SCP-035 x SCP Reader ~ My Way Out

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(Requested by Mr--Wendigo)

Your eyes darted around nervously as the guards led you back to your containment cell. You were an Euclid Class SCP, capable of shape-shifting into different beings. The Foundation trusted you enough to not put handcuffs on you, which you were thankful for. The usual handcuffs that they used were very tight and sometimes even cut off the blood circulation, they also allowed very little movement.

"ATTENTION ALL PERSONNEL, MULTIPLE EUCLID AND KETER BREACHES HAVE BEEN DETECTED. PLEASE EVACUATE THE FACILITY WHILE.....," the rest of the speech was drowned out in an ear-splitting screech, followed by gunshots. The guards were still frozen in shock by the announcement, which was when you took your chance and turned into a cheetah, booking it.

"Hey! HEY! SHE'S GETTING AWAY! " the guard yelled in alarm as the other one chased after you, but lost you as you turned a corner.

After running for a few minutes, you halted, huffing. Cheetahs weren't built for maintaining stamina. You sniffed and tasted the air, scenting a unknown, sort of acidic smell? Being a curious big cat, you went to investigate what the smell was, despite all the warning signs popping up in your head.

You walked past many doors, the acidic smell becoming stronger by each step. Finally, you managed to track down the smell, because a black substance was leaking through one of the doors, with the exact same acidic scent. Unfortunately, the door needed a keycard to open.

Growling, you smacked the door panel with your unsheathed claws, ripping open the wires and such. Miraculously, the door opened. You purred happily, running into the room and peeking over the control panel with all sorts of different buttons.

Shifting your weight over to your hind legs, you placed your front paws on the panel and pushed yourself up so that you could see over the control panel. There was a glass window, the room on the other side had dim lighting. Nothing to worry about for you, however. Your feline night vision helped you to see just as well.

There was a D-Class - you think? - in the middle of the room, looking for something. When he turned around, you yowled in surprise and stumbled back, your paw accidentally landing on the speaker button. What you had thought to be a D-Class had a comedy theatre mask on him, with the same black substance earlier dripping from the eyeholes and the mask itself. The SCP, you decided, noticed the brief static sound of the speaker activating.

"Oh thank goodness, somebody finally found me! " he exclaimed, pressing his hands against the glass. You snarled and stepped back, much to the SCP's confusion. The mask's expression turned to one of puzzlement, then switched back to its usual, laughing and grinning face.

"Oh, you're an SCP, aren't you? Could you let me out of here? " he asked.

Turning back to your human form, you stepped forward and pressed on the speaker button.

"Who are you? " you questioned.

"Just your fellow SCP, " he answered nonchalantly. "Can you let me out now? I promise I'll help you escape! "

"Not just yet, " you growled. "I asked, who are you? "

The mask's look changed to one of a frown. "Okay, I'm SCP-035. Yours? "

"(SCP numerification number). "

"Great. Okay, (SCP/N), can you please help me get out of here? I'll help and accompany you to help you escape if you do it, " he pleaded.

"Fine...I'll help. "

"Thank you! " he said with delight. Though, you had a gut feeling that this was all just for bribery. "The code is.... "

"Just type that in, and I'll be free from my cell! "

"O-okay..., " you swallowed down a lump of uncertainty and doubt and typed in the code that he just said into a number pad. The door beside you beeped and opened.

SCP-035 came out of his cell and dusted himself off before greeting me. "Why, I must say, (SCP/N), you look even more stunning in person than through a glass window, " he complimented while giving a sincere bow, making your cheeks flush involuntarily.

"W-well, let's get going, " you smacked yourself and groaned inwardly at your stuttering.

-time skip-

SCP-035 had proved to be a very smart, cunning and reliable companion while you two searched for a way out of the seemingly never-ending halls of the facility. Together with your wit and powers, both of you were able to shake off many hostile SCPs and eventually made it to one of the gates.

You whipped out the MTF keycard that you had collected during your adventure, swiping it on the door panel. You heard that familiar beep and the gate opened slowly, revealing the words "GATE A".

You had observed that SCP-035 had been very nervous or on edge during the whole procedure. He fiddled with his thumbs and mumbled words that were too soft to hear.

"Hey, you okay? " SCP-035 jumped and answered "Yes, I'm fine! " a little too quickly. You suspected that he was planning something for later.. but he wouldn't be that dumb to show it clearly... unless it was on purpose? You dismissed the thought and walked through the gate eagerly, SCP-035 following you, looking distracted.

Basically slapping the elevator panel, you shuffled your feet around to release some of your excitement. You were finally going to get out of that wretched facility! SCP-035, however, looked unhappy about it.

When the elevator doors opened, you stepped out to see the bright, beautiful sun setting, giving way to the stars. It had been so long since you had last been able to see a sunset. You almost squealed with ecstasy at the thought of living a normal life again.

You turned to SCP-035, about to say farewell, when he suddenly grabbed your hand.

"Uh.. (Y/N)...(god Jesus I'm bad at this). I wanted to tell you that.. (curse it, I'm going for it)..I LOVE YOU, OKAY?! " he shouted. "It's okay if you don't... reciprocate my feelings, we probably won't be meeting each other again anyway, " he let go of your hand and chuckled dryly.

Without hesitation, you lunged at him and hugged him tightly. "YOU ARSEHOLE! " you shrieked while laughing, almost crying with happiness. "W-wha - " he stammered, blushing, when you cut him off with a peck on his mask.

He fainted on the spot. "Uh... was that too... much? " you asked to nobody in particular with a laughing-joking tone.


1090 words

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