SCP-049 x SCP!Kenku!Reader Part 2 ~ Breach

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(Loved it so much I continued it)

You were snuggled up in your nest, sleeping peacefully. Well, it was more like a bed, but you preferred calling it a nest. When you caught a scent of blood, you immediately stood up, feathers ruffled from your sleeping position.

"ATTENTION ALL PERSONNEL, MULTIPLE EUCLID AND KETER BREACHES HAVE BEEN DETECTED - " the panicked announcement was cut off promptly, followed by glitched laughter. It was only then did you hear the increasing screams and yells of staff, and the thundering of footsteps outside your cell. Glancing at the observing area, you realised that the researchers and scientists in there had evacuated.

You made a great leap to the door, tearing at it with your talons. It wasn't easy, but the reinforced metal eventually gave way. Eagerly, you climbed through the small hole that you made and looked for a way out.

You had tried to tear through the roof of many floors once during a breach, but to no avail. The floors were endless and so was the facility. Trying to escape by the roof wasn't an ideal option.

On your adventure through the facility, you met someone - well, something. It was an SCP, judging by its appearance. It had a white mask on it with black stuff coming out of the eyeholes, and the top body was covered in the same black liquid on the mask. The neck and shoulders were even rotten and bone matter was exposed!

It had travelled into your line of sight and was wandering about, looking for something, a keycard you assumed. If you had to make a guess, you'd say that it was a Keter SCP. Surely it would travel up rather than go down if it was on one of the upper floors of the facility?

You tried to flee from the sight but unfortunately he saw your white feather at where you had been standing before. You stopped right in your tracks when he called, "Who's there? "

Immediately, you mimicked, "Who's there? " but in a different voice. You continued to mimic more vocalizations, such as "Hello? " and "I need help, someone help me! " in different voices.

The SCP ran the other way, according to the way his footsteps sounded more distant the more he ran. You were relieved that your trick had worked; it seemed like that encounter with 939 had advantages.

But, just as you thought you had gotten rid of him, two pairs of footsteps came your way. "I heard the sounds this way, " the SCP from before told his companion. His voice was frantic. The other said nothing but continued to walk in your direction. Growing desperate, you decided that you'd stun your enemy, since they wouldn't be prepared, and book it. You readied your talons and prepared to pin down your enemy as the footsteps came closer.

But who you came face-to-face - well, beak-to-beak with was someone you did not expect to see again.

In the midst of your shock, you froze, staring at 049. He, too, was surprised by your appearance.

"Kenki...?" he asked uncertainly, as though he didn't believe you were actually there.

"049! " you chirped in his voice, headbutting him gently.

"Doc? " the other SCP came near, the mask showing an expression of confusion. "Who's that? " he asked when he saw you purring in a cat's voice for amusement.

"Kenki, " you repeated your nickname in a cold tone, stepping up to your full height and staring down the SCP.

049 sighed and pulled you down by your arm, so that you were slightly shorter than him.

"035, " he said to the other SCP. "Meet (SCP/N). You can call her Kenki.

"Kenki, " his withering gaze was locked in you. "Meet 035. He's no harm unless you anger him. "

That just made you glare at him with your unnerving stare. 035 seemed uncomfortable from the type of treatment you were giving him.

049 sighed wearily. He had to deal with an angry, pissed bird and an overly-dramatic theatre mask. Just great. Today was going to be a long day.


685 words


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