Chapter Thirty Two

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A/N: Double update coz I was lazy yesterday. ❤💞💕❤


"Make sure you watch him." I whispered to Kwang Do as I stepped out in the hall to call Baekhyun. I had to take a second, close my eyes and suck in a deep breath because my hands were shaking. Whether it was because I was mad, or scared... I didn't know. It didn't even matter. What mattered was what Myung-Jun had just told me.

It felt like the phone was ringing for a lifetime before he picked up.

"Hey." I didn't know how much I was worried he wouldn't answer until I heard his voice on the other end. Jesus, the relief made my hands shake even more and I gripped my phone harder.

"Baekhyun. You need to get here. Now." I barked because, what the hell? Wasn't he supposed to be at work? It sounded like there was a party going on...

" Where is here?" He asked. "I have to go out on a - " Out? Like a date? My heart beat faster and I snapped my fingers at Wang-shun.

"Baekhyun. Myung-Jun. He remembered something just now." I wanted to reach through the phone and shake him by the shoulders. I handed my car keys to Wang-shun instead.

"He did? What is it? What did he remember?" He blurted.

"He said he doesn't remember much. He was a little drunk that night and he..." He had said he'd been feeling a little pissed that I'd pushed him away and was looking for a good time somewhere else, but Baekhyun didn't need to know that. "Anyway, he said he could only remember one thing. Green eyes..." Goose bumps prickled up my arms even as I said it.

"What? Did eyes?" He stammered.

"Green eyes. So green they looked fake almost." I replied quietly. I'd only met the man once, but it was hard to forget his face...and those eyes. All I'd been thinking about for the past week was how to make Baekhyun forget about them, and now I couldn't help but wish I'd followed through with that brief macabre desire to order Gonho to beat the shit out of him...



"No. I ... what?"

"Baekhyun...that man you were sitting with. By the bar. He had green eyes, didn't he?" I asked just to make sure.

"...Shit." He whispered and my heart sank. If I was right...

"Someone is coming to pick you up. Don't go anywhere else." I said and hung up so he couldn't argue.

The entire time it took for Baekhyun to arrive at the hospital, I felt sick. So sick I couldn't stand and one of the nurses passing by had offered me a glass of water. I couldn't even swallow it. Nausea was spilling over from inside me and until I saw him step out of the elevator ahead of Wang-Shun, I felt like I was going crazy.

"Let me speak to him." He said before I could say anything. I stood up slowly and I walked with him into Myung-Jun's room. He was sitting up in bed, making a funny face while trying to eat a little seaweed soup. His eyes fluttered when he saw us enter his room, but he put his spoon down and sat sat up straighter.

"You remember Detective Byun." I motioned to him and he bit his lip as he nodded in my direction. "Just tell him what you told me."

"Everything." Baekhyun demanded and came to stand on the left side of his bed. With a little practice, Myung-Jun had managed to get his vocal chords working again, but they were still scratchy and terrible to listen to. I winced while he repeated his story to Baekhyun.

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