Chapter Twenty Seven

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A/N: I couldn't focus on this yesterday because my body was killing me (still is really) and all I can keep thinking about is getting a massage... Oof. 😑😑😑


"Don't you have work to do?" Chanyeol pushed me gently and I shuffled into my living room a little defeated. I didn't know what to do. I'd been dead on my feet after going to work on my day off and I'd come home intent on crashing until my alarm rang, when Chanyeol had shown up at my door.

Honestly I'd forgotten to eat during the day and the second the aroma of hot fried chicken had hit my nose, my stomach had pinched desperately. I wanted so badly to send him back to where he came from but it smelled so good and he had looked so sad... Still looked sad.

I picked up a case file I was working on but I couldn't focus. What would make a man as self possessed as Chanyeol sad? The only time I had ever seen the same look on his face was when he'd been talking about his ex...

When I shifted my case files to my unsolved box, a piece of paper fluttered to the floor. I sucked in a breath when I picked it up and saw it was Il-Sung's card. It was a plain card; black and white with a simple font. I had forgotten about Il-Sung. Should I call him back? Chanyeol had interrupted our conversation at the club, but I was still interested and I might be busy right now but when I had time -

A slight pain started in my chest and I rubbed at it gently. As much as I tried to think about Il-Sung and his green green eyes, all I kept seeing in my head was sad dark brown ones and legs that went on for days and big ears and -

"You should really get a dishwasher." Chanyeol mumbled as he ambled out the kitchen.

"I live alone." I scoffed and stuffed the card in my sweat pants pocket.

"Did you just move in?" He asked as he looked around the nearly empty house.

"No." I stacked the rest of my papers on my desk in the paperwork box. "I've been here a few years." He raised his eyebrow at me but said nothing. We stared at each other in silence for a good minute or so before Chanyeol sighed quietly and picked up his coat.

"I should go. I still have some people watching Myung-Jun so I'll call you if - "

"You don't have to go." It slipped out of my mouth unconsciously. He stilled with one arm in his coat. "You don't have to." I coughed gently to clear my throat and fiddled with the stapler on my desk.

"Aren't you busy?" He asked softly.

"I'm always busy." I shot back and shifted on my feet uncomfortably. This was bad. I could feel it in the way my breathing changed and my chest squeezed. I should be focusing on someone normal like Il-Sung. Someone like Chanyeol would always be a problem, whether they wanted to be or not.

"Baekhyun - "

"I'm gonna go take a shower." I mumbled and made my way down the hallway to my room. I tossed my clothes on the floor while I waited for the water to heat up and I was climbing into the steamy glass cubicle when I heard the bathroom door behind me. I held my breath for too many seconds waiting for the shower door to open and when Chanyeol stepped inside and trailed his fingers up the length of my wet back, I let it go in a shaky huff.

The water was loud and I couldn't hear much besides my own ragged breathing when Chanyeol dragged his lips along the back of my neck. I was hard already but feeling his mouth on my neck made me gasp with how painfully I needed him to touch me more.

"God..." I muttered and I leaned back as his hands curled around my waist and pulled me flat against him. I could feel him hot and heavy on my back and I closed my eyes to savour the feeling. I reached back to hold on to him and I could feel him groan when my hips started to roll slowly. When was the last time I'd felt like this? The thought made my heart beat faster.

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