, you landed a few feet away from him and bolted in the other direction, away from SCP-106. You'd already called for back-up, now all you needed to do was to kill some time and make sure you didn't die.

Behind you, SCP-106's grin widened. It had been a long time since he had gotten the chance to play with somebody, much less have this much fun. You had managed to evade all of his attempts to pull you into his pocket dimension, and let's say that he was impressed by your skills. He'd expected you to freeze on the spot and beg for mercy, but you were still standing.

"I am the cure -- "

"HELL NAH! YOU AIN'T CURING ME TODAY, DOC! " you shouted as you pushed off from the wall, jumping past the Plague Doctor. You still had your gun on your back, you didn't want to waste bullets on SCPs you knew that couldn't be affected by them.

Damnit, I'm being chased by an Euclid and Keter SCP... reinforcements, where the hell are you?! I can't run forever... You could already feel the fatigue getting to you, but adrenaline kept you from collapsing.

You glanced back behind you to check if they were still following you, when you bumped into something. You looked up, and to your horror, SCP-106 was smirking down at you.

"Now, that wasn't a good way to greet someone, " he purred. You were frozen in shock, mostly because he just spoke. Since when could he communicate in English?! Your mouth opened, but no sound came out. That just added to SCP-106's increasing smile.

You tried to push yourself away from him, but he gripped your hands tightly, not letting you go. You were filled with confusion, beyond shock and fear. How were you not burning from his corrosion? Were you finally going to die?

"Pfft.. that expression of yours is priceless, " he commented, making you glare intensely at him.

"Look, I'm not going to hurt you. Pretty sure I can't either. My corrosion doesn't have any effect on you anyways, " he chuckled deeply, which sent shivers down your spine. "But, " he looked at you with malice. "I can torture you into insanity. "

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