Chapter Thirty Four

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I was fuming. I was so mad it took me a second to remember that Chanyeol had driven me here and I had to flag down a taxi to get all the way back to the station. The whole ride all I could think about was how stupid I was and my cheeks burned with shame. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Fucking hell.

"What is it?" Jin-young asked when I finally got back.

"We have a suspect." I grumbled and sat down at my desk, typing furiously as I searched through the police database. It still grated to have to say that about Il Sung, but the longer I thought about it, the first place we'd met was at the clothing store where Hae-won had said my unsub had bought the shirts he'd used to gag his victims. Damn it. All this time...

"A suspect?" He dropped to a squat by my side and eyed my computer. "For which case?"

"The Club Eleven murders." I muttered and searched for a driver's license for Yun Il Sung. Nothing. Of course it wouldn't be that easy. No part of this case had been easy.

"Yun Il Sung?" Jin-young read over my shoulder. "Do we know him? How did you get a name so fast? Did Myung-Jun remember who attacked him?"

"Mmmhmm." I hummed, but I didn't explain that I hadn't gotten the name from Myung-Jun. I didn't have the time or energy to wade through that pile of shit. All this time I'd been mad at myself for possibly being involved with a suspect and by trying to avoid Chanyeol, I'd almost actually... I shook my head and let out a strong sigh.

"Focus, Baekhyun." I mumbled to myself. I needed to focus. I couldn't allow there to be any more dead bodies.

I was ready to pull my hair out. I couldn't find anything...NOTHING that would lead me to Il Sung. He was virtually a ghost. I was starting to think Il Sung wasn't even his real name at this point. It was ridiculous how easily he could be everywhere and yet nowhere at the same time. A tiny part of me regretted turning down his invitation to go to his house for dinner. At least then I'd have an address to start from.

"Did you contact the fugitive squad?" I asked Jin-young when he got back to the bullpen.

"I did. I don't know when they'll start searching for him though. They said they'll do what they can, but they're swamped." We were all swamped with cases, but we were practically hours away from it being Il Sung's chosen kill time and if we didn't find him fast... My heart beat just a little harder in my chest with worry. This was getting out of hand now.

"We need to notify patrol units on the street." I said and shuffled the papers around on my desk until I found the photo I'd printed. "Put out a BOLO."

"We can send some to the club as well. Make sure we lock it down if we find him inside." I swallowed uncomfortably but nodded and waved the paper in the air.

"I'll get these out to the other officers." I said quietly.

When I was done with my BOLO report and the street units all had copies of Il Sung's photo, I knocked on Commissioner Son's door.

"What?" He barked and I stuck my head inside.


"Detective." He grunted at me and pointed at the chair in front of him. When I sat down he prompted me to speak with his hands, but didn't look at me.

"Sir, I just wanted to report that we have a suspect for the murders at Club Eleven."

"Club Eleven?" He asked and I cursed silently.

"Grand Park, Sir. The serial killer..."

"The strangler." He huffed and stamped a piece of paper fiercely.

"Yes, Sir. The fugitive squad has been informed and they're out looking for him right now."

"So what are you doing here?" He looked up at me with a blank face and I pursed my lips.

"I...I just came to let you know, Sir. I'll be going out myself in a minute as well."

"Good. I hate laziness." He said plainly and went back to whatever he was doing. I hesitated in the chair but it was clear I was dismissed so I got up and scurried out of the room. I picked up my badge at my desk, shut down my computer and gave Hyun-jae a pat on the back on my way out.

"I'll see you tomorrow."

"You clocking out already?" He swiveled in his seat.

"Searching for a suspect." I said as I hung my badge over my neck.

"You have backup, right?"

"I'll call if I need it." I shrugged and Jin-young waved from the front door. "We're just looking for now."

"Be careful." He said and I blew him a kiss that he smacked out of the air.

"Let's go." I said, jogging over to Jin-young and we drove off in his car. 

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