Chapter Five

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I was still yawning and rubbing my eyes when I got out of the car in the alley behind Grand Park. There was already a set of officers standing there in front of the police tape that would keep regular citizens from getting too close to my crime scene. I nodded at both of them and showed them my badge before I ducked under the tape and took a look at the scene before me.

A large van sat parked in the small alley, the name of the cleaning company I knew the club liked to use emblazoned on the side. A couple of feet next to it, was the reason why I was here in the first place. Shit. Body number two. Really?
I sucked in a deep breath and set down my bag so I could put on my evidence gloves.

"Hey. Is that really a dead body?" I heard a soft whisper from the open doorway of the club's back entrance. I frowned at the kid standing there, knuckles white as he gripped the frame.

"Sir, can you please step away from the crime scene?" I said and he paled even further.

"Get out of here, Jun." I heard a familiar deep rumble just before the owner of the voice appeared at the doorway too. "I'm sorry about him." He said as the kid scurried inside.

"It's fine." I muttered. Fuck. It wasn't necessarily a cold day, but the alley was tucked in the shadow of two buildings and it was a little chilly out here. So why the hell wasn't Chanyeol wearing a shirt? I tried to ignore how his nipples pebbled in the cold and pointed at the body.

"Anything you want to tell me before I start looking?" I asked.

"Same as last time. I was asleep. Cleaning crew came. Found a body. That's all I know." He shrugged. That explained the shirtlessness.

"No one saw anything?"

"Not until this morning."

"You live upstairs. Are you sure you didn't hear anything?" I asked and he froze.

"I told you. My soundproofing is excellent."

"Ah. Yes." I nodded and coughed lightly when his arm flexed as he ran a hand through his hair. He didn't look like much of a gym bunny, but there was no way he got that kind of muscle just sitting around in his office upstairs. "Why is that, exactly?" He sighed and folded his arms over his chest.

"Can I go now? I have to make a call."

"Wait." I looked around the alley slowly and spotted Hae-won and her ME crew setting up behind me. When had they gotten here? "Do you have any cameras here?" '

"Of course I do." He mumbled. "I'll see what I can do." He said when I looked at him expectantly.


"Don't thank me. Just get the fuck out of here. I told you." He said, standing at his full height again and tucking his hands deep into his pants pockets. "Cops are bad for business." I was still sneering at his sour face when his phone rang and he pulled it out of his pocket.
"Hello? Mr Kim..." He walked away quickly and I took a second to breathe and calm down. I don't know why just being around him made my hair stand up on end.

"That was interesting." I heard from behind me and I turned to find Hae-won already kneeling beside my victim.

"What was? Don't touch anything. I need to take photos first." I complained and she held up her hands. With Jin-young back at the station doing routine training, I had to process the crime scene myself.

"Your little flirting session with the boss." She grinned at me and I shot her a look. "What?" She blinked innocently.

"What the hell is wrong with you? I wasn't flirting."

The Murders at Club Eleven // Chanbaek Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now