Chapter Thirteen

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"Keep an eye on the bathrooms."

"Sure, Boss." Gonho nodded, typing on his phone as he walked away. As annoying as Baekhyun had been bossing me around the other day, there was a chance he was right. We had to be extra careful this weekend. Gonho had rolled his eyes when I suggested guards at the bathroom doors, but he knew as well as I did that one more dead body would be chaos.

The doors opened at 19:30 as usual and I went up to my office to watch over things from my window. The crowd was small. It always was this time of the night, everyone coming in heading straight for the bar first to get in a few drinks in their system before they felt like dancing. Behind me, the video screens for the cameras in the club were open and I had the same radio as the rest of the guards so I could listen in for problems. It was silent for now.

As my eyes flittered over the club, I wondered where the little detective was. He said he'd be nearby, didn't he? Sitting in a car, maybe? The only places in the vicinity were other clubs and bars and I couldn't imagine Baekhyun in any of them. His face was either pinched or tired every time I'd seen him. I hadn't ever seen him smiling and relaxed. A brief flash of a limp and bleeding Baekhyun from my dreams entered my head and I closed my eyes quickly. Fuck. Stop thinking about that, Chanyeol. Focus.

I checked my watch. 9 PM. It was closer to the time Baekhyun had told me to watch out for so I went over to the cameras, taking the radio on my desk with me. To be honest, I didn't really know what to look out for as suspicious behaviour in a club. Everyone here was young and horny and were, naturally, sneaking off to dark corners to jump each other's bones. How would I know if anyone was the killer, leading someone off to strangle them? We hadn't gotten a good look at him last time. He could be anyone in this club right now.

"Gonho?" I tapped on the radio at around 10. My eyes were starting to water from staring at the screens for so long.

"Quiet here, Boss man." He replied and I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose. Were we worrying for nothing? Maybe Baekhyun was wrong. Maybe whoever had killed the two men had some sort of beef with them and –

"Shit." Came through the radio.

"What is it?" I hissed, looking up at the camera feeds. I spotted Gonho dashing for the door in the basement level. "Gonho?"

"I heard screaming." He huffed and sure enough, a terrified looking female ran out of the door just as he swung it open on the camera feed.

Gonho tried to make a grab for her, but she threw her hands in the air and let out another shriek. She carried on screaming and soon she was on the ground level, running through the crowd of regular club goers. By now people were starting to realise that something was wrong and stopped dancing, looking around to see what the screaming was about.

I don't know if anyone had heard or seen anything, but soon there was a wave of people running for the door and I dropped the radio, heading for the door. Shit.

The noise once I hit the mezzanine was loud and I winced as I flew down the stairs. Hopefully none would be hurt trying to get out. I was pushing past a still groggy looking couple when I felt a strong hand grab my wrist.


"What are you doing here?" I growled at an angry looking Baekhyun.

"I told you to call me if you had trouble." He shouted and there was another scream from somewhere in the club. Baekhyun froze and reached for his gun that was still strapped to his hip. Shit, had he really come in here looking like that? His police badge was still hanging from his neck and it swung back and forth as he dodged people racing for the entrance. "Stay here." He barked and I scoffed as he disappeared down the hallway. I pulled out my own gun that was tucked in the back of my pants and followed behind him.

"Fuck." Baekhyun was snarling as I entered the room. "How?"

"I don't know." Gunho was looking up at me with wide eyes. "I don't know what happened. We were watching all the exits."

"I told you to call me." Baekhyun repeated and shoved his gun back into its holster.

"Is there another one?" I asked and Gonho nodded once, his face tight. Damn it.

"In the basement bathroom. We...didn't put a guard there. It would have..." He glanced at Baekhyun briefly. "It would have made the clients nervous." I gave him a pat on the back as I passed by him and trailed in after Baekhyun. He had the heels of his hands on his eyes and he looked small again.

"Baekhyun..." His back stiffened and he shot me a venomous glare over his shoulder.


"Hey, we tried. OK? I had everyone watching - "

"Bullshit." He hissed and kicked at the door of one of the stalls. I was shocked when his foot actually made a hole in wood. "I told you to be careful. I told you to CALL ME!"

"HEY!" I raised my voice now. "There was no reason to call you because we didn't see shit until the screaming started."

"What are you even doing down here?" He asked incredulously.

"This is my club." I said as I tucked my own gun back in my pants. His eyes followed the movement and he sneered at me.

"So you were going to what, come down here and fuck up my investigation? What is it with you mafia bastards and your inflated egos?" He growled and I could feel my jaw click as I held back the need to clock him in the face. "Get out."

"You can't just - "

"This is a crime scene. You could be stepping on my evidence." He rumbled. We stared at each other heatedly for a long moment before I rolled my shoulders and left the room. I knew when to pick my battles. 

The Murders at Club Eleven // Chanbaek Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now