Chapter Twenty One

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"I'll come visit you when I can." I said into the phone.

"I'm not getting any younger."

"Neither am I." I rumbled and she laughed.

"Cheeky boy. I have to go. It's going to rain soon and I still have laundry outside."

"OK, I'll talk to you soon. I love you." I crooned as I hung up.

"New boyfriend?" Jin-young said from the door and my mouth dropped open a little. He looked...

"No, that was my grandmother." I mumbled, walking around the desk to get a closer look. "When did you..." I pointed at his mini-makeover and he shrugged slightly.

"Last night. Is it close enough?" I took in his curly hair and skinny jeans.

"Just about." I shrugged. He was a little taller than the other victims, but I didn't think it mattered too much. I reached out to pick at some fluff on his collar. "Are you sure you want to do this?" I had to ask him one more time.

"Absolutely. We need to figure out who this guy is so we can stop him."

I didn't have time to go home to get dressed, so I took my bag into one of the bathrooms and got dressed in the cubicle. I hadn't worn these particular leather pants in about a year or so, and they were tight when I slipped them on, but they still buckled so I let out a relieved sigh. I wanted to skip the Jacket I'd brought because it seemed like a warm night and the club would be even warmer with all the bodies packed inside, but I needed something to hide my gun. The chest holster actually looked cool with this outfit, I mused. I turned up the sleeves and fluffed up my hair quickly but there was not much I ould do with it. The heat was definitely making it curlier than usual.


"What?" I bristled when Jin-young stared at me open mouthed.

"Are you wearing eye-liner?" He stammered and I pinched my lips.

"Let's go." I grunted and he hurried behind me as I tossed my bag over my shoulder. I heard a wolf whistle when we entered the bull pen and it was like it opened the doors to a wave of cat-calls and rude noises.

"Fuck all of you." I shouted when I got to the doors and when it closed, I could still hear them laughing.

We met up with the other officers that would be joining us at the club tonight outside and we all jumped into our separate cars. We didn't need to speak. We'd had enough meetings during the week.

"Press the button as soon as you feel like you see something suspicious." I said to Jin-young and he nodded, fiddling with the watch. "If the unsub does target you and he takes it off you, it'll text all of us that it was removed and we'll come and find you."

"I know."

"So don't forget and take it off for some stupid reason."

"I know."

"And don't - "

"I won't." He interrupted me.

"You didn't even hear what I was going to say."

"Don't go anywhere isolated where he could possibly block off the exits so we can get to you." He rolled his eyes. "You've said all of this to me 3 times already." I glared at him in the dark car, but he just smirked at me.

"Whatever. We're almost there."

Chanyeol was waiting for us at the door when we arrived, leaning on the wall next to the bouncer and rolling something around in his hand.

"Good evening, gentlemen." He said dully and pushed off the wall. I swallowed uncomfortably when I noticed he'd been playing with a cue ball. He tucked it into his coat pocket and coughed as he surveyed us. His eyes met mine and immediately my heart started to falter. I wanted to look away, I really did, but he was looking peculiarly handsome tonight, with his dark hair slicked back and wearing all black. His eyes stayed glued to my face for only a moment longer than appropriate before he tilted his head towards the door.

"Follow me." We trailed behind Chanyeol as he led us to the dark corner by the coat room. "These are the guards on duty with you tonight." He introduced them to us and they all gave us stiff bows but pretty much exuded the usual amount of contempt for the police force. "They'll be reporting to me, obviously, but feel free to consult with them throughout the night."

"This is boring." Sun-Kyun complained in the earpiece.

"That's because you have a stick up your ass." Kang-Hee mumbled.

"Do you want me to come shove a stick up your ass?" Sun-Kyun grumbled and I sighed.

"Hey. This line isn't for domestic issues." I said quietly and the noise in my ear quieted down. I took a sip of the coke in my glass and swirled it round slowly. Technically all of us were on duty so we couldn't drink, but I wish I could have. I caught another glimpse of Chanyeol when the lights changed. His back was to me, but I knew it was him from the height alone. I almost swallowed my tongue when the guy hanging on his arm snuck his arm around his back and tried to slip it into the back of his pants.

Chanyeol's hand snapped out and he gripped the boy's arm, turning to look at him. It didn't look like he said anything, but the by held up his hands and said backed away a bit. I knew what that felt like. Sometimes Chanyeol didn't need to say anything at all to tell you what he was thinking.

I shook my head to clear it and turned my attention back to where it was supposed to be. Jin-young was still dancing with a group of people he seemed to know and I hadn't noticed anyone approach him yet.

"We meet again." I heard next to me and I swiveled in my chair quickly.

"Il Sung?" I blinked at him in surprise. "What are you..." I gestured around me.

"Ah, I'm having fun tonight." He smiled at me and sat down in the empty chair.

"Of course."

"It's nice to go out once in a while. And Club Park is great. They have the best cocktails."

"Well, the chef here is pretty good too." I'd been surprised when I'd eaten here last time. Maybe I should order another bowl of fried wantons while I was here...

"He is. The best dumpling soup in Seoul."


"Definitely." He tapped on the bar before he leaned on it, looking at me carefully. "Did you like the apples?"

"Oh, they were great." I ran a hand through my hair and blew out a strong huff. "But they're almost done. I might have to take you up on that offer for dinner."

"I might have exaggerated just a bit when I said I could cook." He grinned at me. "I can only cook three things and it gets a little boring at the end of the week." I laughed softly and finished off my glass of coke.

"I see." I was a little flustered when Il Sung raised his hand to touch my hair gently. He pushed a few strands that were in my face away and tucked some behind my ear.

"I'll have to learn something - "

"Baekhyun." I froze at Chanyeol's deep voice right behind me. When had he gotten so close?

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