Dr. Iceberg x Dr. Gears ~ Dancing Lessons

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(Requested by Letmeread222)

Warning : don't read if you are homophobic

Iceberg and Gears were fooling around, you know, the usual. But it was mostly Iceberg cracking some horrible jokes while Gears gave an occasional chuckle in response. They were over at Iceberg's house after their shift at the Foundation had ended and were listening to music playing on Iceberg's speaker.

Although it didn't seem like it, Iceberg and Gears were good friends, even though they might not seem like that at work. But as soon as they had free time or nobody(ESPECIALLY BRIGHT) was around, there would be a pencil war. Literally. It was mostly Iceberg's fault, so he had to clean up the office after, but Gears pitched in to help too.

Despite Gears's(how do you even pronounce that?) lack of emotional response to many things, he still tried his best to show some of his appreciation on the outside.

Occasionally Iceberg would pause to listen to the music, but resume after. This time, when Iceberg stopped to hear it, he was actually humming along with the rhythm. The song was a slow, relaxing beat, meant for a Waltz.

"You know... I've always wondered how people... waltz.., " Gears admitted, after listening to the calm beat of the song for a while.

"You don't know how to dance? " Iceberg asked, incredulous.

"No, I do know how to dance, it's just the waltz that I'm not familiar with, " Gears responded, almost as if defending himself, but Iceberg couldn't tell by his monotone voice. He often got frustatrated with how Gears could read him like an open book when Iceberg couldn't even differentiate a worried or curious glance from him. Eventually he learnt to shake it off and got used to it.

"Pft.. alright, " Iceberg stood up from his couch, holding out a hand to Gears. Said person looked at his hand and looked back at him, tilting his head. Iceberg almost wanted to laugh at how confused Gears looked.

"C'mon, I'm gonna teach you how to waltz, " Iceberg told him, managing to hold in his laughter. Gears hesitated, but accepted his hand. It was freezing cold, and most would either cringe back or snatch their arm away because of how cold it was. But Gears, he was used to it.

And so, in front of the warmth that the fire burning in Iceberg's chimney provided, Iceberg tried to teach Gears how to waltz. It was fairly easy, because Gears was a fast learner, but he made a small mistake here or there that Iceberg had to correct.

"It's like we're doing the Mistake Waltz but instead the mistakes are actually accidental, " Iceberg mumbled.

"Agreed, " Gears nodded.

Everything was going great, until the music changed.

At that moment, Iceberg let out a cute squeak as Gears spun him around, gently.


"Language, " Gears chided. "You don't know how to tango? "

"N-no, " Iceberg stammered, still in shock about the sudden move that left him dizzy. Mentally or emotionally, he couldn't tell.

"Well, now I get to teach you, " Gears smiled, genuinely. It was one of the rare moments that he'd show a real emotional response. Somehow, it made Iceberg even dizzier.

"Uh, okay, how do you - " Iceberg had to take a massive gulp before speaking again. The spin had temporarily messed up his brain, so he needed a few seconds before he could put it back into place.

"How do you tango? " Iceberg repeated slowly, not wanting to mess up his words.

"Copy me. "

Gears held up his arms stiffly, leaving Iceberg to imitate his action. Gears took his hand and placed his other one on Iceberg's back, to which Iceberg followed as well.

It was quite funny, watching Iceberg stumble around trying to echo Gears's movements with difficulty. They still had fun, albeit Iceberg was slightly irritated that he couldn't catch up quite as easily as Gears did.

"Do you still want to learn how to tango - ? "



666 words
sPeaK oF tHe dEvIl
aaaaaa I luv Gearsberggg
I ran out of uwus and X3s while making this

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