Chapter Thirty Three

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"I don't understand..." I mumbled and Chanyeol let go of my hands to run his fingers through his hair.

"Shit. OK." He started. "That night at the club, when I came to talk to you...I had never seen him before, I know that for a fact. But..." He shrugged his shoulders. "for some reason he seemed familiar."

"Familiar how?" I said carefully, my heart beating wildly in my chest. This was just too much right now. What the fuck was going on?

"I didn't know how. I swear." He stammered. "Not until I remembered something."

"Remembered what?"

"Let me FINISH!" He shouted and stood up, pacing in front of me now. "Seojun... He was a good kid. So good. But he ...when we moved in with Uncle Tae-Joon, he started to change. It took me far too long to figure out he was taking some of the drugs he was selling and even then I..." He shook his head. "Tae-Moon was pissed. Dealers are not supposed to take their own stock. We all knew that. It was too dangerous. But Seojun just wanted to BREATHE for the first time in his life and not worry about where his next meal would come from and ...

"It got bad. And then it got worse. Tae-Moon promised not to tell Uncle Tae-Joon if we fixed the problem so I got him booked in rehab. He was there for 21 days. I was so worried...but he came back and he looked healthier than he had in a long time and he kept going on and on about his new friends... I can't believe I forgot." He scoffed loudly and came to a stop in front of me.

"He kept going on about his friend with the pretty green eyes. I barely listened at the time. I was just happy he was back." He let out a heavy sigh. "He died 3 days later."

"He was stabbed." I said and Chanyeol flinched.

"He took some of the stock and the buyer refused to pay full price." He whispered. "The knife was his. He pulled it out but he was ...weak."

"You were a suspect." He raised his eyebrow at me for a second before he pinched his lips and sniffed hard.

"He called me. I tried to help but Tae-Moon knows they report stabbings and gun shot wounds at the hospital to the police. He didn't want us involved. They said a witness saw me drop him and run away."

"And Il Sung?"

"I don't know. I think maybe he heard that and he ...they form really close bonds in rehab. Maybe he still thinks that I did it and Uncle Tae-Joon bribed the police."

" plausible." I muttered, standing up as well now. If he thought Chanyeol was responsible for Seojun's death it would explain picking Club Eleven in particular. A lot of things were making sense the more I thought about it. There was never any sexual assault because the point of the attack wasn't directed at them, but at Chanyeol. To either frame him for the murders cause him pain. That was it, wasn't it? Jin-young had been the one to point out that all the victims looked similar.

I glanced over at my bag on top of the chest of drawers and I stumbled over to it. It was in here somewhere, if I remembered correctly because... there. I pulled out the file Fei Long had given me about Chanyeol and opened it again, flipping to the last page.

"Where did you get that?" He asked hoarsely from behind me but I didn't answer. I was staring at a crime scene photo of Seojun's body laid out on the floor. He really looked like them. He looked like all of them...

"I have to go back to the station." I said. Maybe I could find something on record that would give me an address. I'd grabbed a photo of Il Sung and a few other non-descript looking men around the same age off Facebook, but maybe if... "Wait, do you remember the name of the rehab centre? Maybe they still have his paperwork on the system?"

"It burnt down a few months after Seojun died." He said blankly.


"You need to be careful, Baekhyun." He said as I left my bedroom in a hurry.

"I need to find him."

"You need to BE CAREFUL." He said louder and his hand shot out in front of me to stop me walking out my front door.

"I know." I told him and his face didn't relax. "I will."

"Baek..." He huffed with annoyance. "You might be next."

"Don't be ridiculous." I grunted and he still didn't move.

"Don't you see why he picked you?"

"Picked me?" I sighed and shifted on my feet. I was itching to get outside. "He ...we met by accident, OK? I don't see what I have to do with any of the other victims, besides FINDING him and putting him away for good."

"You don', more than any of the look just like him." He whispered.

"Like who?"

"Like Seojun." He said and I scoffed loudly.

"I do NOT."

"Baekhyun!" He shouted now. "Can you just be serious for a second?"

"I am being serious!" I raised my voice now too because I was angry.

"Then fucking..." He slammed his hand on the door frame. "LISTEN TO ME!"

"I am listening to you." I argued.

"What if you're next on the list? Tomorrow is -."

"I'm not on any list!" I shouted, ready to pull my hair out.

"Look at me." He said, grabbing my face with both hands and bringing his face close to mine. "He chose you because you look like Seojun. I need you to be CAREFUL."

"Did you?" I asked softly and he paused.

"Did I what?"

"Did you 'choose' me...because I look like Seojun." I asked and his lips pinched together. Jesus, he really had, hadn't he? "You slept with me because I look like your dead boyfriend...?"

"No." He said firmly but I was already pulling away from him and pushing my way through the door. "Baekhyun..."

"Fuck off, Chanyeol." I muttered. I didn't have time to deal with any of that. I had work to do. 

The Murders at Club Eleven // Chanbaek Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now