SCP-939 x SCP-939!Reader ~ IT'S THE DOG -

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(Lol. The title might sound confusing but you're a new member to the 939 pack and you know the rest.)

Having recently shed your human skin and emerging as a 939, you had just been introduced to the rest of the 939 pack. You were eager to prove your loyalty and usefulness to your new packmates so that you'd be able to climb up the ranks quicker. Like all packs, they had a system that was somewhat different than the usual ones one would expect, since your kind wasn't normal, after all.


Currently you were ranked as a Trainee, since you had a lot to learn before being announced as a official Hunter. They were skilled at killing humans, some were even gifted at both mimicry and hunting. Your job was to learn from your higher-ups, see how things worked and follow.

Right now, though, Alpha was overseeing your training sessions with one of the Betas. This didn't happen often so the entire pack gathered around to watch as well, before they got shooed away by the other Betas.

"Mimic this, " the Beta, named Arrow, commanded. "Someone, help, I'm hurt! " he imitated.

"Someone, help, I'm hurt! " you copied, adding a more desperate tone. Arrow seemed impressed and threw more voicelines at you, all of which you mimicked perfectly and even made them seem even more convincing. Alpha said nothing throughout the entire session, but you weren't surprised because one of the Elders told you that he wasn't much of a talker.

Next up, it was a hunting session. These sessions were the hardest part, since they required the pack to break out of containment to assess the Trainees. Because of this, you were worried that you might slip up and ruin the precious chance you got, much less let the pack's efforts go to waste.

Arrow gave you a small nudge, jerking his head towards a door way. You picked up some small vibrations from the ground, and they seemed to be gradually getting louder. Whatever your would-be victim was thinking, you could tell that they didn't expect some SCPs to be roaming around the area.

"Hello? " your fake tone of nervousness rang through the air. The vibrations' intervals shortened and you could finally hear their footsteps.

"Who's in - AH - !" you delivered a bite to the neck swiftly, silencing your victim. It was a researcher, judging by the labcoat he was wearing.

"You did good, " Arrow whispered to you. Unfortunately, you weren't quick enough in cutting off your victim's yelp, which resulted in some guards coming to the direction of the sound.

The three pairs of footsteps stopped abruptly when the guards caught sight of the fresh blood.

"Something's happened here, " a guard murmured to his companion.

Foolishly, the guard that spoke carried on, peeking around the door, only for his head to be ripped off his shoulders. His body fell to the floor with a loud thump, blood pouring out from the exposed flesh of his neck and skin. Consuming the head, the other guards yelled in fright and tried to run, only to be tackled by the other 939s.

More footsteps came your way. Seems like they had called for backup, after all. Today was not your day.

"IT'S THE DOGS, GET THE MTF HERE! " one of them shouted to the others, before his neck got slashed to pieces. Apparently that was the trigger for them to start opening fire. At you, specifically.


You braced yourself for the bullet to shatter your skull....



Another force came tumbling into you, a mere second before the bullet would've dealt the killing blow. Someone picked you up by your scruff, being much smaller than the adult 939, it wasn't hard to pull you to safety, but it still required some effort. You stayed limp the entire time, still in shock about your near-death experience.

Only when you snapped back to reality, did you realise that the one carrying you was none other than Alpha.

You made a squeak-like noise, trying to get back onto your four feet. "Stop, " Alpha growled, annoyed. Whimpering, you relunctantly halted your attempts to get back on your feet.

Once Alpha had dropped you onto the floor, he started rebuking you. "What were you thinking?! " he snarled. Your spines drooped and you looked down at the floor. "Don't rush out to intercept the enemy if you know you're not going to win! "

"A-alpha, was anyone injured? "

"Luckily, no. We ambushed them from behind, " he started. "But you would've been the loss if I hadn't saved you out there! "

You shrank back at his furious tone, lowering yourself to the floor. "Get her back to the den, " he snapped at Arrow, who nodded, before he stormed off, growling about incoherent things.

Still ashamed of yourself, you didn't look up when Arrow approached you. "You did a good job out there, (Y/N)," he said gently. When you still didn't respond, he sighed. "You know, normally Alpha doesn't do that, " he began. "He usually just walks off without saying anything. But for some reason, he stayed to actually talk to you. It's been a while since I've heard his voice.

"Saying that, hey, I think he likes you, " he pondered aloud, making you look up at him in disbelief and embarrassment. Arrow "smirked", which was just baring his teeth in a teasing way. "He doesn't oversee training sessions that often, and stayed behind to talk to you, leaving me with the only logical explanation that he - "

"OKAY OKAY I GET YOUR POINT, HEY LOOK AT THAT, THE PACK'S MOVING, WHY DON'T WE FOLLOW THEM? " you cut off Arrow hurriedly, a noticeable bright red tinge to the spines on your back. You scrambled up and practically crossed the room in two enormous leaps, leaving Arrow behind. He chuckled and, boy, was he going to have a good time teasing Alpha about this.


998 words
Yee, I did a 939 one-shot! I'm so pwoud of myself :3

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