Chapter Thirty Five

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I didn't want to let Baekhyun just walk away from me without an explanation, but I didn't know what else to do. I barely knew how I would have explained myself anyway. He was wrong. I hadn't slept with him just because he looked like Seojun; it hadn't been like that at all...but I couldn't deny that that initial attraction had been sparked by his likeness, could I? Seeing him in Seojun's old clothes had made my chest ache, but also made me think that... Shit.

I drove back to the club slowly, looking out for Baekhyun on the road. It was only when I'd gotten in the car again that I'd realized I'd driven him home and he probably didn't have any way to get back to work. He must have taken a taxi though because I couldn't spot him anywhere.

"You look like someone just ran over one of your toy trains..." Se-Hee said when I walked around the bar. I didn't answer him and reached for a bottle of whiskey and a clean glass from under the counter, taking them with me upstairs to my office. I very rarely locked the door, but tonight I wasn't in the mood for company. I flipped the lock and sauntered over to my desk in the dark, poured as much liquid as I could fit in the glass and sat down on my desk, looking out the two-way window down into the club.

I didn't know if my mind was trying to shut down to keep me from losing my shit, but there was only one thought running through my mind right now. Had I killed Seojun? That was why this man... Il Sung was killing all these boys in my club wasn't it? To remind me that I'd killed him.

I may not have killed him directly, but moving off the streets and in with Uncle Tae-Joon had been the catalyst for his destruction and that had all been on me. My sister and Seojun...they'd both looked to me and trusted me. They would have followed me into the pits off hell if I had led them there. Maybe I had... It was a bitter pill to swallow.

Lights switched on downstairs and I watched my employees set up so they could start to let people in. They trickled in slowly like a stream until there was a river of moving people and I closed my eyes to pull myself together. I don't know how long I had them closed, but when I started to feel better and the alcohol had mellowed me out a little, I opened my eyes. I took one last sip from my glass and was just putting it down on my desk when I spotted a familiar face in the crowd.

Was I imagining it? I'd only seen Il Sung once before and the strobe lights downstairs could be making me see things but... I stepped up closer to the window and chills went down my spine when I saw he was looking up directly at me. Like Baekhyun had before, he had to know that I could see him. That look was too direct and too focused. I blinked and he was gone.

I stood by the window for a good 10 minutes but I couldn't see him anymore and my worry spiked even further when I saw Baekhyun walk into the club.

"Gonho. Lock down the exits and get Baekhyun upstairs right now."


"NOW, GONHO!" I yelled into my phone and hung up. I unlocked my door, got my gun out of my desk drawer and tucked it inside the back of my pants, then headed over to my security camera wall. The screen were just switching on when Baekhyun burst in the door.

"I'm not a toy, Chanyeol. You can't keep calling me up here every time you want to play." He growled and I thanked Gonho who closed the door behind him.

"Il Sung is here." I said and his face changed immediately.

"Where?" He demanded and came to stand next to me, staring at the screens.

"I ..don't know exactly." I said and he shot me a venomous look. "I saw him out there, by the window. He was watching me."

"No one can see you downstairs." He argued.

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