Chapter Two

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I stared at Gonho who couldn't even look at me in the eye right now. I had to be hearing things. There was no way.

"Are you fucking joking?" I asked and Gonho flinched, looking up at Se-Hee for help.


"There's a dead body in my club and you DIDN'T THINK YOU SHOULD WAKE ME UP?!" I shouted and they both looked sick. Well they fucking should! How could they keep something like this from me? And now they'd even gotten the police involved...I did not need a bunch of cops bulldozing their way through my club like them having a badge made it OK to be bitchy bastards.

"But, Boss..." Gonho tried and I walked away from him, heading behind the bar so I could find myself something to drink.

"Oh my God." I groaned and took out a bottle of whiskey. I didn't even like whiskey, but the burn would be beautiful. There was a glass out on the table already so I poured a finger. Then I poured four more. Fuck. A dead body? My arms started to shake and I took a second to breathe, leaning down on the bar.

"What the fuck do I pay you for, Gonho? Huh? Are you a statue?" I asked. "Because those are fucking cheaper than you, let me tell you." I spat out before pouring the entire contents of the glass down my throat. Holy...the burn was so painful, I would have shuddered, except a voice from behind me made me pause.

"Excuse me? Are you the owner of this club?" I couldn't help the automatic stiffening of my shoulders. Was there something about me that didn't look like I could own a place like this? I turned around to sneer at whoever it was that had spoken, but my words caught in my throat.

I had been in love exactly one time in my life. I was young and stupid and he'd been the same. Top it off with the toxic environment we'd been born in...add raging teenage hormones and it was a recipe for disaster. Still...there was no one in the world who had ever made my heart skip a beat like Seojun had. Until now...

"Who are you?" It came out strangled and I wanted to cough to clear my throat but I settled for gritting my teeth.

"I'm Detective Byun Baekhyun. I'm the lead investigator." He said, and only then did I notice the small badge hooked on the side of his hip.

"You're a cop?" I asked, a little confused. He didn't look anything like a police officer.

"Is there somewhere private we can talk so I can ask you a few questions?" He said, ignoring my outburst and taking off the black surgical gloves on his hands. I blinked at him for a second and moved out from behind the bar.

"We can go to my office." I muttered, my voice still a little gruff, and I led the way up the stairs to the room at the end of the corridor.

Stepping inside my office, I flipped a switch and lights illuminated the dark room. I sighed as I walked over to my desk and took my phone out of my pocket, but there were no calls from Mr Kim so he must not have heard yet. Shit.

"Nice office." Detective Byun said from the doorway. "Big." Too big, but it hadn't been designed with me in mind. At least I got to style it myself.

"How can I help you, Detective?" I asked and leaned against the side of my desk. I don't know why, but sitting down my chair felt like it would be rude. "I'm not sure I can, though. All I know so far is there was a body found in the bathrooms this morning."

"Yes. Your manager says that one of the cleaning staff found the victim. Do you always use outside cleaning services?" He asked and I expected him to pull out a pen and paper like all TV detectives did when interviewing witnesses, but he just folded his arms over his chest.

"Yes. I always hire the same company. They come every morning at 6am. Very reliable." He nodded and pursed his lips.

"What can you tell me about your staff that was on duty?" I frowned and eyed him warily.

"I trust everyone on my staff. They're like family." I said softly. He raised an eyebrow and took a few steps closer.

"Family can be tricky. Tell me why the time of death for my victim is close to midnight and yet, no one saw or heard anything until he was found this morning. Does your 'family'... " He made quotes in the air. "Not do a sweep during closing time? To look for wanderers."

"I have plenty of guards stationed all around the club. They make sure everyone leaves when they're supposed to. And safely." I had to grit my teeth though because Gonho and his band of gargoyles must have fucked up at some point.

"I heard. That's a lot of guards for such a small club." He commented and I rolled my eyes.

"Look, I really don't know anything, Detective. I can give you a list of everyone who was on duty last night, if that helps, and you can talk to them."

"And where were you last night?" He asked, finally taking a pen out of his pocket.

"My apartment. Upstairs." I looked up pointedly and his eyes followed mine.

"You live here?"

"It's not so bad. My soundproofing is excellent." I said and he just looked at me blankly. "So, do you want the list?" I asked and he walked up to my desk.

"You can email it to me. I need to get back to the station." He said, eyes flitting around my desk. "Do you have some paper?" I didn't. Nothing in this office was written down on paper. Mr Kim was always on my case about how technology could be easily hacked these days, but he knew as well as I did that our security systems on the computers were military grade for a reason.

"What do you want?"

"I need to give you my address. To send the list to." He said like it was obvious. I could have just taken my phone on the desk and asked him to type it out for me, but he already the pen in his hand... I held my arm out and pulled back my sleeve, offering it to him.

"What?" I asked when he didn't move. "Write down the address. I thought you needed to get back to work."

"Write it on your arm?" He let out a soft laugh. "Just get me a piece of paper." He said.

"I don't have any. You can check. You won't find anything." I said softly and his jaw worked while he tried to figure out if I was joking or not. Eventually he sighed and pulled on my arm roughly, jabbing the pen down in my flesh and started to write. I said nothing while he scratched his email onto my skin so hard it might as well be a tattoo. After a small pause, he added a phone number too.

"Call me if you can think of anything else." He said and I nodded because I couldn't open my mouth to breathe. He was so close, I could smell his cologne. He smelled unexpectedly delicious. It was still hard to believe that he was a cop. He looked so delicate standing there in front of me. Like most people, he was shorter than me; and the lights in my office could pick up the little red highlights in his brown curls. When he wasn't frowning at me, his face was beautiful. His skin looked so soft. His mouth even softer. Pink and plump accented by the most adorable little spot at the corner of his mouth. But as beautiful as his face was, his hands were by far the most beautiful thing about him. They looked almost feminine, long and thin and I wanted them wrapped around my -

"I didn't get your name." He said, interrupting my daydream.

"Park. Park Chanyeol." I whispered and he stepped away from me with a nod.

"Mr Park. Like I said. Call me if you think of anything."

"Sure." I murmured and I watched him as he left my office, lost in my thoughts even long after he'd gone.

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