Chapter Twenty Three

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A/N: This was supposed to be up yesterday but I got distracted by the evil that is Kdramas.... Sorry lol.


"Is he going to be OK?" Jin-young asked me as we stood next to each other looking through the door into the hospital room. I had volunteered to be on guard duty to look after Myung-jun until someone from the station could come in and watch him.

"I don't know. The doctors say they don't know how long he was deprived of oxygen for. We'll only know when he wakes up." I replied quietly.

"IF he wakes up." He whispered and I curled my hand into a fist. If. I was angry. With as many police officers and twice as many of Chanyeol's guards surrounding the club, the unsub had still managed to get past all of us unawares. The fact that Gonho had even decided to go into the bathroom at that time at all had been luck. If he'd been just a few minutes earlier he might have caught him...

"I'm sorry." He said.

"Sorry?" I blinked at him. "What for?"

"I don't know." He shrugged. "I thought...that if I tried hard enough to look like the other victims, that he might pick me. But he didn't. I must not have done a good job."

"No, don't be ridiculous." I muttered and gave him a pat on the back. "This isn't your fault. It's mine. I don't have enough variables yet for the profile to stick."

"If it's not my fault, then it's not yours either, hyung." He said and I smiled at him.

"Go home, Jin-young. Get some sleep. You have class tomorrow."

"But - "

"I'll call you if he wakes up." I lied and he nodded hesitantly.

"I'll see you tomorrow." He sighed and looked into the room one more time before he left.

"Want some?" Chanyeol asked with a deep rumble and I had to fight to keep my voice neutral.

"I'm fine."

"It's just coffee."

"I said I'm fine."


I ignored him.

"You should have it while it's still hot." He tried again. I sighed loudly and took out my phone to check the time. They had better send someone over quick or I was going to punch Chanyeol in the face.

"Suit yourself." He said haughtily and took a sip before pushing the door open and stepping into the hospital room. I watched him as he set both of the paper cups down on the table and walked over to the bed. The small part of me that had been simmering with jealously ever since I'd heard that our latest victim was someone Chanyeol had been with before, burst into flames and I wanted to take that hot coffee and toss it in his face.

What the hell was wrong with me? I should be happy. I had been pissed at Chanyeol when he'd interrupted my conversation with Il Sung earlier. I'd been hoping that if the night had ended with no sign of the unsub, I might have gone over to his place for a late dinner and maybe...something more. But the second I saw Chanyeol pick up Myung-jun carefully and carry him to the car for us to take us to the hospital, Il Sung had become the furthest thing from my mind.

I hated how delicately Chanyeol had wiped Myung-jun's head with a handkerchief from his pocket and I hated how he spoke softly to him now, touching his face again. I couldn't hear him, but Chanyeol's face was soft with emotion and a patience I'd never seen on his face when he spoke to me. I scoffed out loud in disgust and tapped at my phone again. When the hell were the other officers going to get here?

I hung up the phone with a groan, staring up at the rotting ceiling of the SMPA police station and wished the world would finish fucking with me already. I'd had enough, honestly. Just how much more was I supposed to be able to take before it was appropriate for me to lose my shit?

"Hey sexy." Hyun-jae said with a smirk as he got to his desk.

"Fuck you." I hissed with venom and his eyes widened.

"Well, good morning to you too." He mumbled and clicked his pen. "I take it last night didn't go as planned?"

"It was bullshit." I slammed my file on the table and pulled out a new set of medical gloves from my desk drawer. I had to get to another homicide across town. "Everything is just bullshit lately." I muttered. "And now I have a witness for my latest homicide, but she's a 60 year old landlady who is also clinically blind."

"Ouch..." Hyun-jae winced sympathetically. "What kind of shitty month have you been having?"

"Tell me about it." I grunted and waved as I left.

I was just putting on my seat belt when my phone rang.

"Please tell me he's awake." I muttered.

"Nothing yet." Chanyeol replied and I groaned out loud, banging my head against the head rest.


"They said it might be a few days. They still don't know."

"I'm so fucking sick of this case." I sighed. "I don't have a few days. If someone interrupted this guy and he finds out Myung-jun is still alive, he's going to be furious and he might go off his usual MO."

"His MO?" Chanyeol asked.

"He might come back for him and decide strangulation isn't worth it anymore." Just doing that would mess with his ingrained schedule and if he decided waiting once a week wasn't enough anymore... I was screwed.

"Don't worry about sending officers down here. I'll have a few people watching him from now on." He answered and my chest squeezed tight.

"You don't have to - "

"I want to." He replied. "I owe him that much."

"If that's what you want..." I whispered, trying to clear my throat as quietly as I could.

"Baekhyun..." Chanyeol started and my spine straightened.

"I have to go." I said tersely and hung up quickly. 

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