Chapter Seventeen

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I was insanely tired as I drove myself back home from the gym, but I knew that it was going to take me a while to fall asleep tonight. There was too much going on in my head and until it all made sense to me, it would keep me awake as long as possible before my body collapsed from exhaustion. Sometimes I hated my brain. I pulled into my driveway and just stepped out of the car when I noticed a dark car parked in the street in front of my house.

"Fuck." I muttered when I saw Chanyeol leaning against it, looking far too sexy in a long dark overcoat, hands in his pockets. I shut my door quickly and schooled my expression as I walked over to him. "What are you doing here?"

"Nice to see you too." He said dryly and pulled a hand out of his pocket. My police badge tinkled and swung in the moonlight as he held it out for me.

"You forgot something." I reached out to grab it, but Chanyeol kept a tight grip on it.

"Let go."

"Aren't you going to say 'Thank you'?" He raised his eyebrow. "Do I have to make you get on your knees again?"

"Shut up." I hissed and tugged harder, making the chain for my badge slip out of his hands. "Thanks." I mumbled and shoved it in the pocket of my police issued hoodie.

"No problem." He said quietly.

"You still didn't answer me." I grumbled. "What are you doing here?" I looked around at my quiet neighbourhood. Chanyeol didn't look like the type who would just happen to be driving by. Wait a minute... "How the hell do you even know where I live?" He chuckled darkly and tucked his hand back in his pocket.

"You think cops are the only ones that run the streets?" He asked and I gave him a look. He stayed silent and I sighed deeply.

"Look. You shouldn't be here."

"Hey, I did you a favour, OK?" He frowned at me. "Would you have preferred I show up at your work? I'd like to see how you explained that to your boss." My cheeks lit on fire and I curled my hands into fists so hard my knuckles cracked.

"OK. Thank you. You gave me my badge back. I appreciate it. You can go now." I said tersely and Chanyeol snapped out his hand one more time to grab my hoodie.


"Don't touch me." He let me go quickly.

"We need to talk about - "

"Nothing." I said loudly. "We have nothing to talk about. Unless you have some information about my murders in your club, we have...nothing." I finished softly and he held my gaze as we stood there in the dark street.

"If that's what you want." He said in the end.

"Exactly what I want."




"Enjoy the rest of your evening, Baekhyun." He said, bowing his head ever so slightly and ducking into his car. The engine started and I stood there, watching him drive off.

"Do we have anything from the lab?" I asked Jin-young as I drank the rest of my morning coffee. It tasted horrible. Like the flavoured mud that my nephew had made once and given to me when I had been busy and hadn't noticed what I was drinking until I was throwing it up. Fun times. But I drank it because I'd slept like shit and I needed to actually be awake to do my job.

"Hae-won said she got a match for some of the prints on the bathroom doors but they all don't fit the profile."

"Keep them open just in case though. I'll look through them later. Still no DNA?"

"Nope. Not a stitch. Not even trace amounts of DNA from the person who must have folded the shirt when our unsub bought the shirt." He sighed.

"Maybe it came wrapped already. That would explain it being clean." I mumbled.

"Maybe." He looked at me doubtfully.

Jin-young and I sat at my desk for the rest of the afternoon going over all our most recent evidence.

"Did Mr Park send over CCTV this time?" I shook my head.

"No, there was no need to. Chanyeol was watching the cameras at the time of the murder and he didn't see anything suspicious."

"And you trust him?" He blinked at me.

"I trust that he doesn't want his club to turn into a media circus. If he says he didn't see shit, I believe him." I admitted grudgingly. "He wants us out of his hair as fast as possible."

"You know, if we could figure out his criteria for picking his victims... maybe besides just their looks..." Jin-young mumbled as he scratched his chin. "We could just send someone to the club..."

"You mean, use someone as bait?" I frowned at him. "You can't seriously expect Commissioner Son to agree to send in an innocent citizen as bait."

"Well, it doesn't have to be an innocent citizen." He sat up straighter and fixed his tie. "You can send me."

"I think that's a great idea."

"What?!" I gaped at the Commissioner like he'd suddenly grown two heads. "Are you...we can't send in Jin-young." I objected.

"Why not?" He looked at me evenly. "From what I see, he looks very similar to the victims. Just needs to touch up a few things and he's golden. If he can get us closer to the killer before the media find out they've been lied to, even better."

"But, Sir. He's just a rookie. He has no experience in the field."

"It's just going to the same club I go to every once in a while, hyung. It wouldn't be any different. And I can defend myself."

"If he doesn't drug you." I shot back.

"Tox reports show that he never drugs his victims. You know that."

"He might start." I said vehemently but Jin-young just looked at the Commissioner who nodded and stood up from his desk.

"If you think you can do this, then you have my blessing. But make sure you know what you're doing. And do it right. Someone's life depends on it."

"Commissioner." I complained but he ignored me.

"I have a dinner reservation that I can't miss." He tipped his head at the both of us and left his office. Shit.

"Jin-young. Please...don't do this."

"You know that this guy is crazy smart, hyung. How else are we supposed to catch someone we can't find?" He asked me in a strong whisper.

"By following the evidence." I protested and he spluttered indignantly.

"What evidence? Huh? Hyung. Just trust me on this. This is going to be simple. I'll go in there, and if he doesn't approach me, fine. But if he does, and we catch him...wouldn't the risk be worth it? Those three men...they didn't deserve to die like that. To be tossed on the floor, like they're nothing. They can't mean nothing. We have to help find their killer." His eyes were burning with a flame I knew I wasn't strong enough to put out. Whether I agreed with this or not, Jin-young was going to do this. He was just the right type of naïve to do it too.

I sat back in my chair with a thump and rubbed at my tired eyes.


"It'll be OK, hyung. I promise you. We'll find him." 

The Murders at Club Eleven // Chanbaek Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now