Chapter Eight

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I was in my office, about to sneak up to my apartment upstairs for a shower when there was a knock on the door.

"What is it?" I grunted when I opened it. Gonho looked nervous.

"Boss, the cop. He's back again."


"He's downstairs. Says he wants to see you."

"Are you fucking..." I growled and spun around, fluffing my hair in annoyance. What the hell was he doing here again? "Tell him I'm busy." Why did he want to see me any way? Hadn't I given him everything he'd asked for. My heart skipped when I remembered I'd probably given him enough rope to hang me if he ever felt so inclined. Maybe he was here about what was on the video...

"Gonho. Shit, just...send him up, OK? Make sure Mr Kim doesn't see him." I hissed and he nodded once.

"What kind of bullshit is this?" Detective Byun spat as soon as he was through my door.

"Detective. I didn't expect to see you so soon." I said but he rolled his eyes at me and threw my USB on the table.

"Explain this to me." I looked down at the chip he'd made in my desk for a second.

"You're going to have to be more specific, I don't know what you talking about." I replied slowly.

"Did anyone get this tape before me?" He demanded.

"No. It's a copy from the last 24 hours of our security footage." I narrowed my eyes at him. "Why would I share that with anyone?"

"So no one else touched this video?" He asked fiercely.

"No one. I copied it myself." I said. Baekhyun stared at me for a long minute before he sighed heavily.

"Shit." He groaned and dropped his face in his hands.

"Is something wrong?"

"There's a whole half hour of nothing during my victim's time of death." He said carefully. "If you didn't tamper with it, then it's possible the killer did it himself."

"Impossible." I said stiffly. "Like I said, it's our security footage. And it stays in my office. This place is like Fort Knox when I lock up for the night."

"Are you telling me none of your employees have access to your office in case of an emergency?" I stared at him while my jaw ticked with irritation.

"Let me look at it." I said finally, picking up the USB from my desk and plugging it into my computer. As it lit up and I skipped through the frames, Baekhyun came to stand beside me, hands on his hips and biting his nail as he focused on the screen.

When I saw Tae-Moon on the video feed, I froze and so did Baekhyun. Shit, I'd forgotten he'd come in with the new shipment yesterday. Tae-Moon was just as stubborn as his father, and if Mr Kim wanted us to push more product out of the club this month, that chance was probably blown now. Baekhyun had promised not to do anything about what he saw on the tapes but how much could I really trust him? Now was not the time to be thinking with my dick.

Baekhyun didn't say anything though. He just tapped his foot and waited in silence until the part he was talking about came.

"You see?" He cried. "It just goes black." He was right. An entire half hour of footage looked like it had been wiped from the video feed. Except...

"I don't think anyone tampered with the tape." I said with a frown.


"I think the killer just covered the camera with a cloth. A black cloth. Look." I said and isolated the frames for him to look at. "See. It's quick, but it looks like he blacked it out. The camera is still running. It doesn't cut off."

"Damn it." He huffed and sat down on my desk, rubbing his eyes gently. "I'm...I'm sorry. I should have caught that. I'm just so fucking tired..." He whispered and he looked absolutely adorable when he looked up at me with his red eyes and pouty lips.

How many times had Seojun looked at me like that? Looking fed up and hungry and ...exhausted.

"It's OK."

"I really needed this tape to ID my suspect." He groaned.

"I'm sorry. I wish I had more to give to you." I said. I really did. I couldn't wait until he was far away from me and my club.

"Fuck." He leaned back to look up at the ceiling and I tried not to stare at the veins in his throat. Would he look the same if he was spread out on a bed, legs wide and breathing hard...

"Have you eaten?" I asked suddenly.


"Food. Have you eaten? The kitchen is open..." I stammered and pointed through the glass window at the bar. "You can have something if you want."

"No, I...I ate. At home." He said and I felt stupid.

"Ah..." I sighed. I was relieved though. I shouldn't be inviting him to stay here longer anyway. Not in the lions's den. In fact, he should be getting out now anyway.

"Well, if that's all you need..."

"Yeah, I should...go." He said awkwardly and gave my computer one last look. "You can keep the tape. It can't help me anyway."

"You watched it?" I asked. "All of it." He pursed his lips and rocked back on his feet. Why was he so cute?

"I did." He said carefully. He let out a loud huff and shrugged his shoulders. "I won't... Say anything. I swore I wouldn't. I need to focus on my cases."

"Thank you." It was hard getting that out of my mouth. Saying thank you to a cop.

"But if my boss finds out I knew, and I didn't say anything..."

"He won't."

"Mr Park, I - "

"Chanyeol." I interrupted him. "You can call me Chanyeol."

"Mr Park. me anything else comes up." He said eventually. As he was turning to leave though, the door opened and my breath caught in my throat. Shit.

"Chanyeollie. You didn't tell me you had a guest." Mr Kim said with a warm smile and I walked around my desk to Baekhyun.

"He was just leaving." I said and put my hand on the small of his back, pushing him gently towards the door. "I'll call you later, OK?" Thankfully Baekhyun just nodded and left after giving Mr Kim a small nod as well.

"He looks like - "

"I know who he looks like." I spat out and pinched the bridge of my nose. Thank God all Mr Kim had seen was cute and unassuming, and Baekhyun hadn't been wearing his badge or his gun. Things could have gone south very quickly.


"No." I could hear what he would say next just by his tone.

"When are you going to give up, hmm? Seojun is gone. This...this club isn't for you. You belong at home with us. With the Kkangpae."

"I think I'm going to go to bed now. It's been a long day." I sighed and tapped my computer to switch it off. "It was nice seeing you, Tae-Joon ssi."

"My boy, I'm just trying to help you."

"I'll see you at the next week, yeah?"

The way I was feeling, if I fell asleep now, I would only wake up then anyway. 

The Murders at Club Eleven // Chanbaek Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now