Chapter Nine

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"Hey." A buoyant Jin-young greeted me the next morning at the bull pen. "I brought you coffee." He grinned and handed me a large cup. I wasn't stupid. Jin-young had been falling over himself even more now that he'd heard I broke up with my boyfriend, and I really shouldn't be accepting his little gifts every day...but I was half awake and weak and it smelled so good...

"Thanks." I mumbled and took a sip. Heaven.

"Did you go through the tape?" He asked, leaning his hip on the desk. I paused briefly and put the cup down on my desk.

"I did. It's a bust."

"What? Really?" He looked even younger when he pouted.

"Yeah, I couldn't see anything. I don't know what else I can do. We have prints, but no suspect to match them against. And I just got the toxicology reports from both vics...the only thing in their system was alcohol, so he definitely didn't drug them. They both went with him voluntarily." I groaned and rubbed my hands on my face. "We have nothing else."

"We'll find something." He said and laid his hand on my shoulder. I let it stay there for no longer than 3 seconds and shook it off, standing up again.

"We need to go. There's still that domestic violence case." I patted his back.

Interviewing suspects was always difficult for me. It wasn't easy to pull back and lay out all the evidence on the table for them to see, just to have them deny having done anything when I could see it in their eyes that they had. Cold eyes were staring back at me and I was THIS close to losing my cool.

"Mr Huang. Your wife had a restraining order against you. Why would we find your DNA at the crime scene, all over her body, unless you were there the night she was murdered?"

"She was my wife. Of course I touched her things. Clothes, hair. Why wouldn't my DNA be there?" He tried.

"Mr Huang, biological evidence doesn't just sit there forever. Are you telling me your wife hasn't had a shower or changed her clothes since September 12?" I glanced down at the paper to check the date of the restraining order. "There was also blood found in the passenger seat that didn't belong to Mrs Huang. And before you deny that too, we had that tested. It's yours."

"You didn't ask for my permission to test me." He spluttered.

"I didn't need to. Your records were already on file from the last time you beat your wife." I grunted and he paled.

"I want my lawyer. I'm not speaking to you anymore." He huffed.

"That's fine. I don't need you to speak. This ..." I slapped the table where the file was. "This will tell the court everything they need to know. I don't need a confession from you." I stood up and just barely managed to keep from spitting on him on my way out of the interview room.

"Did he invoke?" Jin-young asked and I nodded.


"It's fine. We did what we could." I said. I know I'd boasted to him about him going to jail whether we got a confession or not, but the truth was, with a good enough lawyer, there was a chance Mr Huang could still bullshit his way out of a murder charge.

"Yeah..." Jin-young handed me a bottle of water and I took it, taking a long drink as we walked. "Hey, are you done for the day then?" He asked me.

"Yeah, I'm going to head home. I need to sleep so badly." He scratched his head and gave me an awkward smile.

"Oh, yeah. You do look a little...I was just thinking that we"

"I'll see you tomorrow. OK?" I interrupted his rambling and he paused with his mouth open.

"OK." I gave him a pat on the shoulder and made my way out of the office.

I couldn't sleep. I was so tired that I'd hardly been able to move in the shower and collapsed on my bed still wet and naked, but I couldn't sleep. My mind was wide awake and driving me crazy. It just wasn't sitting right with me, that I was having so much trouble finding the man who had killed the two men at Club Eleven.

Everything was too clean. Usually people who killed opportunistically or spontaneously made mistakes, there was just no way for you to prepare for that kind of clean up on the spot when you were in that state of mind.

That meant I was either dealing with someone who had killed before and learnt from experience about how not to get caught...or someone who was smart. Too smart. How many smart people like that were out there in the world? What kind of job did he have? Did he sit at a desk all day at work and dream about finding his next victims?

I groaned as I rolled over and pressed my face to my pillow. Shit. Did this really have to be my first case? You never forgot your first murder case, they said. Would this haunt me for the rest of my life if I didn't solve it?

Something told me if I didn't and I kept showing up at Club Eleven, a certain someone wouldn't be too happy about. He'd been a little bit nicer yesterday, though, hadn't he? I mused to myself. I'd been a little surprised when he'd offered to feed me. He'd been looking at me like...No, I must have imagined it.

As much as he annoyed me, I couldn't deny that initial attraction I'd felt though. He was certainly something to look at. The kind of tall I could only dream of being, dark hair that made his eyes stand out and God, his ears...

"Stop it." I hissed to myself. It was too late though. The lower half of my body never listened to me much anyway. I flipped over onto my back again and glared between my legs at my hard cock sticking up and flushing red. Red is for danger, Baekhyun, I warned myself. Don't touch it. Don't think about Chanyeol. Don't think about what he had looked like shirtless the other morning, his nipples pebbled in the cold breeze.

Fuck, and he had rock solid abs too. The kind that you could actually feel the ridges of when you touched it. Not like the airbrushed kind that only looked pretty and felt like nothing. His arms had been solid too, biceps that looked like the size of my thigh. What would it feel like to have his arms wrapped around me? To have him pick me up and throw me on a bed...

I gave up ignoring my cock and gripped it tightly in a fist, hissing when I stroked and it pulled on the skin. I fumbled around in my drawer for a bottle of lube and when my hand was nice and slick, I curled it around myself again and moaned happily.

When was the last time I'd had sex? Ages ago now. I'd been so busy at work and Sehun was always asleep when I got home. I hadn't been fucked in forever and thinking about Chanyeol pressing on top of me with that hard body...

"Ah fuck..." I whimpered and blinked up at the ceiling as hot streaks of come landed on my stomach. When I stopped shaking, I grabbed a few tissues and wiped myself down, then rolled back over and sighed into my pillow. 

The Murders at Club Eleven // Chanbaek Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now