Chapter Thirty Eight

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A/N: Long chapter today...


"Move it." Ji-Hoon mumbled and I stumbled when he pushed me through another door. It was much lighter out here and from what I could tell, we were in some sort of shopping mall that was still heavily under construction. All of the shops were bare and there was still a lot of scaffolding and wooden planks lying around.

My head was still spinning and when Ji-Hoon pushed me again to direct me to a set of stairs, I tripped. I landed hard on a pile of steel pipes and they clattered all around me, echoing in the empty space. It was hard to break my fall with my hands tied together like this, and I hissed when one of the pipes dug into my side.

"Get up." Ji-Hoon sighed in annoyance. Thunder rumbled in the distance again and I couldn't help but think back to that night...was it only a few days ago? When Chanyeol had held me in his arms in his bed while I cried. Chanyeol... it was clear that he was the real target, wasn't he? Even if Ji-Hoon had me tied up and was planning to kill me, Chanyeol was the one he was really trying too hurt.

It made my chest ache. As mad as I'd been at him for bizzarely trying to sort-of use me as a replacement for his ex... Chanyeol had always been kind in his own way. He wasn't a bad person. I don't know what kind of twisted plans Tae-Moon had for his adoptive brother, but I couldn't let him get away with it.

I staggered up from the floor and while Ji-hoon was still distracted looking through the door down the stairs, I closed my hands around one of the pipes and swung it at his head with as much force as I could. I swore under my breath when he dodged it just before it landed, making it clang against the wall, the vibrations surging up my arms.

I was weak; my head felt like it was splitting apart and my arms were almost numb, but training and adrenalin helped me adjust quickly enough to lash out one more time and I aimed another blow at his side. I clipped his arm and when he hissed and dropped to the floor, I bolted.

I headed up. Ji-Hoon had been looking down the stairs and I didn't want to make his plans to drag me to my death any easier for him. I had no idea what he had set up down there and maybe if I could just get to the roof and see where the fuck this place was...

Halfway up my second flight of stairs I heard grunting and started to panic. I really should have aimed for the head to knock him out. I fell through an open door o the next level and scrambled around to look for something to cut the zip-ties. I needed to get free at least. I didn't have a my gun anymore, but my hands would do just fine. I gasped with relief when I saw a table bandsaw in one of the empty rooms and I ran over to it, sawing the ties over the teeth as fast as I could. They split just as I heard Ji-Hoon enter the room behind me.

I was prepared for him trying to grab me, so I ducked quickly and rolled under the table, kicking out at his leg. He growled low in his throat and reached under the table while I was still crawling away and dragged me out from under it. I kicked him again, but he slapped my leg away and dropped to his knees, his hands going for my throat.

I dived to the side and elbowed him in the face, but he barely flinched and I choked when his hands wrapped around my throat. I tried not to panic again, but his hands were so strong and my body couldn't help but fight the loss of air. I tapped at his hands but of course that was useless. I tried to suck in a breath and when I couldn't, I really started to get scared.

I gathered up as much of the last of my energy as I could and wriggle around under him, flopping about like a fish to try and get him off me. I dug my elbow into his sides and lifted my knees up as much as I could, pushing him away from me and when his hands loosened, I greedily sucked in some air, crawling away from him. Get up, Baekhyun, I screamed to myself, but all my body wanted to do was breath. I coughed and spluttered and clawed at my throat as I pulled myself towards the door but I wasn't fast enough.

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