Chapter Eleven

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Mr Huang ranted and raged all the way back to the police station, but I was used to suspects reacting like that so I ignored him. The other officer though...

"Oh my GOD, Can you SHUT UP! Fucking hell." He spat. 

"I didn't do anything wrong!" Mr Huang shouted from the back seat. 

"Then why did you run?" Officer Moon flung back to him, almost losing control of the car. 

"OK, OK. Just...calm down." I said to him, grabbing the steering wheel when the car swerved.

"Everyone runs when the police show up with handcuffs." Mr Huang said with an incredulous expression. "Don't they?"

"Only the guilty ones." I mumbled and turned up the radio so we couldn't hear him ramble anymore. 

"Thanks." Officer Moon said sheepishly and I shrugged. 

"Happens to all of us."

Booking Mr Huang took longer than I would have liked considering I'd just come off a long ass shift and was ready for bed like, 6 hours ago. Paperwork was a nightmare. Sign this, verify that. At least I hadn't fired my gun. Each bullet had to be justified with its own set of papers...Why did you fire your weapon? The suspect was running away. Why did you fire your weapon again? The suspect was STILL running away. Jesus. Chanyeol's no paper rule was suddenly looking very appealing. 

Chanyeol... I felt like I had been thinking about him too much lately. I could have sworn I saw him earlier when I had been chasing Mr Huang down the street on Main. No, I was just seeing things. I hadn't had to run like that in months and I was just light-headed. I made a note to head back to the gym and work on my cardio. I was getting lazy. 

"Baekhyun." I grimaced when a hard slap fell on my back. "You still here?" 

"Paperwork." I grumbled and Hyun-jae scoffed. 

"Tell me about it." He sighed. "I had to make 2 sets of copies of 30 sheets for Narcotics. 2!" 

"Why can't we just email this shit to each other, like normal people." I murmured. 

"You know how Commissioner Son is about hard copies." He shrugged and I let out a yawn when I was done typing. 

"Done. God." I moaned and rolled my shoulders, making Hyun-jae stare at me open-mouthed when he heard the loud cracking. 

"What the hell was that?" He cried.

"That was my back saying I need my bed. I'm outta here." I waved at him and started tidying up my desk. When had I eaten so many cookies?

My phone rang just as I pushed my way out the front doors of the station.


"I got a match for the material in the vic's mouth." Hae-won said without bothering to answer my greeting and I wanted to throw myself on the floor and cry like a 4 year old. This was a joke, right? I had been so close to going home.

"You did?" I asked, already kissing my beauty sleep goodbye. 

"It's a pretty generic t-shirt material." She answered. "But the dye is unique, apparently. There are only 6 shops in Korea that had that colour in stock. I'll email it to you in a second." 

"Thanks, Hae-won." I muttered sleepily. She hadn't needed to look for the origin of the material for me so I was beyond grateful that she had actually taken time out of her busy schedule to make my life easier. I was getting swamped with so many cases and with Jin-young getting pulled for training every once in a while, it felt like I was only just treading water sometimes. 

"Don't mention it. I need to get back to work, so - " 

"Yeah, I'll talk to you later." I hung up and there was a beep as her email came through. I skimmed it and saw most of the stores on the list were close to where I was. Time to do a little more snooping. 

"Sorry, Detective. I don't remember anyone coming in to buy that specific shirt colour." The bored girl behind the desk mumbled. "We have too many customers for that." 

"Does the store have any CCTV?" I tried, grasping at straws. 

"Nope." She made the P pop and I wanted to shake her. My unsub might have been here and the fact that she was acting so blasé was driving me crazy. She didn't know that though so I refrained from losing my shit with her. 

"Are you sure? Nothing outside maybe, or at the front - " 

"No." She shrugged. "We don't have that much of a problem with shoplifters, so we don't need cameras. Boss says it's a waste of resources." It was a long shot anyway. I had no idea how long ago he could have bought it, and most small stores only kept footage for the week. My first vic had been almost 3 weeks ago now. 

"Thank you." I said, slapping my hands on the table and turning to head out. I stumbled when I bumped into someone. "Oops. Sorry. I ...wasn't watching where I was going." I murmured, a little stunned by how pretty the eyes that were looking back at me were. They were green. So green they looked fake. They had to be contacts, right? No one had eyes that green. He blinked at me slowly, then tilted his head and offered me a smile. 

"It's OK. Neither was I." His voice was soft and there was something about it that made me want to lean in closer, just to listen to him speak some more. Quite the opposite of Chanyeol's deep rumble. I sucked in a breath and mentally shook myself. Focus, Baekhyun. You're supposed to be working. Not checking out guys. 

This was a new thing too. Before, I never really paid much attention to people around me, but there was something that meeting Chanyeol had prodded inside me. Now I was checking out everyone, trying to compare them to him to see if he really was as handsome as my dick kept making him out to be. This was probably the first person that came close. He was hot, I'd give him that. But he just didn't have the height to give him the same presence Chanyeol had...or those damn ears.

"Sorry." I mumbled again when I realised I'd been staring at him longer than was appropriate and I hurried out of the store. 

The next two stores garnered the same results and I sighed with frustration. Just when it felt like I would maybe catch a break in this damn case, I hit a damn wall. It was starting to look like the only way I would get another clue, was to wait for my unsub to strike again and hope he maybe get sloppy and leave behind a clue that could tie everything together. 


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