Chapter Four

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"What's up with you?" Se-Hee asked when he found me leaning against the railings on the second level of the club. He'd caught me at the worst time really; when I was moody and wondering if I'd be lonely forever, or if there was another Seojun out there waiting for me. A quick flash of that delicious smelling Detective Byun passed through my head for a second and I had to grit my teeth. As tempting as the challenge was, members of the police force was a no go. Never.

"Nothing." I lied, rolling my shoulders and standing up tall, but keeping my gaze on the people dancing below me.

"You've been like this since we found the stiff a week ago." He said softly and my hands curled into fists. "If you need to take a few days - "

"I'm fine." I said. "What is it? What did you need?" I asked, turning to face him now and sticking my hands into my pockets. Just in case he could see them shaking.

"Gonho says there are some small fry trying to deal in the basement." He said. "That shit laced with nutmeg again."

"Fucking..." I muttered under my breath and started walking to the stairs. A while ago I'd had some problems with party-goers in my club having severe reactions to a drug that had been circulating in the lower VIP level of the club. I didn't have any problems with drugs. As long as I could keep the people using them recreationally safe, I didn't mind them in my club. They were almost part of the experience now. But when assholes came in to my space with drugs laced with shit that was poisonous?

Nutmeg on it's own wasn't very harmful to most people, and if they didn't have any nut allergies, it probably wouldn't even affect them. But this batch of LSD's making rounds lately was so heavy on the nutmeg, people were turning up delirious and convulsing... I hadn't even known something as stupid as a fucking spice could make people high in the first place. Kids these days...

I made a disgusted noise as I hurried down the stairs and snapped my fingers at Gonho who was across the room in moments.


"Show me." I said and he nodded as he pulled out the security tablet in his jacket.

"This kid in the white jacket. He's been handing them out all night. We only found out because we've been watching the bathrooms lately, like you asked. A lot of kids in the VIP level are getting sick. We already had one who had to be taken to hospital. She'll be fine in a few days though."

The kid in the white jacket was beaming when he walked into my office later, sauntering in like he owned the place instead of me.

"Wow. Nice place." He said, eyes flitting over everything in my office. "I couldn't believe it when they said you asked - "

"Sit." I said roughly and his face fell.

"Umm..." He shifted in his feet and only seemed to realize now that the only escape route he had was blocked by two guards built like tanks. When he didn't move I lifted my eyebrow and I could feel the muscle in my jaw tick.

"I don't like repeating myself." I said coldly and the kid shuffled over to the chair silently. I didn't say anything to him. I wanted to see how long it would take him to crack and I wasn't disappointed. 3 minutes later he was wringing his hands and looking at me nervously.

"I ...I-is this about the Party Nuts? Because I..those weren't even like...mine. I got them from a friend." I still said nothing. "He said that they weren't even that bad. Its not like...its just this spice shit that gets you high and makes you see shit, right? Like ancient shamans and crap, huh? So I was all for it. But it's not mine, I swear."

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