SCP-049 x D-Class!Immortal!Reader ~ Cured Of The Disease

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(Requested by PlagueDoctor5)

The chains jingled softly, to the rhythm of your movement. The guards muttered to one another, exchanging comments while one of them tugged on the neck collar that you had. You were possibly the most violent and aggressive D-Class in the facility, the only one that had to have chains to restrain them to avoid any more injuries. You'd made sure that the last guard that had dared to pull your hair had a great time recovering in the hospital or wherever he was.

Your fiery (e/c) eyes were filled with defiance and disgust. You'd rather rot in hell that be in this godforsaken facility, filled with bloodthirsty and sadistic entities classified as "SCP"s. The current guards that were leading you to a testing chamber to be used as a pawn were careful to stay out of your range, lest they get kicked or kneed somewhere VERY sensitive.

Once they unlocked the lock on your chains, they shoved you into the testing chamber, the door closing quickly behind you. Seems like they didn't want to take any chances.

A pair of luminous blue eyes were watching you curiously from the shadows. Because of the dim lighting, you didn't notice them until you heard some shuffles from a corner of the room you were in.

The figure was tall, about six feet in height. It seemed to be clothed, with their bright blue eyes staring at you in an intrigued way. You met its gaze, staring at it intensely. It tilted its head, stepping into the light, soft clicks of footsteps echoing throughout the room.

Now that you could see it more clearly, you realised it was black-robed, with the medieval plague doctor mask obscuring its face. The only thing you could see were its intelligent baby blue eyes, looking at you intently. It - no, he - seemed more like a male figure than an it. Maybe that was his gender?

He walked up to you slowly, eyes sweeping across the room as he did so. Your eyes showed confusion, thoughtfulness and shock - but no fear, to his surprise. That was a first.

Never mind that, you had to be cured. That was what he pledged to do, wasn't it? He had to rid the world of the pestilience, since nobody else would.

He stretched out his arm, ready to deal his deadly, lethal touch, when he hesitated. He looked at you in - confusion? His hand retracted, eyes looking around, as if he'd lost something.

He sensed nothing of the disease in you. It was all around you, but yet, it couldn't reach you. Of all the years of him travelling around the world, never had he once met a being that wasn't tarnished by the pestilience.

The figure in front of you seemed to be in a trance, lost in thought. You observed him carefully, deciding and weighing out your choices.

Ok, now there's a Plague Doctor guy in front of me that like, looked like he wanted to touch me on the shoulder but stopped and now he's just staring at the floor and oh my god this makes no sense -

Your thoughts were screwed up and all over the place, preventing you from thinking straight. Stupidly, it might seem, you reached out slowly and tapped him lightly on the shoulder.

Almost immediately, you regretted your action.

He flinched violently, jumping away from your touch, which also startled you.

- Meanwhile -

The scientists and researchers stood in awestruck silence. A D-Class, making physical contact with SCP-049, whose touch was lethal when exposed to direct skin contact? Unbelievable. The head researcher demanded for the D-Class to be taken out of the cell for blood testing.

Many researchers protested at the command, mostly because it would be a good chance to observe an SCP's reaction and a possible would-be SCP as well. In the end, the head researcher reluctantly agreed to the other researchers' pleading.

"A-are you o-o-okay? " you stuttered, almost smacking yourself at your stammers and stupid question.

He looked at his hands, then at you, then his hands again. Like he was amazed.

"Hello? " you called, your voice more confident now. He snapped back to attention.

"M-my apologies, I spaced out, " he spoke, his voice metallic and oddly soothing. You could already feel calmness seeping into your thoughts.

"What's your name? " he asked out of the blue, his hands tucked behind his back.

"(Y/n), or D-6724, as they like to call me, " you spat slightly at your designation number, glaring at the ground. Your gaze softened when you looked back up at him. "Yours? "

He chuckled lightly. "I go by many. You may call me Plague Doctor, however. I prefer it to my number, 049, " you nodded. Nobody wanted to be called by a number. It just didn't feel right and it wasn't even a proper name anyway.

"May I test something? "

"Depends. What's it about? "

"Can you hold out your hand? "

"Why? "

"I want to test... something, " he said quietly. Despite your suspicions and untrusting nature, you still held out your hand. He put his hand on yours gently, clasping and unclasping your hand.


"Am I making you uncomfortable? " he asked concernedly.

"Yes, " you replied quickly, shrinking back.

He let out a soft "oh" before removing his hand from yours. You cradled your arm tenderly before putting it down.

"D-6724 - er, (Y/n), kindly step out of the cell, " a voice rang out from the speakers. You waved good-bye to the Plague Doctor, who looked a bit sad, before he heard the researcher outside mention that you two might meet again. His heart lightened considerably for the rest of the day.

You were truly one of a kind, and he wanted to know you better.


979 words

Eyyy I nailed it! Wrote it all in one day, I'm so proud of myself. Thanks for the wonderful request, I had fun writing this.

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