SCP-049 x SCP!Angel!Reader ~ Pure

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(Requested by FandomTrashGalore)

It might seem ridiculous, but you were a Safe Class SCP, an Angel. Like the legends and several of the mythologies, you had fluffy, white bird-like wings that sprouted out of your back, along with the signature golden halo that always floated on top on your head.

For your abilities, you were immortal, your blood was golden in colour and could be used to heal any physical wound, and you could teleport to any dying creature. Any living creature that came within ten feet of you would refuse to hurt you whatsoever, even if they had an urge to kill you two seconds ago. The effect lasted at least twenty-four hours.

It was a normal day, you know, before a containment breach happened. Like every other containment breach, you went around the facility helping personnel and SCPs, regardless of what they had did or were. In your opinion, every one deserved a second chance at life.

You sighed after watching another D-Class run away after being healed. Sensing another close to death, you immediately teleported there.

There was a human, another D-Class, on the floor, covered in blood. He had long since fell silent after no one had returned his calls for help. He was too severely injured, he wouldn't make it.

"May God have mercy on your soul, " you whispered, closing his eyes gently. He passed there and then, happy to have been blessed by an Angel.

It was then did you notice another presence in the room.

"Hello, " you greeted politely, turning around. The SCP replied with a short nod, averting his eyes to the limp body of the D-Class.

"Why? " was all he asked.

"It was better for him to pass, " you explained. "He had suffered too much, only death awaited him if I had healed him.

"At least he can enjoy a better life where he is now. "

You sensed something on the SCP's mind; he seemed to be troubled.

"Is everything alright? " you asked concernedly.

"Where....what..," he seemed to be at a struggle for words. "Why don't I sense it within you? "

"Pardon? " you were mildly interested by the SCP's choice of words. What could he not sense in you that was in others?

"The...the pestilence.., " he mumbled. "Nevermind. You wouldn't believe me. "

"Believe what? Trust me, I would never ridicule somebody for having a belief. If you believe in something that makes you content, then why would I scorn you for that? "

"Really? " the SCP still looked unsure.

"Of course! " you declared.

"I don't sense the pestilence within you, " he stated slowly. "Everyone I have met before has had it, but not you. I've cured many that have been infected with it, and I plan to do the same with him, " he pointed to the dead D-Class.

"Dear doctor, " you said, referring to his 16th century Plague Doctor outfit. "What do you mean by cure? "

"I'm afraid that you won't like it, it involves a series of rather gruesome things to reach the final product. My cure is still in its early stages and not yet fully developed, so there will be mistakes, but they will be fixed soon enough. "

"Alright.., " you said absent-mindedly, sensing another person in need. You turned back to the doctor. "I'm afraid I must have to leave. Business calls elsewhere, but perhaps I could get to know your name before I go? "

"They call me SCP-049, but you may call me Doctor, " he responded, slight disappointment in his cool, metallic voice. "Yours? "

"(Y/N), " you smiled, before disappearing in a flurry of white, leaving behind a single, snowy white feather.


614 words

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