Chapter Twelve

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"Good morning, everyone." Commissioner Son said as he adjusted his belt and moved up to the podium in front of the room. "It's time for the monthly report." He started and everyone settled into their seats. There was projector set up behind him, but like Hyun-jae had mentioned, Commissioner Son preferred hard copies so he ignored it and flipped through the papers in front of him.

"Violent Crimes. The robberies in Area B. We have some new patrollers in that sector set up at night so you'll have to liaise with them about what to look out for." He looked over his glasses in their general area. "Narcotics, we have some new info about a warehouse on 5th that – ."

I listened with one ear only because I was still half asleep, but Comm. Son skipped over Homicide for some reason so I guess there was nothing to report.

"Detective Byun, Can you come to my office please?" He said when the meeting ended and I saw Jin-young shoot me a worried look from across the room. Damn it. His office again?

"Yes, Sir? You wanted to see me?"

"Sit." He pointed down. I sat. Was this was our Canine Unit felt like? "Where are we with the serial killer?" He said gruffly and I understood why he hadn't said anything in front of everyone else now. Yes, most people who killed only did it once in the heat of passion so if the same person went after a second person, reasonable inference would be that he could possible go after 3. Especially when the unsub was as smart as this one and could clean up after himself. News of a serial killer on the streets of Seoul though would cause a sort of frenzied panic and it was better to keep news like that from leaking as long as possible.

"Sir, I have tried to investigate every clue we could find and frankly all we have is a lot of fingerprints, but without a suspect to match them too, I'm stuck." I said with a shrug. "The evidence hit a wall."

"I thought we had surveillance tapes." He said with a frown.

"Not good quality inside the club." I muttered. Chanyeol probably had it like that for a reason. It wasn't like he couldn't afford better cameras. It just made it harder to identify his clients if his club got busted in a drug raid. "The one outside was covered by the killer so we have nothing."

"Damn it." He grumbled, pawing at his desk and digging around until he found a box of cigarettes. We weren't exactly supposed to smoke in here but no one was going to say that to Comm. Son's face, now were they? He tapped one out of the box and stuck it in his mouth. "I need this to disappear as quickly as possible, Byun." He mumbled around the butt in his mouth. I nodded as he lit it with a match.

"I understand, Sir."

"Do you?" He raised his eyebrow at me. "We don't need civil rights unions knocking at our door because they think we're doing a slack job because it's a bunch of queers getting killed. No offense." He lifted his hand.

"None taken." I said drolly. He was right. It didn't matter if I was working my ass off. If the news stations got wind of this, there was only one way to report it. Unsolved. Nothing else mattered in the news. They'd spin whatever story they wanted about why and it would be just the shit storm our station did not need at the moment. "I'm working as hard as I can, Sir." Was all I could offer. He gave me a flat look and a single nod.

"You're dismissed. I have work to do."

I grabbed all my case files for the Club Eleven murders and took them home with me. I read every single page of my notes, Jin-young's notes, and Hae-won's medical reports. Then I read them twice. Nothing particular was jumping out at me though so I ate my supper and jumped into bed. Maybe when I woke up, everything would magically make sense.

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