SCP-049 x SCP-035 ~ Another Meeting?

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(Requested by DeathSavage1231)

Another day in the facility meant another chance of a post-apocalyptic world. A security breach by SCP-079 had struck one of the facilities that housed some of the more dangerous anomalies, resulting in an all-out containment breach across the site. Staff had been evacuated early as soon as the first few of the SCPs had escaped their cells, but there were still some casualties.

SCP-035 was one of the SCPs that SCP-079 had released first. After successfully tricking a guard into placing him on his face, he was roaming around the facility trying to find a way out as usual. He was placed in the deeper levels of the facility due to his classification to make his escape attempts harder, so it was a pain for him to escape. Though, he did eventually find his way to the Euclid sector. What he didn't know, was that SCP-049 was also in the facility. It had been a long time since they met during a previous containment breach, and SCP-035 assumed they had transferred him away to another facility since that was the case for most SCPs.

You could imagine their surprise when they ran into each other in the hallway, but actually SCP-049 was the one who called out to the other.

"My my, yet another victim of the disease, " he stated quietly in his cool, slightly robotic voice that held a tint of disapproval. Due to it being a habit, he raised up his hand and walked over to cure the infected patient, a "guard". SCP-035 paused at the sound of the footsteps and turned around, not believing his... er.. the guard's ears. He turned around to meet the startled bright blue eyes of SCP-049.

"049...?" SCP-035 questioned. The said SCP pulled back his hand and left it hanging at his side, staring in awe at SCP-035.

"After all this time...? "


SCP-049 was speechless. Never in his time of existence did he expect to meet the other SCP again. The Foundation would have never allowed it, and the chance of encountering one another during a containment breach was slim, but there they were, frozen in shcok by the other's appearances.

"....I think that you need a new host soon. "

"Yeah, I was considering that, actually. "

Silence ensued.

"So... I was thinking of escaping this hellhole, but now that I've ran into you... can we just hang around for a bit? " SCP-035 said slowly.

SCP-049 was shocked by his offer, but he could see the sense behind it. They might as well spend the limited time they had with each other since there was a fair chance they wouldn't see the other again. Besides, there was definitely going to have more occurances of containment breaches in the future, so why not?

"That seems... logical. Alright, what do you want to do? " he accepted, his posture becoming more relaxed.

SCP-035's demeanor brightened up drastically at SCP-049's response and the smile on his mask seemed to twitch uo more at the corners, signifying his happiness.

"Well, maybe we could walk around for a while and catch up with each other? Then... "

SCP-049 internally smiled at one of SCP-035's rare joyful outbursts. His emotions lightened up the aura of their surroundings greatly, making the hallway seem less dull. SCP-035 continued to blurt out his suggestions like an excited schoolgirl talking about the latest trends, causing SCP-049 to chuckle on some occasions.

Events like these reminded SCP-049 that not all of Earth's inhabitants were plagued by the pestilence. He cherished these moments while they lasted.


618 words
This is actually the fastest I've made a oneshot lmao

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