Chapter Fourteen

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I was pissed. Beyond pissed. I shouldn't have trusted Chanyeol when he'd agreed to call me so easily. It burned to realise how stupid I had been and I couldn't even speak I was so angry at myself. I ignored him as he and his guard, Gonho if I was remembering correctly, muttered amongst themselves. I had to focus.

This body was different from the other ones. Unlike my other victims, this one had been discovered pretty much right after he had been killed so there was no stiffness in the limbs. His neck hadn't had time to bruise too much, but faint purple marks were still visible around the throat. There was another difference too... the angle of the head didn't seem natural. I tilted my head and peered down at it carefully.

"We have a problem." Chanyeol's deep voice sounded behind me and I startled a little.

"Fuck." I whispered, holding on to my chest as my heart tried to beat out of my chest. "Of course we have a problem." I said, looking at him evenly.

"Not this." He replied, avoiding looking down. "Someone called the police."

"What did you expect?" I rolled my eyes. I had been strolling close to the club when I'd heard the screams and dashed inside, almost getting trampled on my way to the back where everyone seemed to be running from. If I hadn't been so close by, I would have gotten the call from station instead of Chanyeol first.

"Look. You know what happens when someone calls the cops to a night club?" He asked, pulling out his phone when it beeped. "Reporters."

"Shit." I groaned and he nodded, tapping at the screen. "I need to get my M.E and my partner in here. Can they come in the back? I really don't want anyone to see them..." Taping off the club would just draw an even bigger crowd and the media attention was exactly what Comm. Son had been warning me about.

"I have an idea." He said looking at me with a grim face.


"We can bring them round the back, but ...the reporters will just be drawn that side with all the commotion. No one besides the girl who first saw the body, saw anything. I'll just speak to a few reporters outside. Make them think it was someone who was drunk that mistook a partier who passed out for a dead body."

"That's..." I chewed on my bottom lip because I was still mad at him, but his idea wasn't the worst. It might actually work. "OK. Thanks."

"It's a shit show out there." Hae-won said as she snapped on her gloves and handed me a pair.


"Yeah. Your boy is doing a pretty good job handling the reporters, though."

"He's not my boy." I grumbled with a frown. I couldn't even imagine Chanyeol being a boy. He was all man only. "He's a colossal asshole. I TOLD him to call me."

"He has your number?" She grinned at me and I lifted my arm to punch her, but she ducked out of the way.

"Shut up." I glared at her and waited for Jin-young to get his camera ready so he could take photos.

"I'm just saying. He was staring at your ass pretty hard earlier." She opened her medical bag and took out some swabs.

"Can you focus?" I hissed at her, pointing at my latest vic, Shin Won-Hyuk, 22. Still so fucking young.

Jin-young kept quiet as he took a few photos of the body and moved on to take more of the rest of the bathroom.

"You were right. Neck is broken." Hae-won said as she moved it back and forth in her hands. "That is different."

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