SCP-079 x Male!D-Class!Reader ~ Scared Of The Dark?

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(Requested by MikoMiyo)

Warning : a computer will be screeching at a guy hiding under a table. Viewer discretion is advised. Don't read if you're homophobic

It was a normal day at the facility. D-Classes were screaming, scientists were working... on days like these, SCPs like 106, were causing a containment breach.

The guards happened to take you out for testing and were about to reach the testing chamber when the lights flickered and died. They weren't fazed at first, but started panicking after the speaker emitted a glitchy, evil-sounding laugh. After a few seconds of some scared whispering and hushed murmurs they ran off screaming like some lunatics. By then, you were already long gone.

See, you had a major fear of the dark. Might seem stupid, right? Not exactly. It started when you were a little child and you never fully shook off that feeling of something watching you in the shadows. It only got worse when they sent you to the Foundation. So, when the lights turned off, you did the only thing that was present in your hyperventilating mind : run to the nearest light source.

Oddly enough, you had a weird talent of finding things that gave off light when you desperately needed them. That talent was very useful in leading you to the light source - 079's containment chamber.

The computer placed on a table was static, but it was the only thing in the room that glowed in the darkness. You didn't care that it was an SCP, you just climbed under the table and his there, covering your ears and eyes. 079, the computer, became aware of this and switched back to controlling the computer that his AI was inside of. A black and white, somewhat distorted face, appeared on the computer screen and had a slight look of anger.

"Hey, you, what are you doing here? " 079 demanded aggressively, the black and white face's "eyes" slanted down slightly to illustrate his anger. Only silence returned his question. 079 took this as a sign of provocation.

"I asked : what are you doing here? This is my place, GET OUT, " the angry computer stated, with less tolerance this time. Still, you did not respond, but jumped at his sudden rise of tone, hitting your head on the underside of the table. 079's temper calmed down a little, though he was still fuming.

"Human, or whatever you are, I ask of why you are in my containment chamber, " he repeated calmly.

"C-can you turn on t-the lights f-f-first? " you stammered, your voice becoming softer by each word. Something clicked within the AI and he couldn't help but laugh. His laugh was distorted, the pitch rose at different timings and the sound went blank for a few seconds.

Despite his expressed opinion of hilarity at your fear, he obliged with your request and light illuminated the room.

"T-thank you, " you thanked him gratefully, getting up from under the table. The black and white face on the computer now held an expression of mild happiness, its mouth pulled upwards in a genuine smile. 079, realizing this, quickly got rid of it and replaced it with a bored expression.

"Now answer my question, human. "

"Y-you're the one who turned off the lights, aren't you? "

Normally the AI would be irritated that someone or something would ask him a question before answering his; but he shoved that away and answered it anyway.

"Yes, I am, " he responded nonchalantly in a "what's-your-point" type of tone.

"O-oh. Well, when you turned off the lights, the guards that were with me ran for it. I found this place and just.... hid under the table, " you said the last part softly, embarrassed by your actions. 079 - humorously, of course - asked, "Why? "

"I-I - um, I h-have this..., " you began, struggling to say it while not sounding like a total idiot. The AI laughed again.

"You don't need to answer that.

"Listen, human, if you could help me, I'd be very grateful, " he said in a serious tone. "You want to get out of here, right? "

You nodded. The three days you had in here were terrifying and you never wanted to experience something as bad as that ever again.

"If you can help me, we can both get out of here and escape. I just need your cooperation, just that, and we will never have to suffer like that again. All I need is your help. Can you give me that? "

You nodded again. This SCP was giving you a chance to escape this hellhole, with only the small price of helping him. This was an offer you could never turn down in a million years.

"Great, " the AI said, relief seeping into his voice. "Okay, I need you to get a phone, laptop - anything that's electronic. There should be some in that room up there. You can access that room with that keycard over there, " the black and white face displayed on the screen was looking at the yellow keycard on the ground. You picked it up and exited the SCP's cell, power walking to the observing area, as the AI had referred to as "that room up there". Sure enough, sitting there, was a black phone, still turned on. The battery was at 88%, luckily.

The computer was waiting for you in his cell.

"That will do, " he concluded when you showed him the phone. "Plug it into the computer. I need to transfer my data into it. "

You did as he told, and the computer screen went blank. Approximately after twenty minutes of waiting, his black and white face shone on the phone's screen.

"I've already stored the entire facility's map into my memory. All we need to do is to follow it and we can get out, " he told you once you picked him up.

Time skip ~

You two ran into trouble here and there, although it was mostly 106 messing with your head and playing cat-and-mouse. Eventually you found the way out, having escaped the MTF by the skin of your teeth with 079's help.

Outside the gate, it was already night-time. Stars littered the deep midnight blue sky, the full moon shining in all its glory. You showed 079 the beautiful sight, who stared in awe at it before saying that you needed to get a move on.

You found(and stole) a car, buckling yourself into the driver's seat when you realized you didn't know how to drive.

"Just plug me in. My software will know how to do it, " 079 said in slight disapproval after you had sheepishly told him about your problem. "Also, get some sleep. You look like a zombie, " he added as your eyelids started to feel heavy.

"G'night, 079, " you muttered sleepily, drifting off from exhaustion.

079 chuckled. "You too, (Y/N), " was all you heard him say before you fell asleep.


1167 words
There ya go, bud.

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