SCP-076-2(Able) x Shy!Male!Reader Part 2 ~ Saved

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(Requested by LostCinder)

Lmao I don't know why but I had writer's block a second ago but as soon as I heard rain my brain snapped into writing mode and here we are xD
Rain has an interesting effect on me
Warning : heavy swearing

It's been a few days since Able breached containment. You found yourself using his name more often than his number, 076-2, after that. It nearly got you into trouble more than once while you were talking with co-workers and colleagues.

"Hey, (Y/N), you've been using the SCPs' names instead of their designation numbers now. Is something wrong? " an assistant researcher asked timidly. You were known for being cold and blunt in your attitude, so others didn't talk to you unless they absolutely needed to. Which you were perfectly fine with.

Caught off guard, you choked on your drink and coughed. "No. "

"Well, you can always tell me what's wrong - " the researcher said a little too hopefully.

You sent him a burning glare. "Go away, I have work to do, " you said through gritted teeth. The researcher finally got the message and left.

Seriously, those people need to learn to keep their noses out of other people's businesses... You thought, annoyed, shifting back to your computer and finishing off the document you were writing before you had been so rudely interrupted. As if in align with your current temper, the walls flashed an all-too-familiar red and harsh, high-pitched sounds rang in your ears.

"OH COME ON, THAT'S THE SECOND TIME THIS WEEK - " you yelled frustratedly, saving the document before they gave out the announcement.


" - please make your way to the nearest evacuation shelter, yeah, we get it, you don't have to shout, " you muttered, surly. Sure, many Keter Class SCPs broke out, but you were more concerned about the site director shouting at you for late reports.

As per containment protocol, everyone was making their way to the safest place, with guards there to ensure their safety. Certainly nothing would harm them while guards were around, right? Well, wrong.

You know why? Because a certain reptilian thought that it was a very good idea to break through a wall and rip apart the nearest living beings to it, causing everyone to panic and run into different directions.

You? You stood there, facepalming, mumbling, "Here we go again... "

The reptile just happened to hear you and now its attention was focused on you. "What the hell do you want, reptile. I wasn't exactly having a nice day but I guess you can relate, " you commented dryly. The over-sized lizard glared at you, its many eyes filled with aversion. "Sssstupid humanss, " it hissed, its forked tongue flickering out of its mouth.

"Yeah, we might be stupid, but we're useful, " you shot(lmao it changed to shit) back at the reptile. Its eyes narrowed dangerously to slits, teeth bared into a snarl. That was when your sassy self immediately lost confidence; so you picked up a gun, shot the reptile's eyes, and just sprinted for your life while it was howling in pain.


So now the "big, angry lizard" was chasing you down the hall. Thankfully, it wasn't that smart, so you were able(geddit?) to lose him quite a few times, until your luck ran out and he backed you in a corner.

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