Chapter Fifteen

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I could see it in his eyes, the second he gave up resisting. It was beautiful to watch and I had to bite my tongue to keep from swallowing it. Baekhyun sank to the floor so slowly in front of me, it was like he was melting. He held my gaze, eyes wide and dilated... Fuck, he was gorgeous.

"Say it." I pushed the words out of my mouth.

"Say what?" He raised his eyebrow and I wanted to wipe that smirk off his smart mouth so badly.

"Say 'I'm sorry I lied to you, Chanyeol.'..." I prompted him and his jaw ticked ever so slightly. His lips puckered and I was instantly distracted. They were so pink...

"I'm sorry I lied to you, Chanyeol." He said eventually.

"You don't look sorry." I said quietly and there was a small sparkle in his eye that told me I was right. "Say it again. I want you to mean it this time." He huffed and moved to stand up, so I held him down with a hand on his shoulder. "Baekhyun." He sighed loudly and I'm pretty sure he was shooting daggers at the floor, but when he looked back up at me, his eyes were strangely serious.

"I'm sorry, Chanyeol." He said softly. "For lying to you." Right now, he really didn't look like Seojun at all anymore. He was soft and alluring and warm and he was so close to my dick that I could feel his breath on my thighs. Shit. I wanted to open my mouth and tell him to get up...tell him to go back to bed so I wouldn't have to be tempted by his lips...but...

"Chanyeol..." He said my name again and I didn't even try to fight how quickly I got hard. My heart was beating like a drum in my chest...I wanted to touch him so badly. I trailed my hand up the side of his neck, curling around the back and when he moaned softly after I raked my nails along his skin, I got so hot and dizzy with want...

He didn't say anything to me, but I could feel his hands on my legs through my pants. They were climbing up slowly and I let out a small gasp when Baekhyun dipped his head forward, his forehead just barely pressing against me. My fingers drifted up into his hair when his hands finally reached for my zip.

"You smell so good." He muttered and I let out a strong huff when he pulled down my pants, leaning forward and mouthing my cock over my underwear.

"Baekhyun..." I panted, but he ignored me, lips still working down the front of my crotch. I tightened my grip in his hair and he stilled, leaning back so he could look up at me again. He looked incredibly sinful breathing heavily and pink lips open in a soft O. I needed to feel that mouth on me right now.

I growled softly when he licked his lips and I couldn't get my cock out fast enough, gripping it in my hand and pushing it lightly against his lips. He was still looking at me when his mouth opened for me beautifully, like a flower. Why was that so hot? His eyelids fluttered closed when I slid over his tongue and I pulled out, tapping at the side of his mouth. It should have looked ridiculous, but it just made me even harder.

"Hey. Look at me." I whispered and his eyes opened again. I pushed back inside his mouth and let out a long moan. Fuck, that felt good. Every time I slipped back into his mouth it was like sinking into the warmest kind of heaven. I let go of his hair and cupped his cheek gently, brushing my thumb over the dent in his cheek when he started to suck and I was gone.

I didn't want it to be over so quickly, but Baekhyun and his fucking mouth... it only took a few more thrusts and when his tongue curled along the underside of my cock, I shuddered and came in long drawn out spurts inside mouth. As I was pulling out, a small drop of my come dribbled out the side of his mouth and I pushed it back in with my thumb. Baekhyun hummed as he sucked and I felt it ripple all through my body.

I tugged him up off the floor and lifted him up on the edge of the pool table. He grunted softly but it melted into a whimper when I stuck my hand inside his sweat pants and wrapped it around him.

"Chanyeol." He groaned and I squeezed my hand harder, starting to stroke him quickly. The first few twists were dry and he hissed, reaching for my arm and gripping it tightly; but he sighed and relaxed against me when he started to leak steadily and it made my hand slick.

"Look at you...I didn't think you could look more beautiful when you were sucking my cock, but look at you..." His cheeks were bright red and his hair was starting to stick to his sweaty face, his pink lips swollen and open wide as he panted loudly. "Fuck, that's sexy." I growled as I leaned forward to kiss him along his neck and I moaned happily when he trembled in my arms, crying out softly as he came in my hand.

I wasn't even sure what I was mumbling any more. I dragged my tongue up the length of his neck and nibbled my way up to his jaw. I only intended to kiss him once, just once... I was curious about what his lips felt like. But the second my mouth pressed onto his, it was like a drug. His tongue darted into my mouth and I wanted to suck on it for hours. When he whined into my mouth, I felt a subtle twitch down below, but before I could do anything about it, Baekhyun gasped quietly and pushed me back away from him.

"Fuck." He whispered, eyes wide with horror.

"Baekhyun..." I tried to hold him in my arms, but he pushed me again, harder this time and slipped off the side of the pool table.

"Shit." He swore loudly and fixed his pants.

"Baekhyun - "

"I have to go." He mumbled and started for the door. I reached out and grabbed his arm, but he pulled out of my grip easily and walked faster now. "I have to go." He said again and he was out the door a second later. What the hell had just happened?

A/N: When I first had the idea for this story, this was the first scene that came to my mind. You have no idea how happy I am that it's finally figuratively down on paper AAAAAHHHHH 😆🙆😄😈. I loved it so much and I love it even more now that I can read it muhahahahaha 👏💞❤

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