Chapter Twenty Five

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I was so warm. I snuggled deeper into my blankets and sighed happily when even warmer hands slipped around my waist and pulled me closer. My skin tingled deliciously when a stubbled chin dragged along the side of my neck and warm breath blew across my jaw before a soft kiss pressed against it. Thank God I had the day off today so I could lie in and enjoy...wait a minute...

My eyes flew open just as my alarm starting ringing somewhere in my room. Shit.

"Turn it off..." Chanyeol groaned and I scrambled away from him as I felt around in the dark for my phone. I found it in my pants on floor and swiped my finger across it to shut it up. I threw it at him when he rolled over and covered his head with the blankets.

"Hey. You need to go." I stammered as my heart beat frantically in my chest.

"Baekhyun. The sun isn't even out yet." He mumbled into the pillow.

"I have to go to work." I lied and he didn't even twitch. "Hey."

"I don't know what's louder." He grumbled, pushing the covers back. "You or your alarm."

I stumbled to a stop when I got out of the shower and found Chanyeol was still in my house, head stuck inside my refrigerator.

"I don't have any food." I said almost proudly. "So you'll have to leave if you want breakfast."

"What are you talking about?" He blinked at me when he stood up again, sliding a jar of pickled vegetables across my table until it gently hit a dish piled high with eggs and sausages. What the hell?

"Where the fuck did that come from?" I mumbled, forgetting about wiping my hair and drifting towards the delicious smelling food on the table.

"Your cupboards."

"You can cook?"

"Why does that surprise you?" He sniffed and opened the jar with a pop as he sat down. It just did. He didn't look like type who knew his way around a kitchen. And judging from the smell, he wasn't half bad either. "Hurry up and get dressed. Then we can go visit Myung-jun and I'll drop you off at work."

"I can drive myself." I said, my hackles raising a little.

"I'll drive you." He said firmly.

"I - "

"If you keep making me stare at your nipples..." He said quietly. "I'm going to assume it's because you want me to taste them again."

I bolted.

"Anything?" Chanyeol asked as he slipped out of his coat and handed it to one of his guards.

"No one has come to see him other than the nurses." The man answered, looking at me briefly over his bosses shoulder. "He hasn't woken up yet." That sent a spike of worry through me. If he hasn't woken up long would he be like this? I needed him to wake up so he could tell us if he remembered anything about his attacker.

"Did you find his parents?"

"Not yet, Boss." The other guard answered. "They might be out of the country." Chanyeol stepped into the room and walked over to Myung-jun lying in the bed. He brushed his hand softly over his forehead and I had to bite my tongue to keep from making a disgusted noise.

He had some balls, that was for sure. He'd been in my house just this morning teasing me about my nipples of all things and here he was acting like a doting boyfriend right in front of my face. Inconsiderate asshole.

"I wasn't very nice to Myung-jun the other night." Chanyeol said quietly. "Or any of the ...other nights. So I feel like I should at least make sure he's OK as long as I have the chance to. To make up for being an ass." He looked up at me.

"O...K?" I stared at him blankly. What exactly was I supposed to do with that information?

"It doesn't mean much more than that." He said. "Me being here."

"It has nothing to do with me." I murmured and he smiled as he sauntered closer to me.

"Baekhyun. Can I just - "

"Boss." One of the guards poked his head in the room. "Mr Kim wants to see you."


"Now." Chanyeol coughed and shook his head.

"I'll see him later. I still have some business to take care of." He muttered looking at me pointedly.

"I told you I can drive myself." I mumbled to him and rolled my eyes because it was too late now. My car was back at my house. "Never mind. If Myung-jun isn't awake yet, I can just catch a taxi."

"Han-myong can drive you." He tossed his keys in the air and Han-myong caught them one handed.


"He needs to go to work." The guards eyes widened and he chewed on his lip as he looked at me. I just sighed silently and turned on my heels, heading out the door and back to the elevator. Just as the doors were closing, Han-myong skidded into the elevator and heaved a sigh of relief, smiling at me a little.

"You don't have to drive me to the station." I said, fiddling with my sleeves.

"It's cool. I was getting bored standing around anyway."

"What are you doing here?" Hyun-jae asked when I sat down at my desk. "I thought it was your day off..."

"I have no fucking idea." I grunted and paged through the papers lying on my desk. "I couldn't sleep."

"You can't sleep..." He blinked at me incredulously. "So you decided to come to work?" I shrugged. I hadn't known how else to get away from Chanyeol for the day.

"Where's Jin-young?"

"The shooting range." Hyun-jae tsked and flicked a piece of paper in his hand. "Want to help me with something?" He asked.

"Why not?" I huffed. I had nothing else to do right now.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I gaped at Hyun-jae.

"You said yes! You can't back out now." He grinned at me evilly and I wanted to pull my hair out. I settled for elbowing Hyun-jae in the ribs violently. He chuckled as he set down his mini evidence collection kit.

"What the hell happened?" I asked as I stared at the car in front of me.

"Most likely gang related. No one else carries that much ammo on a regular weekend." He groaned when he snapped on a pair of gloves and handed me my own pair. "Mai says there should be at least 70 shell casings in here. We need to collect them all and mark the make and calibre on each pack."

"Oh my God." Looking at the car, there had to be more than 50 on this side alone. The other side of the car was just as damaged and the windscreen ...

"Come on. I want to be out of here by lunch time." He clapped his hands and we got to work.

"I'm only seeing .44s and .22s. What about you?" Hyun-jae asked.

"I got a couple of .223s..." I muttered and peered at the one in my hand. Why was there American Military Grade ammunition in what seemed like the street version of a cat fight.


"Are you sure this is gang related?" I peeked around the open car door at Hyun-jae sitting with his own packets of collected shell casings.

"It looked that way. My vic is the only witness. She gave us some street names of the guys they saw ditch this car." He grumbled and scratched his chin. I looked down at my hand again and rolled the bullet around in my hand, holding it up to the light. Semi-automatic AR-15s... If this really was gang related, then we were in deep shit.

"Bet you're glad you switched to Homicide now, huh?"

"Hardly." I muttered. 

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