Child!SCP-049 x Kind!D-Class!Reader ~ Hush

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(Requested by Pupcakemon)

So, recently, one of the SCPs was exposed to an anomalous chemical that reached the SCP's containment chamber through the ventilation system. The chemical, being invisible to the naked eye, wasn't detected until its effect kicked in. The SCP in question was SCP-049, the Plague Doctor. As usual, he was noting down his findings of his cure in his journal. Just a perfectly normal day until the doctor began to feel queasy. Puzzled, SCP-049 halted his writing and took a moment to readjust himself.

He expected the queasiness to go away, instead he poofed(literally, in a cloud of smoke) into a significantly smaller version of himself.

The SCP was transported to another holding cell while his containment cell was examined, which was how the Foundation found out about the chemical. Now, you might be wondering what happens to living things when they come into contact with the chemical. Well, the answer is: it makes them become children.

Therefore, that meant that Foundation had to deal with a ten-year-old SCP-049 until they found a way to reverse the chemical's effects. As anticipated, no one else wanted to do it, except you, who had much experience with dealing with children and very much enjoyed their company. Besides, you were one of the nicer Class-Ds that for sure didn't have the heart to hurt a child. With a more than eager Class-D to do the job, they sent you in with an outfit that covered every part of your body since the doctor still had his deadly touch.

"Hello! " if it weren't for the fact that you knew he was an anomaly, you would've mistaken him for a boy that was cosplaying as a plague doctor. His voice sounded way more lively and expressive, contrary to the cold monotone that his older counterpart had. The doctor was lying on the floor, reading a book.

"Hello, are you SCP-049?" you replied, waving to the SCP. He nodded and said, "What's your name? "

"(Y/N), but I'm addressed by another name, (Class-D Number). "

"I'm going to call you (Y/N), because it sounds better than your other name, " SCP-049 declared.

You giggled a bit. "Do you mind if I sit next to you? " you asked, crouching down to meet his level.

"Not at all, " he responded, and moved to shift his things to make space for you. "Thank you, " you said as you sat down in the space he made.

"Doctor, who were those people that were with you? " SCP-049 surprised you with a question. You were nonplussed by the term he used to address you.

"Oh, goodness no, I'm not a doctor. And those people were guards, they escorted me here, " 049 clicked his tongue at your answer.

"You must be a doctor, I don't sense any sickness in you, " he insisted, yellow eyes flashing. "Those guards were sick though, you should stay away from them. You don't want to get sick too. "

"Could you explain more about this sickness? I'm confused. They looked fine to me, " you tilted your head, a bit concerned about what he was talking about. Being immune to a sickness didn't make you a doctor!

"The sickness, though that's not a very professional tone. It was called something else, but I forgot what it was. Peste - pestil - "

"Pestilence? " you answered for him.

"Yes! The pestilence is everywhere, many people are infected with it. It has been like that for as long as I can remember. "

"It's deadly? "

"Not exactly. I have no idea where it originated from, but I know nearly everything on this planet is contaminated with it. I want to be the one who creates a cure for the pestilence! That way nobody will be sick anymore and everyone will be healthy, " he brought his hands up and giggled. His laughter was contagious, so soon you were laughing along as well.

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