Chapter Eighteen

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"What's going on?" I asked Se-Hee when he entered my office. I was facing the window that gave me a view of the club down below. It was packed. Not that I minded a full house. Money was money...but this was definitely more than I usually expected for a regular weeknight.

"After your little stunt on TV, you seemed to have developed a little bit of a fan club." He said, joining me by the window.

"What?" I glanced to the side and he smirked at me.

"Everyone keeps asking the bartenders where you are. I don't even think they care about drinking and dancing." He laughed and I scoffed out loud.

"Tell me you're joking..."

"Look." He pointed to the corner of the bar where someone was wearing a T-shirt with my face on the front of it.

"Jesus..." I whispered in shock and he laughed again, patting my back fondly.

"If I were you, I would enjoy it while it lasts. Have fun. Get laid." He spun on his heel and headed back to the door. "If you see someone you like, call me. I'll send him up." He snickered at me and I gave him the finger just as he closed the door.

"Fuck." I muttered and rubbed my hands over my eyes slowly. Fan club? What the hell? How was that even a thing? I mean, I didn't really consider myself particularly handsome even when people have said it to me over and over again. Usually there was some sort of agenda behind it. I'd never experienced something like this before. Did some of these people really just come here for me? They didn't even know me...

I looked over the crowd again. I was glad that when the club had been built, Uncle Tae-Joon had chosen a double-sided mirror for the office. At least no one down on the club floor could look up and see me right now. My eyes flickered over the faces below me and I winced when I saw another person wearing my face on a shirt. Who was selling those? I had to find a way to burn their stock before they sold any more.

I was about to say fuck it and head back up to my apartment for the rest of the night when I saw him. My breath caught in my throat and I hurried to pull my phone out of my back pocket.

"That was fast." Se-Hee laughed.

"Officer Byun is downstairs. Send him up please." I hung up before he could comment and leant forward, putting my face right up against the glass to watch him. I could see Se-Hee make his way through the crowd and tap Baekhyun on his shoulder. They spoke for a little bit and then Baekhyun was looking up, his eyes staring right at me. I knew he couldn't see me, but I could feel his eyes pierce into my chest and make my heart beat faster. When was the last time I had butterflies?

It took ages for them to get to my office, and when they did, I waved Se-Hee away silently.

"Hi." Baekhyun said, staying by the door and rocking on his feet like he was uncomfortable.

"I didn't expect to see you here."

"My case is still open."

"Right..." As he'd said the other night... the only thing we would to talk to each other about, was in connection with his case. "Do you want to sit?"

"I'm fine." He said, eyeing my desk. "I won't be staying long." I nodded slowly and walked around to the front of my desk, rolling up the sleeves of my shirt and sitting on the edge of it.

"So. I assume you're here because you need something." Please need something.


The Murders at Club Eleven // Chanbaek Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now