Chapter Ten

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It was raining. Not that gentle, delicate rain either. It was pouring from the sky in buckets, so cold it made you shiver so hard your teeth chattered. I could only just see what was around me in the misty night and I kept wishing I couldn't. I didn't want to see this. I'd never seen so much blood in my life. So red. Thick and oozing and warm despite the ice in the air around us.

"Chanyeol..." Hearing my name from his lips made my skin crawl and my hands were shaking.

"Seojun. Why..." I breathed.

"I love you so much..."

"So WHY!" I shouted into the night and he lifted his trembling hand to touch my face. It felt like ice too.

"Promise me...that you won't ...forget me..."

"Seojun..." My voice cracked with emotion and he smiled at me even as blood leaked from his mouth.

"Don't forget me, Chanyeol." He whispered and I watched the light in his eyes disappear.

"Seojun..." I tapped his cheek. No. No...he was just asleep. Or he'd fainted right. Too much blood loss. I needed help. I needed a hospital or...

"Chanyeol...He's gone." I heard behind me and I wanted to lash out at whoever it was with my fists but I couldn't let him go. Gone? No, my Seojun wasn't gone. He wasn't... I needed help.

"He needs an ambulance." I muttered.

"He's gone, Chanyeol." Someone else said firmly behind me and I did whip my head around then. I would smash their face in. Whoever it was. Tae-Moon stared back at me with a hard face and I wanted to beat him to the ground. How could he just stand there and not help me. I needed...

I looked back down at the man in my arms and I startled so hard I dropped him. Baekhyun? Impossible. It was Baekhyun though, with his beautiful lips and that tiny spot beside his mouth. Pale skin and delicate hands hanging loosely at the side of his body.

"Baekhyun?" I said out loud, touching him carefully. He didn't move. Raindrops slid down the side of his face as he laid there and I couldn't stop shaking. "Baekhyun? Baekhyun, what ..." I shook him harder. "Wake up. Baekhyun, wake up. WAKE UP!" He looked so small and so stiff. What was he even doing here? What was happening? Was I going crazy?

"Chanyeol, we have to go..."


"Chanyeol, the sirens..."

"NO!" I yelled and fought back when Tae-Moon moved to grab me. "Beakhyun? Baek...Baek...BAEKHYUN!"

I gasped as I sat up quickly, reaching out blindly in the darkness of my bedroom. Fuck. I couldn't catch my breath and my chest hurt so much. I held my hand to it as I tried to calm down. It was just a dream, Chanyeol. Just a dream.

I hadn't dreamt of Seojun in months now...almost a year. Why now? And why had he suddenly become Baekhyun? I groaned out loud and flopped back on my bed, keeping one hand on my heaving chest and wiping my tears with the other. I knew Baekhyun and Seojun looked alike, but these days I was finding a lot more differences than similarities. Yes. Baekhyun was completely the opposite of Seojun. My mind was just fucking with me.

"Fuck." I moaned out loud and clawed hard to find the will to get out of bed. When I had a grasp on my last shred of sanity, I stood up and made my way to the shower.

"You OK?" Se-Hee asked when I yawned for the 5th time during his weekly debriefing. I nodded with my hand over my mouth.

"I'm fine. I just couldn't sleep."

"I heard the big man was here." He said, closing down the notebook app on his tablet.

"Yeah. He was just checking on things." I mumbled.

"Because of the bodies?" He asked tentatively and I flinched.

"No. Because of that fucking nutmeg drug kids are into these days." I growled. "He brought in a new shipment with Tae-Moon the other day for us to push." It was the nature of the beast. People heard of a new drug and were willing to drop big bucks to experiment, even if it was once. It was never once. Especially the hallucinogens. Those ones sold fast.

"I see..." He said and drummed his fingers on the table. "Well, if that's all for today, I need to get back down there and work on this month's cocktail menu."

"Yeah, that's all." I shooed him away and sighed when I was alone again in my office. Maybe that was it. Sitting around here, alone with my thoughts and overanalysing my dream from this morning was driving me crazy. I needed to get out of here. I needed to find something to do. Maybe there was something else I could add to my games room that would keep my interest for longer than a month this time.

"Gonho?" I said into my phone. "Call Yong-soo. I want to go for a drive."

"Down here." I said to Yong-soo and he turned down the street until he parked in front of the specialities toy store that catered for those of us who had much bigger wallets than most, but still had a little Peter Pan Syndrome.

The shop was large and open and walking into it was almost instantly relaxing. There was so much to look at. So many toys that caught my eye. I lingered by the car section while a salesperson showed me a toy car that actually transformed into a robot like a Transformer, but they didn't have Optimus Prime so I drifted off to the arcade games.

In the end I couldn't find anything that grabbed my attention long enough for me to throw money at it, but I was happy just having a second to breathe and forget about everything. The fresh air was nice and maybe when I was feeling more myself, I'd come back and look again.

"Hey!" I heard just as I was getting back into the car and my heart almost jumped out of my chest. Baekhyun? There...down the street at one of the apartment buildings, I could see a person falling over their feet as they tried to climb through a bush. Baekhyun was running right behind him and grabbed him by the collar, lifting him off the hedge and throwing him against a wall.

Whoever it was wasn't going down without a fight though and he took a swing at Baekhyun. My dream from this morning flashed before my eyes and I sucked in a breath, taking a step in their direction, but I shouldn't have been worried. Baekhyun stepped back quickly, missing the blow and kicked the man in the leg, making him drop to his knee. He did something so quick I couldn't even see, but all of a sudden the man was in the ground with his hands cuffed behind his head and Baekhyun moved to lean against the wall as he caught his breath.Even from here I could see he was sweating hard and his cheeks were pink. How long had he been running?

"Hey, Officer. Can you at least cuff me properly? Am I supposed to just lie on the floor like this?" The man shouted and Baekhyun spat on the floor.

"Shut up. This is your fault, Mr Huang." He sneered. "If you hadn't run, you wouldn't be on the floor." He pushed off the wall and took out a phone from his pocket. "Jin-young? Yeah, I got him. Can you ask patrol to come to – "

"Boss?" Yong-soo asked carefully and I realised I'd been standing there at the side of the street with the door open.

"Sorry." I muttered and gave Baekhyun one last look before I got back in the car. I was surprised. As tiny as he was, Baekhyun had managed to hold his own against whoever it was he was chasing. I guess he wasn't quite as delicate as I always pictured he was in my head. Of course he wasn't. Police officers were trained to fight. Baekhyun definitely knew how to fight. Unlike Seojun. Hadn't I said it myself this morning? Baekhyun was nothing like Seojun.

Why couldn't I stop thinking about him though? 

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