SCP-166 x Nun-In-Training!Reader ~ Before Containment

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(Requested by Letmeread222)

Warning : it's Pride Month y'all, so expect more of girlxgirl and boyxboy. And don't read if you're homophobic
Also please tell me if I did something wrong, I actually did research and everything was kind of confusing.

You were born as a beautiful baby girl, with bright (eye colour) eyes and (hair colour) hair. Seeming like the most perfect girl in your parent's eyes, they were shocked when you decided to become a nun right after you graduated from college with a bachelor's degree. Sure, they had been suspicious of your insistence to obtain that degree, but they had never thought that you were willing to sacrifice so many things just to become one.

They did try to convince and often asked you if you could take it. Always replying with a big grin, you assured them that it was the path you wanted to take. Albeit they were disappointed that you weren't going to take a husband(cough cough grandkids), they supported your decision and allowed you to join an order.

That was when you met her.

About a few months into training, after you had been accepted into a postulancy, one of the higher-ranked nuns introduced you to her. She explained that she had been raised for most of her life by nuns, and barely had any contact with any other person. They reckoned that you two would get along well because of your personalities.

She was a pretty blonde girl, around sixteen years of age, with very long hair. At first, she was wary of you, but opened up once she realised that the both of you had much in common. Once, she confessed that she wanted to become a nun when she was older. From then on, you taught her everything you knew to try and help or prepare her when the time came. The two of you chatted when you could, between breaks, before bed, even in the morning! You guys were inseperable, and there wasn't a moment when one of you wasn't accompanied by the other.

But, it all changed that fateful day.

You sat on a bench, twirling a strand of hair between your fingers and fiddling with your clothing, waiting for her. You'd heard about the incident that happened a few days ago, when a man sneaked into the convent to visit one of the novices. She happened to be there at the time, and you hadn't seen her since. So, you waited at the usual spot where the two of you would meet up. You were getting anxious for her arrival, the incident not the only thing on your mind. See, with the close friendship you had, you couldn't help but fall for her, but you knew such acts were frowned upon by nuns, even if they didn't break the rules, so you had been suppressing it for the longest time.

Not today, however.

You planned to confess to her, to at least get rid of the feeling if she rejected you. The chances of your feelings being reciprocated were slim, but you were hopeful.

Therefore, when you saw her approaching you slowly, your eyes lit up and your bored stature transformed into an excited one.

"Hey, I heard about the... thing that happened a few days ago. Are you okay? I haven't seen you for a while, " you blurted out, wanting to get it over with. She paused, probably gathering the correct words, before speaking.

"Yes, I'm alright. It's just that the nuns wanted me to stay hidden for a while, keep a low profile, you know what I mean? They said that the man might be still lurking around, that we should take some precautions. Now I'm not allowed to wander around that much anymore, " she said with a defeated sigh. You looked at her, eyes full of sympathy.

"I know what you mean. It's hard, I know, but maybe we can convince them to change it back once everything blows over, " you suggested, trying to lighten the mood.

"I suppose you're right... "

"Um, okay, listen, I have something to tell you... "

"Mhm? " her head shot up.

"Look, we've been friends for a long time, right? "

"Yes..? "

"I just wanted to ask... if we could be more than friends..., " you looked down, shuffling your shoes, trying to hide how much your face resembled a tomato.

As her eyes widened with understanding, you felt a piercing pain in your chest, right below where you heart was. Your vision started to go cloudy, and you felt something seep out and stain your outift. Collapsing and clutching your shirt, she frantically tried to call out for you, to stop you from leaving.

"(Y/N)? (Y/N)! Please, don't leave me, I - "

"WHAT HAPPENED?! " you heard another voice shriek, sounding distant as you started to drift off.

"I love you, good-bye..," you whispered as your hand, who was clutched by hers, went slack; your head rolled to your side, eyes nothing more than a dull (e/c) sprinkled with light from the stars they couldn't see.


849 words

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