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I woke up slowly. It was a strange feeling; like I was drugged. Sleepy but not tired. My whole body felt like it was heavy and it took me a lifetime to open my eyes. I frowned up at the unfamiliar ceiling. Where the hell... the beeps and hisses all around me were starting to make sense, but when I twisted my head to check if this was really a hospital, my neck twinged so painfully I had to gasp.

"Sir?" A soft voice said and a pretty looking nurse appeared in front of my face. She smiled at me and looked up the machine next to me. "How are you feeling, Sir?"

"...What happened to me?" I asked, but as soon as the words left my mouth I remembered. I'd been on the roof...fighting with Il Sung...

"You have a little whiplash and a nasty bump on the back of your head." She said as she fiddled with the machine. "Are you feeling any pain?"

"I ...no..." Where is Baekhyun? I asked myself. He was OK, right? I seem to remember him getting over to Gonho and his partner on time...

"Can you look at me, Sir?" The nurse said and suddenly a bright light was piercing one of my eyeballs. I blinked rapidly when she switched to the other one and then after a nod, she wrote something down on her clipboard. "I'll be right back with your doctor, Sir. He'll be able to give you more information and you can ask him some questions." I only had one question.

"Wait..." I gasped out and she looked up at me. "Is there anyone...here...um..." Maybe he hadn't come to visit me. I might have managed to save his life, but I couldn't help but remember how hurt he'd looked when he'd asked me if I'd slept with him because he looked like Seojun. The nurse stared at me for a second before a smile crept onto her face. She leaned forward and pushed a button on the side of my bed and when it stopped, she pointed down.

"I think this is who you're looking for?" She said and chuckled softly. "He hasn't left this room since he got here." A soft huff of relief left my lips and I lifted my hand to touch the top of his head. His hair was limp and wasn't quite as curly as usual. "I'll be right back." The nurse said again and I didn't even look at her as she left the room.

"Baekhyun." I said softly and brushed my hand over the apple of his cheek that was squashed on the bed near my leg, but he didn't wake up. I was surprised he hadn't woken up already with the nurse's talking, but I could see dark circles under his eyes. Besides some bruises and his arm that was now wrapped in a cast and resting beside him on the bed, he looked alright. I couldn't be more relieved.

I had thought driving to the mall had been the longest minutes of my life...until I'd gotten there and had to search for him. I was lucky Jin-young hadn't stormed too far away after his mini tantrum in my office and when he'd heard the location he'd offered to tag along. Too many cars had been out assisting at a violent street fight for them to offer backup so he'd called in a favour with a pilot friend in the SKY squad.

I combed my fingers through his hair lightly again and this time he stirred in his sleep.

"Baekhyun..." He sat up quickly with his eyes only half open.

"Chanyeol." He panted and blinked at me sleepily. "Chanyeol?"

"Hey sleepyhead." I smiled at him. He looked so adorable right now, red-cheeked and rubbing at his eye with his hand.

"Are you OK?" He asked me and looked around the room. "Do you need me to call the nurse? There's supposed to be one here. She was here earlier, I think. I can - "

"Baekhyun." I said and he paused with his hand on the call button. I opened my arms and looked pointedly on my lap. "Come here." He hesitated for a while before he climbed up onto the bed and let me pull him close to me. "How are you? Are YOU OK?" I asked him and he snorted into my shoulder.

The Murders at Club Eleven // Chanbaek Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now