SCP-049 x SCP!Wendigo!Reader ~ Hunger

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(Requested by EvilFlowersBlooming)

For the sake of the story, you eat animal flesh along with human flesh. The skull you wear is like a mask, you can open the jaws freely to eat with your actual teeth.

You stared creepily at every researcher and scientist you passed, making them uneasy. Those wretched Foundation guards had tricked you into climbing into the cage with a wounded rabbit, shut the door and were now taking you somewhere. They had purposefully "forgotten" to give you one of your meals to make you hungry and lure you into the cage. Although they promised to give you a full meal if you cooperated, you were still starving and craving for flesh, even if human flesh wasn't your favourite, you'd still eat it. It tasted disgusting, like them, but it was still food.

As the guards opened the cage door, you made sure to snap and bare your razor-sharp teeth at them. One jumped back in fright and got smacked on the head by another. You let out a low, malicious laugh, one that could send chills down anyone's spine.

They had brought you to a rather dim-lit room, with a dead lamb
ready at the corner of it. Scampering to it on all four feet, you devoured the lamb in ravenous, vicious bites and tears, leaving the the bones neatly packed in a miniature bonehill and splatters of blood where the lamb used to be.

During your feeding, your skull, that had been placed on your head, became lopsided. Fixing it back into position, you noticed a pair of glowing, baby blue orbs looking at you through a glass window that you hadn't noticed in your haste to feast on the lamb.

You dismissed it as a trick of the lighting, but the blue orbs seemed to tilt slightly when you looked back at it. That was when you realised the orbs belonged to a person, an SCP.

The SCP pressed his bloody gloved hand against the glass, still staring at you. You reared onto your hind feet, putting your claw-like hands on the glass as well.

"Hello, " he greeted, voice metallic and devoid of emotion.

You waved at him, showing friendliness.

"Can you speak? " he asked, tilting his head.

Opening your mouth, you tried to speak for the first time in.. what? Months? Years? "Y-yes, " you said softly, the word seeming foreign to your tongue. "Too much.. No, " you lacked the knowledge of knowing how to speak fluently, only knowing basic words. So, you made gestures as you spoke to get him to understand the meaning of your words. Luckily, he understood.

"What are you? " he inquired, putting his question into the most simple form that he could think of. The answer was quick - "Wendigo. "

"I thought.. they ate humans? "

"Me eat animals. Human meat, not nice, " you shuddered, thinking of the time you had to resort to eating a human to survive. Food had been scarce for you, and he was there, walking through the forest... you couldn't help it. As much as you didn't want to be like the other Wendigos, you forced yourself to chew and swallow down the revolting meat.

"Who you? "

"I, " he began proudly. "Am a doctor. "

"Doc-tor.. ?"

"I cure people. "

"Ohhh, " you said in understanding.

The conversation went well, but had to be put to a stop because of the "time limit". After that, you noticed that the staff were paying more attention to you and tried to engage in conversation. Their efforts were proved futile, since you only responded to 049 and mostly gave gestures or non-verbal cues to the researchers/doctors.

Time skip

Gradually, as time moved on, your sessions lengthened and the securities were removed. First, it was a few small holes in the glass, then, the entire glass pane(they had chained you to the wall, however).

Unfortunately, on one of the days of your testing, there had been a little error. A small containment breach had happened, and in their haste to escape, the doctor in charge had forgotten to feed you. So when they brought you in for testing, you were famished. It took all your willpower not to lunge at one of the guards and rip off a chunk of his skin, though the idea of eating human flesh wasn't that disgusting anymore...

"Um...(SCP number), are you okay? You seem... tensed, " 049 questioned, worried. For the past five minutes, your claws had been twitching, jaws opening and closing repeatedly.

"Fine. Me fine, just...hungry, " you growled out the last part, snarling slightly. Shaking your head, you proceeded to turn away from him.

Ignore, ignore. Go away. Me not hungry. Is not like others. Not. Hungry. Hungry... No! Not hungry, not hungry, not hungry, not hungry...

"Not hungry..., " you muttered.

"Um..., " 049 looked up at the doctor present in the observing area. He was busy talking to someone, not aware of the situation. While 049 was trying to catch his attention, he didn't notice the pair of glowing (e/c) eyes behind him.

At that miraculous moment, the doctor in the observing area turned and stared. 049 looked behind him and was tackled to the ground, staring straight into your hunger-crazed eyes.


A tranquilizer dart hit you in the neck right when you raised your claws. Your limbs froze and your senses numbed, making you feel dazed. At last, you snapped out of your trance and stared wide-eyed at 049, before your eyes closed against your own will, falling to the ground.

The last words you heard before you drifted to a peaceful, dreamless slumber were "It's not your fault. "


958 words
Alright, so basically, you can open the jaws of the skull without much difficulty. They open on their own when you're about to take a bite and rarely open unless you want to. It's hard for someone to open them if you don't want to open them. When you eat, you don't eat with the skull's teeth, cuz that's not your actual head. You wear the skull ON your head,  so you eat with your actual teeth, which are super sharp. You have antlers that grow on your head, again, not the skull, although I didn't mention them here. There's some fur that covers your body and your hind legs are proportioned slightly like a deer's, but human-like so you can stand on them for a short period of time.

Bonus :

I really wanted to draw a Wendigo qwqAnyways this is how I portray the reader :3

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I really wanted to draw a Wendigo qwq
Anyways this is how I portray the reader :3

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