Chapter Nineteen

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A/N: I'm sorry lol. I was slow to update because 1) I was procrastinating yesterday and just said, fuck it, lemme sleep. And 2) I got a laptop today! I'm so excited, but I was up so early and I'm so sleepy, but I wanted at least this chapter up before I go to bed. I'll get to my other stories tomorrow ... 🙏😻💕💞


I woke with a start when my alarm beeped loudly and sat up in my bed quickly. Shit. I groaned out loud and rubbed my eyes as my heartbeat slowly started to return to normal. God, what time was it? I had set my alarm for 6am. There was no way it was...

A glance at my clock on the wall proved me wrong and I fell back on my bed with a bounce.

"Urgh..." I sighed and stared up at the ceiling. I didn't want to go to work today. I wanted to lie in bed and wallow; indulge in the misery of my colossal moment of stupidity. Well, it was the second time I was stupid, but numbers didn't matter. I shouldn't have allowed anything to happen between Chanyeol and I. Not only was it stupid, but if anyone at work found out...

I moaned out loud again and covered my head with my blanket. Fuck. If anyone at work found out I had slept with Chanyeol, I would probably get suspended. There was definitely nothing in any of the evidence that we collected that made me think Chanyeol was a suspect...but the fact that the murders kept happening in his club where he lived and worked, meant I should be at least a little more careful. Sleeping with a potential suspect would ruin anyone's career.

I heaved myself out of my bed and into the shower. I stood under the hot spray, trying not to shake and breathed deeply to keep myself calm. I was so fucked. I was beyond fucked. There was nothing I could do about it though, except make sure it never happened again. I just needed to avoid Chanyeol for the rest of the time working this case. Which would hopefully not be for much longer. 

I opened my fridge and stared at its empty shelves grumpily. Damn it. My stomach rumbled loudly, and I clicked my tongue as I slammed the door shut. If there were times when I found myself missing having Sehun around... it was definitely now. At least when he'd been here, food had always been in the fridge. Neither of us were very good cooks, but ready made meals at supermarkets these days weren't too bad. It looked like I was going to have to go shopping today.

"Did you talk to Mr Park?" Jin-young said and I peeked at him from behind my computer screen.


"And?" He waved his hand to prompt me.

"He said no." I shrugged. "But, he agreed to have a few officers around inside if things go sideways." I wasn't too worried about anyone noticing we had guns on us. There were some members in the club that were allowed to carry them, so the regular party goers would hopefully just assume we were one of them.

"OK. That's good." He nodded and tapped at the table, drifting off to talk with Suki from Major Crimes.

"Baekhyun." Hyun-jae popped up beside me. He mimed stapling something and I picked it up, pretending to throw it at his head.

"Why don't you buy your own one?" I muttered and he laughed.

"For what? I can always just ask you. Thanks." He placed it back on my desk and leaned against it as he flipped through the pages. "Ah. I really hate paper."

"So does – " I clamped my mouth shut just before it slipped out. I slapped myself mentally and tried to change the subject. "Are you going to the office barbeque next week?"

"I wish." He mumbled. "Have to go to parents evening. I mean, my kid is pretty smart. She's never failed a test in her life. What else do I need to know?" He blinked at me.

"You're asking the wrong person." I laughed. "I don't know anything about kids."

"Doesn't your brother have kids?"

"They live in Busan. I ever see them." I said quietly and he tsked.

"Right..." He sighed softly and checked his watch. "What time do you get off? You want to grab dinner?" My stomach pinched excitedly at the mention of food and I licked my dry lips.

"I'm on call til midnight." I had to pull in some extra hours to have time to sit around and keep an eye on Jin-young this weekend.

"Ouch. I'll leave you to it then." He gave me a salute and headed towards the station doors. I watched him with envy for a minute before getting back to typing up a report for one of my other cases. 

A school teacher had locked an unruly pupil in her classroom and forgotten about him, so he'd spent the night in there, freezing and hungry. The boy, who was only 8, had been sick already. The doctor suspected acute pneumonia, which was why he'd been making a noise, according to his friends, trying not cough in class.

In the end, the cold had gotten the best of him and he'd passed away this morning. The teacher had tried to argue that she wasn't responsible for his death, but the fact was, if she hadn't locked him in the classroom and forgotten about him, that little boy might still be breathing. Sometimes I wondered about the kind of people we trusted to look after children.

I stumbled out of the station at five past midnight and drove on auto-pilot to a grocery store nearby. I was standing in front of the fresh produce baskets when there someone laughed lightly next to me.


"Huh?" I blinked at the person beside me and grunted with embarrassment when I saw who it was. His eyes were still just as green as they had been at the clothing store and I had to admit, there was something about him that made me blush. He nodded at the fruit in front of me.

"You've been staring at the apples for the last 7 minutes." He said.

"Have I?" I cleared my throat and lifted a had to scratch the back of my neck. "I don't really know what to pick." I said and he smiled at me.

"It's just apples."

"Yeah, but...I don't like the hard ones. They make my teeth hurt. My ex-boyfriend always knew which ones to get but now..." I let out a huff and he hummed gently. "I mean, I've been tired lately and I can't cook for shit, so I figured I need a vitamin boost. Apples are good, right? Otherwise they wouldn't say the whole apple a day thing. They say grapes have more Vitamin C than oranges too, so I should probably get some..." I rambled awkwardly and Mr Green Eyes chuckled as he reached into the fruit pile. He picked up a packet of apples and handed them to me.

"These should be fine."

"Thank you." I smiled at him and he stepped closer to me.

"You know, my cooking isn't half bad. If you're interested in something a little warmer than apples." He said and I gulped nervously. The look in his eyes made it clear that dinner wasn't the only thing he was offering. I don't know why I was hesitating though. Green Eyes seemed like a nice guy and he might not make me FEEL as much as Chanyeol did with just one look, but he was most definitely the better choice, wasn't he?

"Um...I In the morning." I said haltingly. "So I'll have to say maybe another time?" It came out like a question and he nodded at me.

"Of course." He picked up another pack of apples and put them in my basket for me on top of my boxes of frozen dinners. "Call me when these run out." He handed me a card and held my gaze for a second longer before he walked away down the aisle.

I blew out the breath I'd been holding and looked down at the card.

Yun Il-Sung.

I tucked the card into my pocket and went to go pay for my things. 

The Murders at Club Eleven // Chanbaek Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now