Chapter Twenty Two

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Tae-moon was tense and annoyed and I didn't blame him at all, but he was irritating me.

"Go downstairs if you're going to act like this." I grumbled to him and he snorted, swallowing his drink and disappearing in the direction of the basement.

"He's just nervous." Se-Hee said and I rolled my eyes. We were all nervous, but I had trusted Baekhyun before and he hadn't let me down yet. I snuck another glance at him sitting by the bar. What the hell was he even wearing? God, when I'd seen him walking up to us in those leather pants, I'd had to recite the alphabet over and over in my head to keep my thoughts focused. I didn't even want to think about the eyeliner...

"Tell me when Fei Ling gets here." I said and was about to move upstairs to the mezzanine when Boy Toy number #5 slid up to me.

"Chanyeol..." He smiled widely.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him. I thought I'd been clear with him about where we stood with each other. I glared at Se-Hee who was conspicuously ignoring me, typing away at nothing on his phone.

"I had to come see you." He purred and leaned closer to me. "I was thinking we could go up to your office again..." He giggled and slipped his hand under my jacket, trying to put his hand in my pants. I huffed internally and grabbed his hand quickly before he felt my gun. I glowered at him for a few seconds and he sighed, holding up his hands.

"Sorry." He said. "I just missed you."

"Go home." I replied and he pouted. It looked stupid on him. Baekhyun had pouted once, when we'd been playing pool in my games room. I don't even know if he'd realized he'd been doing it, but his face had pulled into an adorable scowl when I'd sunk another ball. Then he'd sighed and pursed his lips, pouted in my direction and closed his eyes like Toben, my dog, did when I shouted at him. My mind wandered for a second while I thought about when I could go to my sister's house to visit him, when I caught sight of a man sitting down close to Baekhyun.

"I came all the way out here just to see you." Boy Toy said and my eyes went back to him.

"I can call a taxi for you." I said and he laughed.

"You can call one for me later." He said, walking his fingers along the arm of my jacket. I pulled his arm off me again.

"Look, kid." I said plainly. "What's your name?"

"I..." He blinked at me. "Myung-jun."

"Myung-jun, I'm sure you're a really nice boy..." I started. "But whatever you're looking for with me, I can't give it to you." I looked up at Baekhyun again and he was still talking to the same guy. They were sitting closer now. Did they know each other? He didn't look like one of the officers he'd come in with so they probably weren't work friends. What then?

"But - "

"Excuse me, I have to go do something." I said, already moving away from him.

"I might have exaggerated just a bit when I said I could cook." The man said. "I can only cook three things and it gets a little boring at the end of the week."

"I see." Baekhyun replied and I could feel my jaw tick when the stranger reached up to fix Baekhyun's hair.

"I'll have to learn something - "

"Baekhyun." I said sharply and I could see his shoulders tense. He turned around slowly and frowned at me.


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